The Great Route, Merry sails in the endless sea, the weather of the sea, changeable, each island season is different.

All kinds of storms, tornadoes, they have already encountered, but with Nami, a first-class navigator, it can be regarded as dangerous.

Since the people on the ship were bought, Jossen’s life has been knowledgeable and tasteful, lying comfortably on the deck, occasionally discussing hot pot with Shangis, some special snacks on the earth, etc., so that Shangis has endless benefits, for a time, Jossen also became a critic of Shangis, eating all kinds of food.

Luffy was very upset, because several times he wanted to fight Jossen, but he was rejected by Josen.

In the boring voyage, the laughing Luffy is the regulator of the entire Merry, and looking at the constantly frolicking Luffy and them, the original boring atmosphere has also disappeared.

It is estimated that only a ship with a guy like Luffy will be so lively! Joson joined Luffy and their team, telling them characteristic jokes as they did all kinds of funny things. When bored, also guess brain teasers with them.

“Listen, Xiaoming’s father has three sons, the eldest son is called Daming, the second son is called Erming, and the third son is called? Powerful start. Joson stood on the deck, while Luffy and the others sat below. With Josson’s guessing game, Luffy and they felt very novel, and suddenly swept the entire Straw Hat Pirate Ship.

“I’ll come!”

“Stupid, I raised my hand first.”

Joson stroked his head, and before he could start, there was already an infight, Luffy looked like a scoundrel, and as a member of the public, Joson had to stop it.

“Okay, don’t fight, just let Luffy come! He had never guessed it once anyway. ”

“Haha! That’s right. Usopp suddenly laughed and gave up the answer, and everyone on the ship looked at Luffy, who looked proud and laughed: “Haha! Such a simple question, the third son is called 、、、 Sanming. ”

“Abominable! I was preempted by Luffy again, and finally came up with a simple problem. Usopp looked unwilling, his answer was of course the same as Luffy, and Chopa nodded.

“Congratulations Luffy、、、” Jossen watched their reaction, laughed and clapped his hands, Luffy listened to Jossen’s words, immediately laughed proudly, and pulled Joba to jump.

“Wrong answer.”

“Preemptive answer begins”

This time the scene was silent, after all, the answer they knew was wrong, and they began to think about it, Qiao Sen looked at the way everyone was thinking, and laughed low in his heart: “The IQ of this group of guys is terrible!” When it was like Earth, even elementary school students knew this brain teaser. ”

Robin was silent for a long time, looked at Jossen and said: “I know, the third son is called Xiaoming, right!” ”

“Miss Robin, the answer is correct.” Joson clapped his hands, and finally there was a guy with a high IQ, who was worthy of being able to become a test examiner.

After hearing the answer, Usopp and they immediately recalled the topic, and suddenly looked frustrated, and said: “Yes! Xiao Ming’s father, of course, is Xiao Ming, why didn’t I think of it? ”

“Haha! You stupid people can’t guess with such a simple question. Joson laughed proudly, and in the midst of Luffy’s protest, Jossen said solemnly: “Then the next question, this question, is different!” Please listen well、、、”

“The tortoise and rabbit raced, this time the rabbit was not lazy and playful, but this time the rabbit still lost, why?”


In this boring sea, laughing together is the only thing to relieve boredom, and Luffy is so strange that it is rare.

As for every time after landing on the island, Qiao Sen is the uncle, there is no need to collect materials, there is no task, all the way is relaxed, after all, Qiao Sen is the gold lord.

“Josen, we’re already on the seventh island! It’s a pity that you just paid me 300,000 Baileys, so when will the next 400,000 Baileys be given! Nami came to Qiao Sen with a smile, a delicate face, a bright smile, if it weren’t for a little murderous aura on her body, I guess I really thought what a sunny beauty!

“Haha! Give it now! Joson took out four piles of banknotes from his body, and looked at Nami with cold sweat on his forehead, especially seeing Nami’s golden eyes, Nami’s eyes, which were a warning of danger.

“Wow wow! Is Joson so rich? ”

“Me too!”

“I’m 、、、 too”

All right! Luffy Usop Joba trio suddenly looked at Joson with bright eyes, but Joson was brought to tens of millions of Baileys from the casino in Klockdar, and he could still spend these small money.

However, looking at Luffy and the three, an evil smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: “Your share of money has already been handed over to Nami, you can ask her for it.” ”

As soon as the words were finished, Nami’s eyes were furious, and her body was infinitely angry, bang! Bang! Bang! With three loud bangs, Nami’s domineering fist had already smashed on Luffy’s head, and said to the three of them angrily: “Well、、、 this is my money, if you want to take money from me, there is no way.” ”

Qiao Sen looked at Nami’s angry look, and immediately laughed and said, “Nami, what is our next island called?” ”

After all, after arriving at so many islands, there were no major incidents, let alone strong enemies and the like. But the only thing that makes Johnson unhappy is that no matter which island they are on, pirates don’t seem to be very popular! The townspeople all looked guarded, making Joson wonder if it was a wrong choice to become a pirate.

“Hmm! It’s 、、、”

Shout! Shout!

Bang! Bang!

The cannon sounded, and the originally peaceful Straw Hat Pirates suddenly fell into a state of nervous alert, and Usopp shouted in panic: “It’s not good!” The Navy is coming! ”

The whole ship suddenly began to get busy, even the spare oars have been taken out, the naval warship and the pirate ship have a big gap, the speed is far beyond the pirate ship, and the equipment on it is not comparable to the pirate.

Although the naval warship is very large, it does not affect his reaction speed in the slightest, compared with the navy, Luffy’s Merry, a backward merchant ship transformed pirate group, is undoubtedly a level.

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