The morning 30 outpatients were over, and seeing that the time was exactly twelve o'clock at noon, Carl stretched, moved his neck, stood up, and kicked the bear, who was already asleep on the side.

"Let's go, let's have lunch"

This thing slept all night, came to the outpatient clinic with himself, and slept for another morning, except for eating and sleeping, no wonder this fat has been getting worse and worse recently.

Xiong Ba's ears trembled, the word "eat" is a sensitive word in it, even if he falls asleep, he will wake up quickly when he hears these two words.


I'm going to eat outside, I don't want to eat in the cafeteria.

The cafeteria of the Navy Hospital still tastes very good, but like most canteens in previous lives, there is a common problem, that is, the dishes have not changed for several years.

In this way, no matter how delicious the dish is, after eating it for a few years, it will be tired of eating.

Ka "One, Four, Three" can also ask the canteen to cook a few private dishes for him, but he is not the kind of person who relies on his identity, and he is not the kind of scum like DuPont.

The director of the Navy Hospital doesn't make this private dish, and he doesn't take the lead, so how dare Carl, a wage earner.

"That's eating out."

Carl nodded, I have to train with Karp in the afternoon, and I will definitely consume a lot of physical strength, so I must eat well and eat well at noon, so that I can have the strength to train.

"Let's go eat the nose fish," Karl suggested.

In the morning, Captain Baker, who was on the fishing boat, got two nose fish, which was also a groundbreaking thing, one had been delivered to Carl's house, and of course Carl must have given the money, and the other was sold to the hotel.

This fish is Carl's favorite, so he has to take both of them, and the restaurant one has already been given to him.


"Give me my nose, my body for you"

"Get out, this is what the bear should say, if you invite me, I will promise you, the key is that you have money, you can't consciously order, you can eat and drink to make a face."


Anyway, I don't care, this nose has to be fed for me.

Playing a scoundrel is also what Xiong Ba is best at, so he almost rolls on the ground.

A man and a bear walked out of the gate of the naval hospital.

"Doctor Carl, please wait a minute"

A mature beautiful doctor ran out of the hospital, seemed to be in a hurry, ran in front of Carl, bent over, and took a few breaths.

"It's Doctor Shredded Meat."

Carl looked at the mature beauty doctor in front of him, fleshy, but not fat at all, just the kind of beauty that is very sensual, well, a beauty with a height of three meters, but she is already married.

Carl had to look up at her, and if he looked up at her closer, he couldn't see her face, only the other's bust.

Roush was one of the few people Carl knew he liked to look up.

"It's Ruth"

Shredded meat corrected seriously.

"Don't care about this kind of detail, Doctor Roush, what do you have to do with me, if it's okay, why don't we have a meal together at noon, I ordered a nose fish"

Although the family is already married and the children are four or five years old, who stipulates that single dogs cannot eat with married women, can their thoughts be pure.

"Nose fish, Dr. Carl, how could you like to eat such ugly fish"

Shredded Meat looked surprised, and she couldn't understand why Carl's taste was so unique for such a wonderful doctor.

The ugly guy lives a long time, the handsome guy ages fast, I'm willing to be an ugly monster-----

"Shredded meat, it seems that we can't do it anymore"

Even his favorite nose fish doesn't like to eat it, so even if the other party is unmarried, Carl is not destined to be with her, the taste is different, and they don't conspire with each other.

Although she didn't know what kind of trash Carl was talking about, she didn't come to Carl for.

"Dr. Carl, I have a patient here, who was about to be discharged three days ago, but when he was discharged, he fell and then his body had some conditions, and his condition is very complicated, or Dr. Carl can you help me take a look first"

If you fall and get sick, it's definitely a very good question.

100 people fall in the same place, and in the end everyone is injured in a different size, the part of the injury is different, if you change these numbers to 100,000 people.

Maybe there will be one or two unlucky ones among them, who just fell and fell to death under a series of coincidences.

Unlucky people like this must exist every day in this world.

The patient in the mouth of the shredded meat doctor can also be regarded as an unlucky egg, he fell down, the person did not die, but the body fell out of the disease, and it is not clear what the problem is...,

There are no quacks at all among the doctors who can serve in the naval hospital, and each one of them is the best among them, otherwise you will not be able to enter this naval hospital at all.

Looking for a helper, you must not find a very good helper at once, the first thing you need to find must be a helper who is similar to you, or a little more powerful than you.

Now that Rousi has come to Carl, it proves that all the doctors she knows have seen this disease, but they are not optimistic about each other, so she came to Carl, the pillar of the naval hospital.

"Okay, let's go over and have a look."

Compared with the patient, there is definitely no hurry to eat, and Carl is also a little interested in the unlucky guy, what kind of illness did the other party have after a fall.

Xiong Ba didn't make trouble, he followed behind Carl, and he also knew that in such a thing as seeing a doctor, even if it made trouble, Carl wouldn't pay attention to it.

Came to the ward where Dr. Shredded Meat's patient was.

"Dr. Ruth, why are you here?"

The male patient lay on the hospital bed and said that if Carl hadn't just learned about his situation from Roushi, he would have labeled him as rude.

"I've got Dr. Carl to show you," Roush pointed to Carl next to him.

There was also a woman next to the patient, who was supposed to be his wife. 5.0

As natives of Marin Vando, how could they not know Karl's name, so they looked at Karl in surprise, and the male patient even wanted to get up.

But halfway through his wake, he collapsed directly on the hospital bed.

"Dr. Karl is so sorry that I can only talk to you like this," the patient said embarrassedly.

"I've learned about you from Shredded Meat," Karl nodded.

Pork? Still saying that he had misheard, the patient looked at Dr. Ruth suspiciously.

Ruth's face stiffened slightly, and she didn't say anything, but reminded the other party when she did.

Judging from the patient's complexion, the other party really doesn't look like a sick person, no matter how you look at it, he is a healthy person, but the other party is indeed sick, and it is a very incomprehensible disease, which can also be called an incurable disease. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - harvest

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