The appearance of the Whitebeard Pirates turned the tide of the situation.

As the saying goes, the name of the man, the shadow of the tree, the white-bearded Newgate, is definitely the most powerful man in the world, as one of the three legendary pirates of Roger's time.

Although the title of One Piece was taken away by Roger, you can't underestimate Whitebeard, and you don't dare to underestimate it.

A few years ago, the Golden Lion, who was also one of the three legendary pirates, attacked the Navy Headquarters at night, causing nearly half of the headquarters to be damaged and suffering heavy casualties.

Although Whitebeard has never done such a thing, if he wants to do it, his destructive power is definitely stronger than that of the Golden Lion.

The Moby Dick leaned against the ice, and then Whitebeard's tall body stepped off the ship, flanked by several captains.

Now there are only six or seven captains on the Whitebeard Pirates, and the number is not as many as during the war.

His captains, each of them is placed outside, they are all at the level of sea pirates, and they can compete with the lieutenant generals of the headquarters, and the eldest son, Brother Xiaoma, can fight with the generals.

It was the first time Carl had seen a living white beard, holding a pheasant knife in his hand, a crescent-shaped beard, and a rough face, even if he stood still, he gave people a kind of calmness and pressure like Tarzan.

is such a powerful person, why is his fetish so special, he likes to find his godson everywhere and call him daddy.

In other words, the four emperors seem to have some special habits.

Whitebeard won't talk about it.

Kaido likes to commit suicide, suicide everywhere, suicide in various ways, in fact, he doesn't want to die at all, he just uses suicide to show his strength.

If you really want to die, just eat another Devil Fruit, unless you're Blackbeard, you're going to die, or jump into the sea and drown yourself.

It's not easy to want to die, Carl has hundreds of ways to make you die.

Auntie's hobby is to eat sweets and find men, she was in great shape and had a backward future, but she was ruined by sweets.

And looking for a man is also very casual, what you are looking for is a crooked melon and cracked date, you can't find a handsome one, and there are few good-looking children you give birth to.

After marrying a man and giving birth to a child, he repaired the man and married a new man.

So if you want to talk about the most scumbag in the pirate world, the aunt is definitely the first.

The last one is Shanks, a guy who loves to pretend to be forced everywhere, he always likes to let others give him face, and if he doesn't give you face, he can't get along with him, the Four Emperors.

You said that ordinary people dare not to give, of course they have to give.

"Shanks, you look like a wolf~" Whitebeard laughed.

"Daddy, you're so timely," Shanks smiled bitterly, feeling like heaven is not going to kill me.

Basically all pirates, whether they are Whitebeard's godsons or not, are called Whitebeard's fathers.

"Whitebeard, why are you here?"

Kuzan looked at the other party vigilantly, exuding a chill all over his body, there was no way, the pressure on him from the man in front of him was too great, even if he didn't fight, he felt that he would lose from the bottom of his heart.

At the same time, he didn't expect that Shanks would actually know the dignified Whitebeard, the gap between the two is too big, maybe Whitebeard appeared here just for Shanks.

He didn't think Whitebeard was passing by.

Kuzan also scolded the intelligence department of the Navy in his heart, you said that a person as big as Whitebeard had no intelligence on his return from the New World to the Great Voyage.

If there is intelligence, the Whitebeard Pirates will definitely be followed by the navy's warships.

Now he didn't see any warships other than him here.

"Little ghost, where does my whitebeard go, I still have your consent?"

Whitebeard said domineeringly.

Cal held back a smile, and at Whitebeard's age, it was not an exaggeration to call Kuzan a little ghost.

Looking down at Carl who was covering his mouth, if he could, Kuzan really threw this bastard kid to Whitebeard, when was it, could he show a little fear and nervousness.

"Daddy, this kid seems to be the owner of the fruit"

Pony pointed to Carl beside Kuzan and said, his tone was a little surprised.

They came to the Great Voyage, and they didn't come specifically for Shanks, and even if they were the crew of One Piece, they didn't have such a big face.

The main purpose of coming to the Great Voyage was to seek medical treatment and cure Whitebeard, and seeing Shanks was only secondary.

But I didn't expect to see not only Shanks today, but also the treasure of the navy.

That's right, it's the treasure of the navy, and Carl's status in the navy belongs to the baby.

In the past, the Whitebeard Pirates wanted to snatch Carl from the Navy Headquarters, but doing so would definitely cause heavy casualties to themselves, and Whitebeard did not agree, so the plan was put on hold.

Now Karl himself sent it to them.

"Daddy troubled and killed this child"

Shanks hurriedly said, until now Shanks was still thinking about Carl's life.

"Damn, are you stupid fork sick, why do you keep killing me, I'm not more handsome than you, cute, use it like this, I tell you, don't wait for me to grow up, or I'll kill you"

Carl was also angry, and tried to kill himself again and again, so I didn't have a temper, so he scolded directly.

"That tall and mighty uncle, I don't think you will make a move on such a lovely child, otherwise it will damage your whitebeard's prestige, if it spreads, those pirates will say in the future that you whitebeard will kill even children."

Saying that, he looked at Whitebeard with a smile, if he could, he really wanted to take out the notebook and ask Whitebeard to sign it, there was already Roger's name on the notebook.

I used to want Shanks to sign one too, but now, the other party has removed the name.

Whitebeard looked at Carlton and laughed: "Little ghost, do you think your methods will be effective for me Whitebeard?"

Nonsense, of course I know it doesn't work, but I just hold on to the luck in case you like to listen to good words.

"Daddy, if this little ghost is here, your illness may be cured"

Marco said in Whitebeard's ear that Whitebeard's illness must not be passed on (Wang Zhaohao).

Hearing this, Whitebeard looked at Carl and said, "If the kid wants to be my son, I promise that no one in this world will dare to bully you."

My sister, believe it or not, I'll beat you to death, and I'll hit your lungs.

Carl didn't expect that one day he would receive an invitation from Whitebeard to recognize him as his godson.

I only be a father, never a son, I am your father.

Although he was so angry in his heart, he had no choice but to be stronger than himself, so he glanced at Kuzan.

Hey, Kuzan, you're really weak, you have to be stronger, stronger than Whitebeard, I see if he dares to let me be his son, and I feel quite angry in my heart.

Inexplicably, Kuzan read Carl's eyes, if it weren't for the wrong occasion, he would have wanted to serve Carl well with his fists.

"Whitebeard, Carl is a navy, he won't become a pirate, even if he dies," Kuzan said solemnly.

If I die, I can actually become a pirate, or I can have multiple fathers. _

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