“You said you defeated three priests and then met Anilu?” Gang Cole looked at Josson in horror, the man who was not good-looking.

If you think about it, they were too calm along the way and did not meet a priest, which Gang Cole always found very strange.

Being able to defeat the three priests, that Qiao Sen’s strength is by no means idle, all the doubts before, pulled out the clouds, and said: “Old Immortal finally knows, Shandora warrior, why don’t you desperately want to attack Apayado, it turns out that everything is related to you!” ”

“That’s right!”

Josen smiled calmly, and before he could be proud, Nami next to him was already gritting her teeth on her face, and punched Jossen on the head. Joson’s head collided intimately with the deck, and with a roar, a crack opened on the deck.

Before Nami could speak, Nami was angry and gritted her teeth, “You actually gave so much diamond jewelry to Anilu, bastard.” ”

“Ah! My Merry 、、、”

Before Jossen could reply, he was pushed away by Usopp, who stroked the deck distressedly, feeling that the ship was worth more than Jossen.

Shangis looked indifferent, it was obvious that he had known this result for a long time, and the cold sweat on Gangkol’s forehead broke out, even his pet kept retreating, cherishing life and staying away from Nami.

Qiao Sen was furious, and said angrily: “It hurts! Nami, what are you doing to hit me, those are my money. ”

While laughing, Gang Cole next to him stroked his goatee, smiling and looking at the straw hats, in his eyes, how is this not young?

Compared with the nervous people, Shangis was more concerned about Jossen’s previous words, and finally asked: “Josen, did you say that bet with Anilu is true?” Shangis said seriously, after all, if you lose, you will become a subordinate of Anilu!

The stakes on this gamble are too heavy, and if they lose, they will become Anilu’s subordinates, which will bring them a lot of pressure.

Qiao Sen’s eyes flashed slightly, and then he smiled at Shangis and said, “I believe you, haha!” ”

Just as Shangis wanted to say something, there were frequent flashes in the sky, a thunder, electric flint, and a bolt of lightning fell on the bow of the ship.

“Anilu 、、、”

Just after Cole saw Anilu, without saying a word, he attacked towards Anilu, and before Josson could stop it, Shangis also shot, no, it was a kick.


Clear sky thunder, whether it was Shangis, or the knight Gangkol, fell to the ground one after another, leaving a terrified Nami and several people, Johnson looked at Shangis on the ground, and said in his heart: “Young man, it’s not okay to be so impulsive!” ”

Anilu did not care about the two people on the ground, but looked at Qiao Sen, his eyes flashed with danger, and said: “Qiao Sen, you are also here!” ”

Qiao Sen’s body was tense, his face was solemn, and he said: “Anilu, I will abide by my agreement, after all, I am friends with them, so come and see you!” Since you’re here, then I want to go to town and buy something. ”

Anilu smiled disdainfully, and didn’t care, Jossen’s actions, why didn’t he look at them? He said: “Don’t be nervous, I just came to say hello and want to see the guy you are optimistic about, Yehaha!” ”

Qiao Sen breathed a sigh in his heart, this moody guy had to be guarded, since he knew that Anilu just came to say hello, and said: “That disappoints you, he is not here!” ”

Anilu swept away the fearful Nami and Usopp and said casually, “That’s a pity!” In that case, I won’t bother you guys to reminisce! ”

As soon as the words fell, there was a thunderclap, Anilu disappeared in place, and after Anilu left, Joson quickly picked up Shangis and asked, “Are you okay?” ”

Shangis broke away from Josson, lay down on the deck, lit a cigarette for himself, exhaled a smoke ring, and said, “It’s okay, it’s just paralyzed by electricity.” ”

“You fellow、、、” Joson shook his head, and then turned to Nami and them, “If you encounter the god Anilu next time, remember, don’t act rashly, let alone be the first to strike, unless you want to be like them.” ”

Usopp quickly nodded and said, “Understood!” ”

Josen didn’t talk to Shangis for too long, and there was no mention of Anilu, and before leaving, Josen looked at Nami, handed her a note, and quickly left.

In the empty island town, Joson has also arrived here from Apayado, and it is clear that the people here do not know that destruction is imminent, and they are still full of people.

Qiao Sen touched his head, this group of empty island townspeople, all avoided Qiao Sen from a distance, looked at themselves carefully, and wondered: “Huh! Why does the atmosphere feel a little awkward? ”

“It’s Qinghai people again!”

“Oh my God! Haven’t they left yet? Isn’t it already on your way to the Land of Trials? ”

The residents of the empty island looked at Qiao Sen from a distance, and carefully discussed, after all, the Qinghai people before had only been judged by God, and now there was another Qinghai person, so they could not be vigilant.

Just as they were discussing, the chief guard quickly came here, and before the captain could speak, Qiao Sen smiled indifferently: “I came to the empty island for sightseeing, and I paid the entrance fee before!” ”

McKinley nodded, then took out a few photos from his pocket, found that there was no photo of Josson on it, and said with a smile: “It turns out to be a tourist from Qinghai, Hasso, I am the captain of the White Berets, McKinley.” ”

Qiao Sen smiled indifferently, and also saluted the captain, “Harso! My name is Mike Joson, I’m from Qinghai, please advise. ”


The soldier in the white beret also saluted Jossen back, so many people saluted themselves, which flattered Jossen, so he said unclear: “Just came to town, I feel that the atmosphere is a little different, has something happened?” ”

“Sure enough, it’s not with the Qinghai people before.” McKinley was already sure in his heart that Joson was not with Luffy and them, and laughed: “Hmm! Recently, the empty island has been a little unpeaceful, and there was a group of Qinghai people before, which offended the almighty god. ”

Qiao Sen nodded and said, “So it is!” ”

Chatted with McKinley casually, McKinley took the task as an excuse, and quickly left with his subordinates, Johnson looked at the back of McKinley and the others, sighed slightly, and said: “Maybe they don’t know that they are already on the verge of death, is this the sadness of the little people?” ”

After McKinley’s inquiry, the people here did not have the hostility before, nor did they deliberately avoid Joson, and their attitude was still silent.

Johnson doesn’t care about other people’s eyes, sweep at will, the town has everything, snacks, clothing, specialties, etc.

After tasting empty island snacks, Johnson went directly to a shell shop to buy the specialties here, which was his real purpose, walking into the store and seeing the old people inside.

“Boss, I want to buy some shells!”

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