The sea thief Shiki attacked the naval headquarters at night, Malin Fando, severely damaged the naval headquarters, and left the greatest humiliation in the history of the naval headquarters.

Karl was busy again, as Skee's last surprise, the ship's downfall, had already caused a number of casualties among his sailors, some of whom were accidentally injured by Sakasky's magma.

Salvation value 8635

Character: Vincent Carr

Devil Fruit: Raw Fruit

Abilities: Slow Heal 20/5000 (Perfect) Fast Heal 15+/8000 (Perfect).

Passive ability: strengthen the body (after effective exercise, it can improve the overall quality of the body faster than ordinary people, and will never leave a dark injury).

Currently activators: Antibody Up (requires 3000 save value).

The naval soldiers treated before, plus the naval soldiers treated this time, gave Carl a lot of saving points, but the price was that his legs were constantly swinging, and the physical exertion was too great.

Salvation value 0

Character: Vincent Carr

Devil Fruit: Raw Fruit

Ability: Slow Heal 5000/5000 Quick Heal 15+/8000 (Perfect) Antibody Boost 655+/3500 (Starter).

Passive ability: strengthen the body (after effective exercise, it can improve the overall quality of the body faster than ordinary people, and will never leave a dark injury).

Currently activator skill: Visceral Repair (requires 10000 save value).

Raised all the save points to heal slowly.,Completely improve the quantity.,The word perfect has disappeared later.,Obviously, the level of perfection is proficiency and can't be improved.。

Later, I learned about antibody therapy, and I don't know what effect this ability has yet, but I look at the name Carl to understand it roughly, but if you want to really understand this ability, you have to find someone to use it.

After learning the antibody boost, a new skill appeared, which made Carl's eyes very hot.

Visceral repair.

In the world of pirates, there are two types of injuries that are most susceptible, one is external injuries and the other is internal injuries.

In terms of external injuries, he has been cured slowly and quickly, but internal injuries can only be treated with drugs and surgery, and the fruit ability has not been developed.

Now, as long as he has enough save points, he can activate the skill of internal organ repair, which is one step closer to him becoming a great healer.

1000 save points, which is still a bit much, if there is no big battle today, Carl will not get so many save points as 8635.

The only source of his salvation value now is the Naval Hospital, and it seems that he has to visit a few departments recently to see what the effect of antibody enhancement is.

"Sister Qinyuan, I'll treat you."

After the battle, Qin Yuan did not come to Carl for the first time, but helped clean up the battlefield, and worked for a while before coming to the healing tent.

"Well, please, Carl".

Qin Yuan exposed his back to Carl, and there was a hideous wound on his back, which fell directly from his shoulder to the side of the fourth vertebrae, and the flesh around him rolled to both sides.

With this injury, it is estimated that ordinary people would have died a long time ago, how can they be like Qin Yuan, showing that they can still fight with no one else.

The fierceness of the Qin Garden in his heart has risen to another level, and looking at the Jiaji on the side, Carl suddenly felt a little sympathetic.

Look at the woman you like, so strong, you are sure that you can afford it.

The rapid healing was activated, and the wound had been healed in less than a minute, and Qin Yuan only felt that his back was numb, but he couldn't see what the wound had become.

"Alright, Sister Qinyuan," Carl said.


It seems that he can't believe his ears, Qin Yuan has seen Carl treat external injuries, a wound as big as his own, with Carl's previous ability, it must not be able to heal so quickly.

I touched my back, and the wound was indeed gone, replaced by the original smooth skin, because the twisting action was a little big, and in the broken clothes behind my back, a part of a certain pair of great shores was faintly exposed.

Gaji's eyes were straight.


Carl kicked Gaji violently and cursed.

"I had a breakthrough in my abilities, so the treatment was a lot faster," Carl explains.

In fact, after learning the skill of quick healing, Carl used the skill of slow healing relatively rarely, of course, if it was only some small wounds, he still used slow healing to treat them.

"When I become a rear admiral, how about Carl come to my ship as a ship doctor" Qin Yuan raised her eyebrows, and Carl's ability amazed her again.

She can understand why these high-ranking naval officials value Carl so much, or that Carl in the future, Carl is already so powerful now, if she waits for a few years, the navy probably won't have anyone who died of serious injuries.

In the Navy Headquarters, only generals who have reached the rank of rear admiral are qualified to lead the fleet alone, and the officers at the rank of colonel are basically entourage.


The next day, the great voyage was basically shocked by one thing, the people of the countries and islands, read the newspaper this morning, and the news bird was also sending the newspaper to the four seas.

"Golden Lion Night Attack on the Navy Headquarters".

"The Lament of the Legendary Pirate Golden Lion".

"Is it the victory of the navy or the victory of the pirates?".

"Shocked! Three Things the Golden Lion Shiki and One Piece Roger Have to Say


Looking at the newspapers of various newspapers, the headlines are all from last night, except for the last headline, the headlines of other newspapers are normal.

I didn't expect that there were shocks here, Carl looked at the title and complained weakly.

Although Shiki was finally arrested and imprisoned in the city, the impact he caused was absolutely huge, and the most direct impact was that the people did not believe in the power of the navy.

You can look at a pirate who can attack the naval headquarters, and also destroy half of the buildings in the headquarters, and even the small town of Marinfando has been affected, and several unlucky ordinary people have died.

The pirates can even fight the Navy Headquarters, the place with the highest force value in the world, so what about these countries, and whether the Navy still has the strength to protect them.

The majesty of the navy has been hit like never before, and it is clear that they are the final victors, but in the eyes of many, it is a defeat.

On the contrary, the loser Shiji is more like a winner, so in the next period of time, many pirates were influenced by Shiki, and their actions became more and more rampant, and some even saw the navy warships and did not escape, and directly fought with the navy.

Marshal Kong rushed to Mary Joya overnight and was scolded by the five old stars as grandsons for a night.

Now the Navy urgently needs to do one thing to save face in the Navy, let everyone know that yesterday was an accident, the Navy will always be the strongest, and your dad is your dad.

When Marshal Sky came back with a black face, he ordered to transport Roger to the town of Roger in the East China Sea for execution.

Kill a One Piece and keep you rampant pirates calm and calm.

At the same time, he ordered Polusalino to cruise the great voyage, and if he encountered pirates, he would call me.

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