“It’s the Navy again! Why is it always haunted? Joson sat leisurely opposite Robin, sighing with a sigh, in the whole sea, the navy is really very common!

However, he is used to it, and in the Straw Hat Pirates, he has been hunted and killed by the navy more than ten times. The first time before, he was still very nervous, but now, Joson took a cup of tea and poured himself a cup of tea, leisurely tasting it.

“By the way, Miss Robin, how did you come up with the idea of joining Luffy?”

“Huh! Think he’s very attractive! I feel like he’s the guy I’m looking for? Robin glanced at Luffy, who was more calm than Josson, covered his mouth and chuckled, not caring about the navy’s pursuit at all.

The navy hunts pirates, it is natural, she is already accustomed to the attack of the navy, anyway, every time can turn the crisis into safety, and she also believes that Luffy and their ability will be able to turn the crisis into safety.


Choba: “What’s going on?” ”

Solon: “Actually sank his own warship?” ”

Usopp: “Ahaha! What do you think? Stinky Navy, I have long expected it to turn out like this. ”

Joson listened to Robin’s words, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, he knew the plot, and he knew that Robin would join the Straw Hat, but he had already defeated Klockdar privately, and nothing happened in the dungeon. I didn’t expect Robin to join the Straw Hats, it should be that the gears of the plot have not changed because of this!

“Then congratulations, finally found your belonging.”

“How? Isn’t Joson ready to join Luffy? Robin looked at Jossen’s congratulations, and was suddenly slightly surprised, from Jossen’s performance, and then watching Jossen and Luffy make a fuss, he didn’t mean to join Luffy at all!

“Does he still have any secrets?”

From the time Jossen said the ancient weapon, she already felt that Jossen was very strange, Robin was a very calm scholar, and his wise thoughts also made her live to this day. She thought she was very accurate at seeing people, but when she looked at Joson, he felt that he couldn’t see through this guy.

Joson did not answer, but looked ahead, found that the rocks around him, and there was no navy behind it, and said: “It seems that 、、、 seems to have got rid of the navy?” ”

Usopp held the binoculars, kept watching, and after finding that there was no navy, he immediately exhaled and said, “Ahhh! The pursuit is getting tighter? ”

“There are two bounty heads on board, and it’s no wonder the Navy blushed when it saw us all.” Solon looked at Robin with a strange look, in fact, he was a little envious, the higher the bounty, what did it mean? The higher the strength.

“Solon! Don’t gloat! Your bounty has come down too? Joson showed a strange expression, and after Solon listened, he was suddenly shocked and said, “How do you know? ”

“Guess, I believe that when you were at the peak of Whiskey, you were already reported by the Navy, and it is difficult not to be rewarded.”

“Is it? It doesn’t matter anymore. ”

“Luffy, the port, it’s the port!” Qioba looked ahead with a look of surprise, the huge and towering lighthouse made people’s eyes shine, Luffy they deserved to be pirates, even moored pirate ships, just stopped in a secret place.

“Eat! Dine! Luffy jumped and flashed, and Joson and Solon were left on the ship, looking at Solon lying on the side, Joson suddenly said suspiciously: “Why, don’t you go down?” I finally came to an island,”

“No, why don’t you get a good night’s sleep on the ship?” Solon glanced at Jossen slightly, and then continued: “Aren’t you too? ”

“Haha! Am I not interested in those islands? I’m interested in this island? Joson slowly stood up, and then carried his huge backpack, this island is the legendary rainbow island!

There is a mountain of gold, and these are all ownerless! I don’t know if I was poor and crazy in my previous life, and now Josen has an inexplicable love for money, although it can’t reach Nami’s realm, but it’s not far away.

“So Solon, goodbye?”

After Johnson finished speaking, he quickly jumped down, anyway, he needed to wait for the group of guys to prepare the money and go directly to get it himself. And these guys, how can they be his opponents?

Originally, Joson was going to enter the rainbow world, but it was really dangerous there, and Luffy had endless luck, and he could ignore the crisis.

But Joson doesn’t believe that he has the same luck as Luffy, not to mention, in the world of One Piece, he is already an outlier, who knows if there will be new changes in his past?

And Josson’s purpose is only those treasures, I believe that the stupid chief should be able to prepare everything for himself, he just needs to go over and get it himself, why bother?

After wandering around the town for nearly an hour, he had wanted to go directly to the house of the chief shi, but at a transfer place, he saw a familiar back.


When Josen saw Nami’s back, he was slightly puzzled, and then quietly followed, and the reason why he followed was first because in addition to Shangis and Choba, there was a strange robot beside her. And Qiao Sen smiled slightly, this should be the grandson of the so-called Shi Chang!

“I don’t know what they’re rattling? But just now, it should have been like a rainbow fog flickering, it should be that Luffy has already traveled to that twisted space! ”

Qiao Sen began to weigh it, and said in his heart: “In that case, just follow Nami and you can track down that idiot Shi Chang!” ”

Jossen did not come to the rescue, but hid in the shadows and followed them, but he knew that the wretched shi elder still controlled the passage?

“It seems that Nami is not very good, right?” Joson watched Nami being chased and killed by a sea king and wanted to make a move, but thought that there seemed to be a guy in the original book who made a move? Lying leisurely on the roof, looking at the rainbow-colored cloud on the sea.

“Is there another space-time inside?” Can it be preserved in its original appearance permanently? But it’s a pity, that inside is so big, it is estimated that it must not be suffocated in it. However, if the people inside come out, they will also fall into the acceleration of time and space, and they will be the same! It’s an interesting world. ”

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