The symptoms of this patient are very miraculous, when lying down, just like a normal person, there is no problem with the test results, but as long as you stand up, all kinds of strange symptoms will appear.

After standing up, the eyes will look down, unable to look up and left and right, the head will automatically droop, unable to move left and right and lift, sometimes there will be rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, or general weakness, and even unconscious.

This condition sounds strange, and Carl has never encountered it in his two lives combined.

"At first, I thought that the patient had fallen and injured an internal organ in the body, but after examination, the patient's various organs were functioning normally and there was no lesion, so I ruled out this possibility."

"Later, it was analyzed whether the patient was frightened and had hysteria after a fall, but after some examinations and psychological tests, this conclusion was ruled out"

Doctor Shredded Meat said on the side, his mature and beautiful face was very distressed.

I walked in front of the patient and took a pulse, and the pulse was stable, and there was no problem from the pulse.

"You fell before you were discharged from the hospital, did anything happen before or after?"

16 Wrestling like this, perhaps there were other factors in it, but it was ignored by this patient.


The patient thought carefully before speaking.

"Not really, you're thinking about it, like what you ate before, or what you did after you fell"

The woman on the side subconsciously said: "When I was discharged from the hospital, I was happy that my husband drank a lot of wine and ate a lot of food."

"Doctor, my husband can't be poisoned."

As if thinking of this possibility, the woman hurriedly asked.

Rousi shook his head: "Impossible, his blood was checked afterwards, and there are no toxins"

Carl also shook his head: "It's not poisoning, as for the reason, I haven't found it yet, don't worry"

"Did it become like this immediately after the fall, or did it become like this after a while?"

"It became like this immediately after the fall, and when I stood up, I noticed that something was wrong with my body, it was very uncomfortable, and as soon as I lay on the ground, the uncomfortable feeling disappeared," the patient replied.

"Do you have an inspection report?"


The woman next to her immediately took out a bunch of reports, because she couldn't find out where the cause was, so during this time, all the items that the patient could check were examined.

What a spine, internal organs, even angiography.

Obviously, the meat doctor had no choice, and he checked all the impossible places.

Carl looked at the information carefully, and in addition to ruling out the machine problem, then from these information, this patient has no problem at all, he is a healthy person.

But now that he's in a hospital bed, something must be wrong.

Carl came to the patient's side, used the skill of internal organ repair, looked at the patient's internal organs, and there was no problem, as well as the bones.

Touching his chin, Carl showed surprise: "It's all good, why is there a problem standing up?"

Lying down is a healthy person, standing up is a patient, what is the reason for this?

Even though Carl was very confident in his medical skills, he didn't have a clue for a while, and this was the first time he had come to this world.

"What's in that bag"

Suddenly, Carl saw the file bag on the patient's bedside, which was used by the Navy Hospital to store the examination report, but just now he said that the examination report was shown to him, and the patient gave it to him, but it was not the one at the bedside.

"This is a condition for patients who have hepatitis before they are admitted to the hospital," Ruth said.

The other party thought that hepatitis was admitted to the hospital, and after being cured, he fell again, and as a result, he got this strange disease.

These materials were all items of examination during the pneumonia period, so the patient did not show Carl, but took the examination materials after he had this strange disease.

"I'll take a look first"

Carl nodded, he didn't have any clue right now, so he took a look at the information first, although he didn't have much hope for it.

Carl's memory has always been very good, looking at the B-ultrasound in his hand, Carl's eyes lit up slightly, and he seemed to have really discovered something.

"Show me the ultrasound that I checked after I fell."

Holding the two B-ultrasound for comparison, after a few minutes, Carl suddenly smiled: "I know what's going on"

Rou Shi hurriedly said: "What is the reason?"

The patient followed suit and said, "Dr. Carl, what is my disease?"

"Not a disease, to be exact"

Saying that, Carl picked up the two B-ultrasounds, put them at the same height and said, "Doctor Roush, you take a closer look to see if the position of the patient's liver has changed before and after the fall."

When Carl said this, the meat shredded looked carefully, and soon found that although the position of the liver on the two films was very positive, there was indeed a slight difference, one was slightly up, and the other was moved down.

If you don't look closely, you really can't see the slightest difference.

"The location has changed"

This discovery surprised Dr. Meat.

"That's right, it's the position that has changed, and based on the change in the position of the liver, I made an inference that when the patient fell at that time, the position of the liver moved."

"This position of movement is very special, when the patient lies down, the liver is reset, so the body completes normally, and when the patient stands up, the liver begins to displace, so there are all kinds of strange 063 symptoms."

Carr's inference is naturally justified, so he continued: "The basis of my inference is that when the patient stands up, the eyes must be downward, and medically speaking, the liver is the main eye, and the eyes are not right, it must be because the liver is not right."

In fact, there is no such thing as a posterior liver in the pirate world, this is a traditional Chinese medicine statement, although many drugs in the pirate world are made of herbs, but there is no Chinese medicine here.

Here, Western medicine and Chinese medicine are collectively referred to as doctors.

Doctor Rousi didn't speak, because she didn't know why it was the liver master, not the lung master, or the kidney master, she didn't think Carl was talking nonsense, she just felt that she was not good at learning and didn't read enough books, otherwise she wouldn't know the liver master.

Carl looked at the patient and the meat silk with puzzled eyes, and wanted to explain to the meat silk why it was the liver master, but thinking about it, it didn't seem to be a sentence or two that could explain it, and it had to be talked about at night.

Although he was a surgeon in his previous life, his grandfather was a master of Chinese medicine, and he taught him a lot of knowledge about Chinese medicine since he was a child, and he was also very serious about learning at that time.

After the college entrance examination, his grandfather passed away, and he was going to apply for the Chinese medicine major, but his grandfather, who was a Western doctor, was forced to apply for Western medicine.

After that, he became a Western doctor, but Chinese medicine did not give up. _

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