
The fat man endured the pain in his body, sat on the ground, his eyes looked around, surrounded by an ancient forest, and the trees here were really never seen.

Especially when this girl called herself Mr5, she felt very familiar, and this familiarity was very strong.

“Is Mr5 me? Am I not in a college, or a hospital? Could it be that 、、、 fat master I crossed? ”

The fat man looked at the beauty and felt that he was also unusually familiar, but he couldn’t remember it for a while, racked his brains, and a huge memory came like a tide.

Memory fragments, in the fat man’s mind, constantly expanding, the fat man covered his head in pain, rolling on the ground, Valentine’s Day next to him, delicate, shouted: “Hey、、、 Mr5, are you okay!” ”

“My appearance, do 、、、 look like someone who is okay?”

The fat man couldn’t help but complain in his heart, severe pain, huge memory fragments, like a slide, played in his mind, severe pain, less than ten seconds, Mr5, who was already extremely weak, passed out in front of his eyes.

“Hey! Mr5、、、 “Valentine’s round calf, gently kicked Mr5, saw that he passed out, his pretty face was slightly angry, and he stomped his foot.


At the foot of Valentine’s Day, with her as the center, the surrounding meters collapsed several centimeters in an instant, and the cracks were like spider webs, spreading out like all around! Valentine’s Day obviously didn’t care, and said angrily: “This bastard, even wants Miss Ben to serve you.” ”

She doesn’t have a very good temper, even if she has been a partner for so long, how can she have some feelings! When Miss Valentine’s Day looked at Mr5, there was not much warmth.

The beautiful face and indifferent eyes make people feel cold, and the breath on the body is like such a stranger, without the slightest emotion.

Most of the members of the Baroque Work Society are like this! Miss Valentine’s Day, as a member of the Baroque Work Society, who has not experienced the test of life and death? It’s all a bunch of outlaws.

What’s more, as a senior agent, she was definitely trained from a young age, and over time, she was similar to the CP9 in the government. Indifferent, brutal and murderous!

It can be seen from the original book that Miss Valentine’s Day is really ruthless when she kills people. In order to achieve the task and for the sake of rights, the members of the work club will do whatever it takes.

The rules of the Baroque studio are that the task only needs to succeed, not to fail, not to mention, this task was personally ordered by the boss, and the two did not complete it, but suffered a big loss.

If it reaches the ears of the boss, neither Mr5 nor she will die, so what she is most concerned about now is not Mr5, but how to remedy the failed mission, and complete the task before the boss receives the news of the mission failure.

Unlike the angry Miss Valentine’s Day outside, the fat man is having a dream at the moment, his name is Mr5, and he forgot what the specific name is.

Since his parents died in the fire when he was a child, this little guy aspired to be a firefighter. He became a child in exile, displaced, and by chance, he was taken away by the Baroque Work Society, and after a brutal brainwashing, he was exhausted by running for the Work Society.

Mr5 has forgotten who he is, because he has always lived alone with Mr5, and over time, he has forgotten his real name. In the words of the Baroque Work Society, the name is just a code name and has no effect, and Mr5 is his code name.

Originally, he had always been at the bottom, but by chance, he ate the devil fruit, and was immediately noticed by the people at the top. In addition, he performed more and more tasks, and finally became a senior agent of the Baroque Work Society, and became a partner with Miss Valentine’s Day, but there seems to be no relationship between the two.

A few hours later, the fat man slowly opened his eyes, received the memory of Mr5, and had to accept the reality of becoming a booger man, shouting: “Fat master, I actually became a booger man among One Piece, lying groove, lying groove、、、”

The roar is attached to the complex feelings in the heart, there are excitement, expectation, sadness, and confusion, excited that he actually crossed over, and went to the familiar One Piece world, facing this bloody and adventurous world, the blood hidden in the heart has long been boiling.

The sad thing is that I crossed over, what about the parents in the previous life? After working hard for half a life, raising himself as an adult, just when he could prepare to honor the second elder, he came to this world and may never see it.

“Fortunately, I am not an only child, otherwise 、、、” sad at the same time, but also a little lucky, glad that he is not an only child, there is an older brother, parents have an older brother to take care of, the fat man can be a little relieved.

Confused is the future, coming to this unknown world, but do not know how to choose, in the previous life did not step out of society, the heart is just an otaku, there is no so-called ambition, there is no majestic ambition, in this world of cannibalism, how to survive.

The otaku man’s heart was optimistic, and in less than a quarter of an hour, all thoughts were thrown to the back of his mind, looking at the lush green forest, looking up at the blue sky, and said, “What about him?” Take it one step at a time, why think so much? ”

“Hey! Why did I cross into a booger man? Why not his boss, the sand crocodile? How awesome the fruit of nature is! ”

The fat man has some complaints in his heart, he is also a traverser, not the protagonist, but still a trick.

Forget about running the trick, why not give him a more advanced running set? For example, Thor Anilu, if you can’t give a sand crocodile, you can also 、、、

Ancient humane: The human heart is not enough to swallow the elephant, and the fat man is such a guy, this is just his imagination in his mind.

The fat man carried the yy of the otaku to the end, and couldn’t help but laugh: “Hehe、、、 booger man, it’s not bad, superhuman ability, what else to ask for?” ”

“It seems that I have to understand my ability well!”

The fat man touched his chin, thinking back to the matter of One Piece, of course he knew Mr5 this guy, the most familiar thing is that Mr5 pulled out a black booger from his nose, the posture, the action was extremely dashing, so that the majority of the audience gave a booger man this perfect title.

And the fat man who is familiar with the plot, of course, knows the perfect combination of Mr5, I don’t know how many audiences appeal, these two groups are completely wasting the cherished devil fruit, and the superhuman fruit is used like this, the entire One Piece world, they belong to the front, the fat man shook his head and sighed: “These two goods are too losers!” ”

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