When Carl and Orson came to the gate of Dupont's house, he happened to see DuPont running out with a happy face, came to him, and said excitedly, "Carl heard that you beat up Field."

Field is stupid, and DuPont's children's ability to take nicknames is too old-fashioned.

"Well played, this bastard is still robbing Belil with me, Carl, you deserve to be my brother, you know to give me anger" DuPont said with great relief.

It didn't take long for DuPont to know about it, so obviously the other Draco families also knew.

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't hit him for you"

Karl explained lightly, looking at Dupont with a hint of coldness in his eyes, he hadn't forgotten the matter of this goods telling Kuzan.

Just as Carl was about to talk to Dupont about what would happen to the whistleblower, his father, Charles Wyns, appeared.

"Carl, you're too impulsive this time," Charles Weyssaint's tone was slightly stern.

"I'm sorry Uncle Charles, sorry for the trouble"

Carl bowed his head and said apologetically, he knew that the CP organization did not come to invite him to dinner, and he must have been stopped by Charles.

"Father, Carl didn't do anything wrong, you don't know what kind of virtue the Field family is, besides, 16 Carl is a friend of our Solomon family, I think anyone dares to trouble him"

DuPont was a little unhappy, in his opinion, his little friend did a beautiful job, besides, isn't it just beating a person, hitting it, the Field family is just a lot worse than their Solomon family.

"Dupont, you have to remember that we Solomon do not represent all the Draconian families, and sometimes we can't be willful" Charles Winsheng said solemnly: "Carl is a friend of our Solomon family, so I will settle this matter for him"

"But next time, Carl, I want you to be calmer when you do things, sometimes violence is not the only way to solve problems"

"Got it, Uncle Charles Win," Karl nodded.

Charles Winsheng's words are not wrong, even if their Solomon family is the most powerful of the Twenty Clans, they can't offend all the Celestial Dragons,

And there is another important point, that is, they are Draco people, and their position is on the position of Draco people.

If this was not done by Carl, but by someone else, even if it was the fault of the Field family, the Solomon family would not have helped the man.

It's just because Carl is doing this, so their Solomon family came to fight for Carl.

"You're my favorite child, so I don't want you to be angry," Charles Wing said, and left.

DuPont looked at the back of the other party leaving, pouted and said, "I know that I can't say something if I don't have to say something."

"Well, don't say it, Uncle Charles Wyn is also for my good," Karl said.

"With your status in the hearts of the Celestial Dragons, even if we don't make a move, the Field Family won't do anything to you, and the other Celestial Dragons still have to rely on you to survive, how can something happen to you," DuPont said.

Since learning the skill of internal organ repair, Karl's status among the Draconians has skyrocketed.

The internal organs are the weakest part of the body, not to mention the weak chickens of the Tianlong people, most of the elderly Tianlong people, there will be some problems in the internal organs to a greater or lesser extent.

For example, uremia, liver cirrhosis, weakened heart and lung function and other visceral diseases.

And Carl's treatment of them is all up to the point, I don't give you direct treatment, I come to help you fix some every once in a while, and I will hang your life.

Although this practice is despicable and has the duty of a healer, they are Tianlong people, and they are just scum.

And Carl did this not only to punish them, but also to protect his own safety.

Under his means, most of the Twenty-style Celestial Dragons needed him to hang their lives, and these elderly Celestial Dragons basically held great power.

The longer they live, the more noble their status becomes, and this kind of person is the most afraid of death.

So they desperately wanted Carl to live well.

If the people of the Field family really wanted to move Carl, without the help of other Celestial Dragons, the old man of his family would not agree in the first place.

Carl remembered that there seemed to be an old man in his family who had stomach cancer, and the reason why he didn't die was because he was hanging on to his life with his fruit ability.

There are many diseases in the world of pirates that are the same as in previous lives, of course, there are some different names, some diseases that caused death in previous lives can be cured here, but some cannot be cured.

For example, cancer is also incurable in the world of pirates.

AIDS, lupus erythematosus and other diseases that Carl has not encountered so far.

Karl's importance among the Draconians is obvious, if he only offends one or two Draconians, it will be fine at all, unless he offends most of the Draconians, otherwise he will always be the guest of honor of the Draconians.

"By the way, you asked someone to take off the collar from Orson," Karl said.

Dupont beckoned, and a guard approached.

"Orson, you go with him first, I think you want to take off this collar quickly."

Orson nodded excitedly, and then followed the guard.

When the two left, Carl suddenly burst out, hooked Dupont's neck, pressed his body down, and said hatefully: "Say, why do you want to betray the party and the people, is it the party that has given you any benefits, and the party is very disappointed now."

DuPont didn't understand Carl's trash talk at all, and struggled hard, but his strength was comparable to Carl's, and he almost didn't suffocate you.

"Speak the Language"

"Why did you betray me and tell Kuzan that I put more than six million Baileys on you"

With this, Carl only felt that his heart was bleeding again.

183 "You didn't let me keep it a secret, besides, this amount of money is very big, if you are short of money, I will give it to you, is a billion Bailey enough" Dupont was almost angry, and thought that he had done something angry to make Carl so angry that he almost killed himself.

Affection is for this little money.

"Mader, big dog"

Carl let go of Dupont angrily, feeling depressed.

It feels like I have worked hard for a year, saved 200,000 yuan, and is fantasizing that in a few years, I can buy a house and a car, but I went out to dinner with a rich second-generation friend, and the other party spent 500,000 yuan on a bottle of wine.

This feeling, this feeling----- I really want to experience the big dog.

"How do you swear, poor ghost"

After being with Carl for a long time, DuPont has also learned a lot of advanced vocabulary, looking at Carl's expression, he is very proud, hum, a poor ghost.

"I'm leaving"

Carl felt that he couldn't stay any longer, otherwise his satisfaction would be ruined, originally he was very satisfied with the six million Bailey, but now that DuPont said this, he actually felt that six million Bailey seemed to be nothing.

"Hey, do you want a billion Baileys, don't you want to pay them back"

"No, I'm Vincent Carr, even if I starve to death and jump from here, I won't want your billion Baileys"

Carl is full of backbone, and if he doesn't bend his waist for a billion buckets of rice, the true fragrance theorem will not appear in him. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - harvest

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