The first time you met, let me be your son, it's like the first blind date, and the man said that the room was already open.

Nima, I don't want to lose face, even if you are whitebeard, the strongest man on the sea, you can't humiliate me like this, let me be your son.

You have so many sons, and you will die in the future, how will this property be divided?

"Pheasant, I do things with a white beard, and I don't need you to point fingers"

Whitebeard glanced at Kuzan, and gently thumped his left arm to the side, as if the space had been cracked, and white cracks appeared.

Immediately after, Kuzan next to Karl thumped and was knocked out.


Seeing Kuzan being abused like this by Whitebeard, Carl secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

What should I do, Whitebeard wants to take me as his son, and the bodyguard Kuzan was also injured by him, do I agree, or promise, wait online, I'm in a hurry.

Although Whitebeard is sick now, his strength is definitely higher than when he was in the top war, and Kuzan's strength has not yet reached its peak, plus he has just fought with Shanks and others.

So all in all, he was knocked away by Whitebeard's punch, and it doesn't seem to be incomprehensible.

Carl glanced at Whitebeard, then ran up to Kuzan and helped him up, who spat out a few mouthfuls of blood, and his chest was already sunken.

This is obviously a fracture 737, and it is estimated that the bone has also injured the internal organs inside.

With Kuzan's constitution, he definitely couldn't die, so Karl didn't treat it.

Lest Kuzan be cured, didn't he give Whitebeard another reason to beat Kuzan.

Judging from just now, Whitebeard should not kill Kuzan, after all, Kuzan is a naval admiral, if he is really killed, then the naval headquarters will definitely go crazy.

In order to save the face of the navy, Sengoku will definitely fight the Whitebeard Pirates to the end.

"What now"

Karl asked with some eagerness, he was known as a witty man, but in the face of absolute strength, his little cleverness could not play any role.

"I'll throw you into the boat, and then drag them down, don't worry they won't kill me," Kuzan said, touching the blood from the corner of his mouth.

The tone was completely desperate.

Carl is so moved now, I didn't expect Kuzan to fight so hard to protect himself, and the feud of the small book will be cut twice for you, and it can't be more.

"Or I'll promise him, and then when you go back, I'll go and move the rescuers."

Carl tried to say what was safer for both parties.

When Kuzan heard this, he just looked at Carl like this, and he didn't speak, he looked at Carl quietly, and Karl felt a little hairy in his heart.

"Why are you doing it, do you agree or not?"

Carl was a little angry, when is it, and he is still obsessed with my cute and handsome face, you are a man, can your hobbies be normal.

"I'm not worried about you," Kuzan said lightly.

Why don't you worry, I'm worried that I'll be bullied by the Whitebeard Pirates.

"With the degree of greed for life and fear of death, you will really become a pirate by then," Kuzan then said.


Whitebeard, you just started too clear, why don't you just beat this product to death, so that I don't have to do multiple-choice questions, how simple is it to directly multiple-choice questions.

I'm greedy for life and afraid of death, I'm debauchery and love freedom, you know.

"Hey, can you two be quieter when you two talk?"

Marco looked at Kuzan and Karl speechlessly.

It was only then that the two noticed that Marco was beside them.

Now it's okay, the other party must have heard what he just said.

This little brother is not authentic, how can he do the drama of eavesdropping.

"Hey, Whitebeard, I can grant your request, but I have the conditions," Karl said loudly.

Kuzan on the side already had a stern look, but Karl ignored it.

Lao Tzu is saving you, you are still glaring at me, you deserve to be beaten into an old cold leg by a red dog in the future.

"What conditions, let's hear about it"

Whitebeard looked at Carl with interest, he was able to negotiate terms in front of him, and he was a child of seven or eight years old, and this courage alone was enough to impress him.

"First, let Kuzan and those navies go back"

"No problem"

Whitebeard agreed, and Kuzan didn't matter to him.

"Second, kill Shanks"

Carl pointed to Shanks, who had already been saved by Whitebeard.

This thing wants to kill himself, and of course he will kill him if he has the chance.

Shanks looked at him with a cold chill, but he didn't speak.

Whitebeard glanced between Carl and Shanks a few times, then smiled, "I refuse"

"Then kill that sniper"

Carl was not surprised, and changed his target, which was Jebus.

If Shanks is the mastermind, then Jebusu is the executor.

Now Jesus is still in a coma.

"Daddy, he's my important partner"

Shanks has no confidence now, he is Roger's crew member, seeing Roger's face, Whitebeard will definitely not kill him, but Jebusu has nothing to do with Roger.

And he also knew that Carl's fruit ability might really cure Whitebeard, so if he wanted to get Carl, Whitebeard would most likely agree to his request.

Marco and the other godsons also looked at Jebusu, and several of them were eager to try if their father didn't do anything because of Shanks's affection, then they could do it for him.

"Hahahaha, you're really good, little ghost, but no one can negotiate terms with me Whitebeard"

After a moment of silence, Whitebeard burst out laughing, and the loud sound shook Carl's ears.

"There's nothing in this world that can't be discussed, there's nothing to talk about, it's just that the chips aren't enough"

"I can cure you, although I can't cure you now, but in a few years, I will definitely be able to cure you" Carl looked at Whitebeard with blazing eyes.

At this moment, the faces of Marco and the other godsons changed, because the news of Whitebeard's illness had always been confidential, and even if they sought medical treatment, it was done in secret.

I never imagined that Carl would know and say it in front of so many people.

Even Whitebeard was a little surprised now, and his sick appearance was not visible in the slightest.

"It's a miraculous fruit," Whitebeard said.

He attributed Karl's knowledge of his illness to the fruit.

The Devil Fruit itself is the most mysterious thing in this world, so it is not for nothing that the other party can see something.

"Fruit, can cure any disease in this world, provided that I'm alive, of course" Carl certainly won't explain why he knows about Whitebeard's illness.

The reason why they mistakenly think that the fruit is also very good, just invisibly increases the force of the fruit and makes them more important. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - harvest

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