The start of the game means that the game is about to end, the winner of the game, it is none other than him, yesterday’s Jossen’s actions made Anilu value Joson more, and there are not many people who work so hard in the empty island.

Qiao Sen looked down, smiled indifferently, and said, “The warriors of Shandora should not have officially started a war with the Divine Soldiers, and the number of people now is definitely more than hundreds!” ”

From the departure of the divine soldiers to now, it should only be an ambush, maybe there is an outlier of Jossen, they only set out at sunset, I believe that the camp has already been set up now, waiting for the Shandora warriors to enter the urn!

“Huh?” Anilu’s eyes narrowed, he was very suspicious that Jossen had learned from these news that from the beginning, Jossen had been under his surveillance and had no contact with anyone.

“So how did he get the news?” Anilu narrowed his eyes, revealing a dangerous light, and then laughed: “How? Want to see how I control the game? ”

The reason why he kept Qiao Sen is, firstly, that Qiao Sen is a talent, and second, Qiao Sen is from Qinghai and will have what he wants.

The last one, that is, his priests have all been destroyed at this moment, if one person goes to the Endless Continent, what a boring thing!

From contact to now, Anilu’s impression of Jossen is quite good, going to the endless continent, it seems that Jossen is a good choice.

“Since God has invited, then I will see how you control this game.”

Qiao Sen stood up and followed Anilu, since he saw that the domineering cultivation method was in hand, his purpose would be achieved, and the matter after that would be left to fate.

Whether it is the gears of the plot, how it shifts, behind the fate, the final ending, or it will be the same, Joson does not need to do anything, just choose to believe, believe in the gears of the plot, believe in Luffy.

Snap! Anilu turned into a ray of thunder and disappeared in place, so fast, like the lightning in the sky, flashed, it was the fastest guy Johnson had ever seen

“This speed, this momentum, it really makes people envious and jealous!”

Qiao Sen’s eyes showed envy, the thunder fruit, the fruit of nature, is still the top power, speed, strength, attack combined in one.

Even if someone spends his whole life and works hard to cultivate until death, it is not as good as Anilu, who has just eaten the thunder fruit, this is the starting point of life, and the future achievements must be different.

Compared with ordinary people, those who have fruit ability are all people who stand on the shoulders of giants, and as long as they stretch out their hands slightly, they can touch the sky.

“This kind of speed, even if I develop the third stage of explosive step in the future, I can’t match it!”

Envy to envy, Qiao Sen still has to face reality, strong strength, not can be completed overnight, even if standing on the shoulders of giants, if you are not even willing to stretch your hand, you will definitely be caught up by ordinary people.

Even if a pie is dropped in the sky, you still need to open your mouth to catch it, but standing on the shoulders of giants, there is a lot less unnecessary effort.

The strength of Anilu stimulated the self-motivation in Josson’s heart, and he said firmly: “I will become stronger in the future, stand at the top of the world, and overlook everything in the world.” ”

Johnson firmly believes that in this world, there is no invincible fruit, only invincible people, no waste fruit, only waste people.

The bomb fruit, among the superhuman fruits, is also a top fruit, as long as he works hard, his future achievements will definitely not be weaker than others.

“There is not much time left for the empty island, I have to hurry up and prepare, if you don’t take some of the magical shells of the empty island, then come to the empty island, won’t it be for nothing?”

There is not much time for the empty island, I believe that if the game ends, it will also represent the destruction of the empty island, while the empty island is still there, go and get some magical shells to collect.

The shells of the empty island, perhaps here, are just ordinary things, and if they are placed in Qinghai, the value is by no means comparable to gold.

Just as the so-called scarce things are expensive, the rarer things, the value is immeasurable, although I don’t know if the empty island in the new world is the same as here, but this magical shell, I believe there will not be too much.

“Second stage burst!”

Thundered! The explosion sounded, and under the impact of the explosion, Johnson turned into an afterimage, and in an instant, disappeared in place, leaving a burst of black gunsmoke.

The speed of the second burst step directly exceeds the first burst step and reaches the speed of sound, that is, the fatal flaw of the burst step disappears.

It has been more than a day since he came to the empty island, and the previous battle is enough for him to adapt to the environment here, and he can take this opportunity to enjoy the scenery of the empty island.

Getting from Apayado to the empty island town is not an easy task, and Josen does not have the water scooter that Nami rides, and if he passes, he can only rely on the speed of sound at a bursting pace.

And the continuous use of explosive steps at such a high altitude is also very heavy for Josen, just as Josen is busy hurrying, halfway through, he sees Nami and them.

“It’s Nami and them!”

Jossen’s eyes lit up, his body turned, his feet exploded, and he quickly fell towards Nami and them.

With a sudden explosion, Usopp in the cabin quickly jumped onto the deck and shouted: “Enemy attack! 、、、 quickly”

Before he finished speaking, he found Jossen’s playful smile, and Usopp quickly turned from surprise to joy, and said with a smile: “It’s you!” Josson, it’s great that you can come. ”

The entire Straw Hat crew knows that Josson’s strength is very strong, can he defeat the guy from Klockdahl, can the strength not be strong? At this moment, Usopp had a small calculation in his heart: “As long as Joson is here, will it be safe soon?” Well! I’m going to stay with Josson. ”

Seeing Usopp’s expression, Jossen also knew what he was thinking, smiled, and said, “Just passed here, and when I see you, come down and take a look.” ”

“Ugh!” Shangis lit a cigarette at this moment, looked at Qiao Sen with both eyes, and asked: “By the way, Qiao Sen, why did you come here alone!” Or, how could you be okay? ”

“How could something happen to me?” Qiao Sen pretended to be puzzled, and then smiled mysteriously at them and said, “I have paid the entrance fee.” ”

Grief-stricken, Usopp exclaimed, “Woohoo! I already knew that I also paid the national fee! Damn, Jossen, why didn’t you make it clear earlier? ”

Shangis spat out a puff of cigarette and said, “Tell the truth!” ”

After staying together for a long time, of course, knowing Qiao Sen’s temperament, Qiao Sen saw that he couldn’t be fooled, and then looked in the direction of the huge bean vine and said, “I came here to trade with God!” ”

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