Orson's collar has been taken off, and at the same time, he has taken a shower, changed his clothes, and the whole person has a new look, and Carl almost didn't recognize it when he first came over.

This is still the sloppy and bearded Aosen before, I go to this guy already has the ability to threaten his appearance, he is so handsome, no wonder he was captured as a prisoner by the Tianlong people.

"Tut-tut, it's okay, it's worse than me, but it's better than Carl"

DuPont looked up and down and let out an exclamation.

"I'm blind at a young age, do you want me to treat you?"

Carl pouted, what he looks like, he doesn't have a little bit of psychology, and I'm taking the cute route now, and I won't move to the idol route until I grow up.

"Orson, do you want to go home?"

If a person is rescued by himself, he must arrange the other party's back road.

Orson shook his head: "I don't have a home anymore"

Well, it's another lonely person, the other party didn't say why he didn't have a home, Carl naturally didn't ask, everyone has their own past in their hearts that they don't want to recall.

"Then why don't you stay in Dupont's house, don't worry, DuPont looks completely opposite to his heart, he will never treat you as a slave"

Du Pont glared at Carl, what does it mean that his appearance is the opposite of his heart, Lao Tzu is the most powerful.

"I want to go with you"

Orson said firmly.

He didn't want to stay here for a moment, he had the most painful memory of his life, this painful place, since he had the opportunity to leave, of course he had to stay away.

DuPont was a little upset that Orson chose Carl between himself and Carl, how can I be worse than Carl, a poor ghost.

You're so tall, it's a question of whether Carl can feed you.

"Oh well"

Carl nodded, and threw Orson to the Navy anyway.

If Orson is willing to join the navy, it is naturally best, if not, then leave, or live directly in the small town of Marinfando and become an ordinary person.

"Carl, you bastard kid is getting into trouble again."

A bold, atmospheric voice came.

The tall body of the steel skeleton appeared in front of Karl, with Kuzan at his side.

When Kuzan heard that Carl had beaten the Draconians, he hurriedly went to find Cyborg Kong, trying to get the other party to save Carl.

Steelband also agreed, and both of them were ready to deal with the Draconians of the Field family, and even gave up part of the interests of the navy to keep Carl.

As a result, when he arrived at the door of the Field family and explained his intentions, he was told by the people of the Field family that they were at fault first, and Carl was no wonder.

As soon as these words came out, a commander of the whole army and a navy general, these two people were petrified in an instant.

What's the situation, is it because of my own hearing, or because someone from Tianlong has changed his surname.

After several confirmations, the two of them finally affirmed that the Tianlong people had changed their surnames, not because they had problems with their ears.

Then the two found Carl.

"Marshal Steel"

Carl hurriedly said hello, this old man was still very friendly to him, and naturally Carl felt good about him.

The other party's intention Carl also knew it, and he was still a little moved in his heart.


As soon as he finished saying hello, Kuzan's fist came down.

"Little ghost, do you know how big a thing you have caused to beat the Tianlong people, your courage is really getting bigger and bigger"

Kuzan looked at the other party angrily, this time he was really angry, and Karl's behavior seemed to him to be completely reckless.

Okay, I'll give you another note from Kuzan, and remember that you're on the verge of overtaking Cap in first place.

Covering his head, the bag on his head lifted the dog's head hat.

"It's not okay, you don't have to worry about me doing things, I'm not you, there's no backstage, I have a lot of backstage, do you say it's DuPont?"

Silently reciting the gentleman's revenge, ten years is not too late, this eight-character mantra.

"That's it, Carl has me covered, I don't think anyone who has long eyes dares to bully him"

Dupont puffed out his chest, a proud face, ignoring Karl's disdainful eyes.

It's really gasping to say you're fat.


"It's great that you have a backstage, right, I don't have a backstage to be afraid of you"

Kuzan was by Karl and punched down again, this punch was heavier than the punch just now, and his voice was much clearer.

Dupont watched Carl's dog-headed hat rise a little higher, almost out of his head, and silently took a few steps back, lest he suffer himself.

"Kuzan, you remember for me today, I, Vincent Carr, will one day press you to the ground and eat dirt"

Carl was furious, tears were about to fall from his eyes, this bastard, how could the power of his fists become more and more the same as Karp's, it couldn't have been taught to him by Karp's bastard.

"Hmph, it's up to you," Kuzan said dismissively.

However, he was still very surprised in his heart, even he didn't expect Carl to have such a high status in the hearts of the Celestial Dragons, even if he beat the Celestial Dragons, there would be nothing at all.

Even if he is a general, if he beats the Tianlong people, he will definitely be punished, and in serious cases, even the position of general will be revoked.

But the more this happens, the more proud this little ghost becomes, and he has to be beaten.

Thinking of this, Kuzan began to raise his fist again.

"Brother, brother--- don't be impulsive--- I'm just talking, just kidding----"

From a tough guy of steel to a flattering villain, the two extreme characters Carl can be described as a seamless transformation, and the speed of changing his face makes Dupont deeply feel that he is too much behind Carl in terms of shamelessness, and he can't even see his back.

"Okay Kuzan, if you fight Carl again, you'll be stupid"

Cyborg said with a smile.

You are a good person, Carl silently sent a good person card to the other party.

"You've stayed with me for a few days until the end of the World Conference, don't let me go out and hang around" Kuzan put down his fist and snorted coldly.

He is also afraid of Carl (Zhao's), he usually doesn't cause trouble, but when he causes trouble, it is a big thing, and people with a bad heart will definitely be scared out of the fork of heart disease.

Even he, the owner of the Frozen Fruit, was scared into a cold sweat when he first found out about it.


Carl nodded, although he was not happy in his heart, but who made someone else's fist stronger than himself, he could only give in temporarily.

"Okay, come with me now, don't bother DuPont"

Kuzan also saw that DuPont was also a troublemaker, and if these two people were together every day, they might do something to scare the Warring States one day.

Sengoku: Why are you involved with me?

At that time, the identity of the DuPont Tianlong people will not have any.

So Carl reluctantly left with Kuzan, taking Orson with him.

Karl told Kuzan about Orson, and Orson agreed to join the navy, so he was temporarily included in Kuzan's ranks. _

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