A naval lieutenant took a sea cutout and clung it to Shiki's legs.

The Sea Cutout can be seen as a solid sea, and it is also very strong, and for those with Devil Fruit abilities, once you are shackled by the Sea Cutl, then even if you are strong, you will become a soft-footed shrimp.

Sea Cutout Stone is also the Navy's main means of dealing with pirate capable people, and the technology to create Sea Cutout Stone is only possessed by the Navy, so pirates can't use this to deal with naval capable people.

At the moment when the sea cutout stone was handed over to Shiji, the latter suddenly laughed.

In the eyes of many, this is completely the lost laughter of the loser, even Karp thought so at first, but suddenly there was a whistling sound in his ears, as if something had fallen.

"Ships, there are still ships in the sky" Several sharp-eyed navies looked up and saw the ships falling rapidly in the night sky, and immediately let out a frightened sound.

Previously, Shiki attacked the naval headquarters by falling off ships, and he thought that the ships in the sky had already fallen at the beginning.

Unexpectedly, Shiji actually hid a batch, until he was handquartered by the sea stone and lost the ability to flutter fruits, and those ships floating in the air fell down one by one.

"Well, how about this last gift, hahaha----" Shiki laughed, that was the purpose of his laughter.

The navy, who thought that the battle was over, had just let go of their tense hearts, but the next moment they found that there was still a disaster waiting for them.

The direction in which the ship fell, not only the naval headquarters, but also the small town of Marinfando.

More than half of the Navy Headquarters has been damaged, and the navy inside is more powerful than ordinary people, so even if it falls and there are casualties, it should not be too many.

However, the small town of Marinfando is inhabited by ordinary people, and most of them are family members of the main navy, and if this is smashed, there will definitely be a large number of casualties.

Under the noses of the Navy, countless civilians have been killed and wounded, which will definitely nail all the Navy to the Pillar of Shame, especially the upper echelons of the Navy.

So at this moment, Marshal Kong was already red-eyed, and he was about to retire to Mari Joya as the commander of the whole army, but in the end, he was given such a play, not because he smeared his resume.

The key is that he, like most of the Navy, lives in the small town of Marinfando.

"With all our strength to stop the town, we must not be the most disgraceful navy of this generation" Sora roared, his body already ejected.

Nearly half of the Navy Headquarters was destroyed by the Golden Lion, should he destroy the town of Marinfando, so that they will definitely become the most humiliating generation of high-ranking people in the history of the Navy.

At this moment, even the lazy Polusalino showed a rare serious look, as the owner of the Sparkling Fruit, he had the fastest speed in the pirate world.

Using the Eight Mirrors to shoot out a path of light, the person moved quickly on the path of light, and its speed had exceeded that of the naked eye, at least Carl didn't see how the other party left.

"Fist Bone Meteor Swarm".

Karp didn't know when there was an extra bunch of cannonballs around him, holding one in his hand, and throwing it out, the cannonballs shot out faster than the cannons.

A ship was taken over in an instant by countless shells.


Porusalino's finger shot a laser that pierced a ship, and then his finger continued to shake, and the laser shook as well, and the ship turned into countless fragments.

Although many of the debris ended up on the house, it was much less than the damage caused by the fall of an entire ship.

As for the other navies, they are dealing with the ships above their heads, and there are more of them than there are more of them than Marinfan.

Sakasky set a ship on fire with magma, and the burning ship fell into flames, injuring many of the surrounding naval soldiers.

Sakaski, who felt that he had done a bad job, his face was dark, but fortunately it was dark and he couldn't see it.

Kuzan created huge ice bars on the side of the fortress and the naval headquarters, standing high on the ground, and the ships fell down, and one by one they were blocked by the ice.

Kuzan saved another intact building of the Navy Headquarters, and at the same time saved many Navy soldiers.

When the Golden Lion attacked the headquarters, Marshal Kong ordered some lieutenant generals and major generals to protect the town of Marin Fando and pacify the people of the town.

These lieutenant generals, major generals, have become the last umbrella of the small town of Marinfando at this moment, and even if Karp and Polusalino are strong, there are only two people, and they can't do it to smash all the dozen ships when the ships fall.

The battle with the Golden Lion Shiki was loud, so the people of the town had already gathered in the square early in the morning, led by the lieutenant general and the major general.

"Smash these ships for me, and let them land here," one of the lieutenant generals roared.

Immediately some of the giant lieutenant generals beside him went into action, brandishing huge weapons and smashing these ships, and a fierce giant lieutenant general even caught one ship with his innate brute strength.

Because of the giant's physical advantage, and also in order to win over the giant village of Elbaf, the Navy Headquarters recruited some giants to serve as vice admirals in the headquarters.

These ships are small ships and smaller than giants, with adult giants at least 12 meters in size, and are the presence that most races look up to.

The presence of giants caused the number of ships to continue to decrease, and in the end, only one ship smashed completely on the small town of Marinfando.

Most of the town's inhabitants were stupefied, who had lived in Marinfando for generations, how could they have imagined that the safest place in the world would one day be beaten in.

In their cognition, a pirate is a creature that escapes when he sees the navy, even if he is as strong as One Piece Roger, he has not been captured by the navy.

I never thought that a pirate would dare to attack Marinfando, and more importantly, the other party also succeeded and caused damage to Marinfando.

There were no ships falling in the sky that day, and everyone, including Sora, breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, a few giant lieutenant generals were left in the town before, otherwise ------ the sky below would have already expressed that they didn't dare to think about it.

"Shiji, I'm going to lock you up in Advance City for five hundred years, even if you die, you don't want to leave Push City," Marshal Sky yelled angrily.

Tonight was too exciting, and the marshal lost his original composure and wisdom.

If it weren't for the rules, he would have wanted to slice Shi Ji now, and the thought that he would have to face the five old stars and the world's questioning early tomorrow morning, his empty head turned a little black.

"Hahaha, whatever you want, how can my golden lion Shiji be a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, I am the first person in history, you all have to remember it for me----- hahaha ------


The golden lion smiled heartily, without the slightest fear.

Karl stood from a distance and watched the other party, although he was angry at the other party's behavior of hurting innocent people, but he was impressed by the other party's bearing.

In 1497, one of the three legendary sea pirates, the Golden Lion Shiki, attacked the naval headquarters at night, causing nearly half of the headquarters to be destroyed, and was defeated by Vice Admiral Karp and imprisoned in the city.

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