"Doctor, how do I treat this disease, do I need to have surgery?" the patient hurriedly asked.

In his mind, his liver is in the wrong position, and if he wants to get it in the right position, he will definitely not be able to do it through the skin and flesh, so he must have surgery.

"I'll immediately ask if there is an empty operating room."

Even Dr. Roush thinks so.

Seeing that the meat was about to leave, Carl immediately stopped the other party, and said under the other party's puzzled gaze: "There is no need to be so troublesome, in fact, the method is very simple, I can let him recover and go home today."

"Really Doctor"

The patient looked at Carl excitedly, and now he has great confidence in Carl, and the patient's wife is also very excited.

"Dr. Carl, you really don't need surgery"

Rousi couldn't think of any other way to reduce the patient's liver than surgery.

"No," Carl shook his head.

"He's been lying here for days, lying all day, and even if it's okay, it's going to be a problem."

"Yes, doctor, your body will be very sore after lying down for a long time," the patient nodded hurriedly.

Anything is not good for a long time, you lie in bed for a month and try it, but if you are not sick, you will lie down sick, believe it or not.

"What kind of medicine do you need to take?" asked Roush.

If you don't have surgery, you have to take medicine, but among all the drugs, there is no drug that can make the liver move.

"It's very simple, you go to the cafeteria to get a meal and buy two bottles of wine," Carl said to the patient's wife.

"Dr. Carl, you're hungry," the patient's wife said puzzled.

"No, it's his medicine, don't worry about it so much, just go buy food and wine"

Carl smiled and shook his head.

Although the patient's wife wondered what this thing was for, she nodded and went to the cafeteria.

"Dr. Carl, what do these do?"

Rou Si asked eagerly, and the patient on the side also looked at Carl tightly, when will food and wine become a prescription, if the two of them didn't believe Carl, it is estimated that he would have been beaten out by now.

"You'll know then," Karl smiled mysteriously.

The two stopped talking for a while, the other party didn't speak, and it was useless to continue asking.

Many doctors in the Navy Hospital have seen this patient before, and they don't know who spread the word, saying that Carl has a way to cure this patient.

This is not because when the patient's wife returned, there were already six or seven more doctors in the small ward, and these doctors she still knew, all of whom had seen her husband.

"This is the cure?" One of the doctors said incredulously.

Originally, he heard the shredded meat say that the prescription was rice and wine, but he didn't believe it, but he didn't expect the patient's wife to really buy it.

"Dr. Carl, I bought it," said the patient's wife.

"Eat these, and you'll be cured," Carl said.


The patient will be skeptical.

"Anyway, even if you can't cure it, your illness won't get worse because of eating these, will you?"

This is a big truth, and the patient has not eaten lunch yet, so his wife raised the pillow and began to feed him, drinking wine while eating, which was quite delicious.

Smelling the aroma of the food, the hungry Xiong Ba turned around a little anxiously.


Cook, when are we going to eat, I'm hungry.

Carl patted Xiongba's head to indicate that you should be quiet, and at the same time gave Xiongba a quick look, you think I'm not hungry

This patient drank quite well, and even drank half a catty of wine.

After drinking the wine, the patient's face also showed a hint of drunkenness, and he said in his mouth: "This wine tastes really good"

At this time, the meal was finished, the wine was drunk, and everyone in the ward looked at Ka.

"It's okay, let him stand up and try"

When the patient's wife heard this, she hurriedly put down the dishes and chopsticks in her hand: "He is very drunk now, will there be anything?"

"Who said I was drunk, I'm not drunk, I can drink again," the patient said.

I'm really drunk, and I thought you had a good amount of alcohol before.

"It's going to be fine, don't worry"

So with the support of the patient's wife, the patient slowly got out of bed and then stood up, not because the patient was drunk and confused.

"Let go of him," Karl said.

The patient's wife hesitated, but finally let go, and the patient stumbled and held on to the wall so that he did not fall.

"I still have wine here, do you want to drink it?"

Carl held the empty bottle in his hand and shook it at the patient.

The patient looked up at the wine bottle in Carl's hand, and shouted, "Give me wine, I'll drink it again", and walked towards Carl step by step.

At this time, a doctor suddenly shouted: "Okay, his eyes are better, and his head can be straightened"

After shouting like this, everyone really found that the symptoms of the patient's previous standing up had really disappeared, and at this time he only had the drunken state after normal drunkenness.

Dr. Rousi immediately checked the patient's heartbeat, heart rate, and blood pressure, which were all very normal, and the patient stood up before, but these were not normal at all.

It's amazing, what the hell is going on, eating a meal and drinking a little wine cured this disease, when is it so easy to cure the disease, all the doctors looked at Carl in surprise.

How did he do this operation, can he teach them, even if he doesn't teach, he will explain it.

"Dr. Carl, what the hell is going on?"

After confirming that the patient's indicators were normal, Dr. Rousi said excitedly.

The doctors in the ward, including the patient's wife, looked at Carl and wondered what the hell was the reason.

"Actually, the principle is very simple, as soon as I say it, you will know it."

Well, you say, it's still whetting our appetites.

"Drinking alcohol to expand the lungs, eating to expand the stomach, these two organs are swollen, don't you push the liver to its original position," Carl said with a smile.

When Carl said this, all the doctors' eyes suddenly lit up, and they all showed a sudden realization, but that's not it, this method is really wonderful, this is still the way people can think of.

This method is the same as a sharp turn in the brain meridian, before you don't know the answer, you think the answer must be difficult, but after knowing the answer, you will feel that it is so simple, and you will even feel that you are too stupid.

"Okay, you help him back to bed, when he wakes up, he can be discharged"

"Thank you, doctor, thank you so much"

The patient's wife said excitedly.

Carl nodded and then said to the shredded meat: "Doctor shredded meat, I'm going to eat first, you really don't want to eat with me"

Rou shredded shook her head, she was hit by you, what else to eat, she had no appetite, and now she doesn't even want to eat dinner. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - harvest

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