"...It can actually rise higher?"


"How....How can it be!"

"How can we win this battle?"

In the navy team, the navy officers looked at the giant who was twice as tall as them in fear. They were sweating profusely and their lips were trembling. Countless navy officers said in fear.

Tashigi was so scared that she stepped back subconsciously. Her body couldn't stop shaking and her fingers were cold.

Smoker's cigar fell to the ground. He was staring with wide eyes and trembling lips.

The pirate in charge of filming in Impel Down turned pale and forgot to breathe because of this huge existence.

Buggy the Clown was so frightened that his brain lost the ability to think. His mind went blank and an unprecedented panic suddenly surged into his heart.

Even Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world, changed his face when he saw this behemoth, and there was disbelief in his eyes.

His captains stared with wide eyes, staring straight ahead without moving their eyeballs. , but it is not difficult to see that there were looks of shock, fear, and disbelief in their eyes.

Sabaody Archipelago.

The audience seemed to be dumbfounded, staring at the screen in a daze. There was not a sound in the whole venue, and you could hear a pin drop.

They were shocked by Uchiha Madara's moves.


Yamato was stunned in front of the curtain, and Quinn and Jack, who were watching together, were almost scared silly.

Even the usually calm Jin couldn't help but worry about Kaido.

On the battlefield.

Kizaru looked at the big Buddha, his face full of tension, and he even felt that his legs were a little out of control and shaking.

Kizaru secretly glanced at the others and found that they were in a similar state to him. Sengoku gritted his teeth, his face covered with cold sweat, Garp and Akainu were extremely solemn, and Aokiji frowned.

"It’s really huge!"

Roger exclaimed

"You, you still have the energy to sigh, aren't you afraid?" Kaido asked in a muffled voice.

"I am like him, an immortal being. I am not afraid, but I am afraid that you will not be able to bear it next time!" Roger replied with some concern.

"Beckman, if we are not careful, we will die here too~"

The red-haired man sighed and showed an unprecedented seriousness on his face.

"It’s better to die, so that I can accompany the crew. I’m not afraid of death!"

The moment Beckman saw so many brothers die, he was ready to face death.

The red-haired man suddenly thought of the status of Roger and Uchiha Madara, and said directly:"Next we have to fight hard. We must take down Uchiha Madara. The other party has mastered the skills of resurrecting the dead. Maybe we still have a chance to resurrect Jesus and them!" Upon hearing this, Beckman's eyes lit up and said:"Yes, why didn't I think of it? I was too angry just now. I didn't expect this."

"No! This kind of move cannot exist in the world. After I deal with Uchiha Madara, I will also find a way to self-destruct. This kind of immortal cannot be left in this world. If someone studies it, it will be too terrible!"

"Shanks, you can't use this trick to revive your teammates!"

Roger objected quickly.

Shanks was silent. The captain was good in every way, but he couldn't accept the fact that he was nosy. It was okay before, but especially now, he was against his resurrecting teammates, which made him feel annoying.

But he forgot that if he meddled in other people's affairs, wouldn't other people be annoying too?

After a few seconds, Shanks decided to speak his mind and said,"Captain! I must resurrect them, and you don't have to worry. I am confident in the character of our crew members. They will not deduce this trick, and I promise not to teach this trick to others!"


A sneer came from Uchiha Madara's head.

Everyone looked at Uchiha Madara, who said in a low voice:"It's not even night yet, and you're already dreaming?"

"What? Do you really think you can defeat me?"Uchiha Madara added doubtfully


In the distance, Whitebeard laughed and said,"Red-haired kid, you haven’t even dealt with Captain Uchiha Madara yet, and you’re already discussing the spoils. Aren’t you looking down on my captain a bit too much?"

"You guys better be careful, the captain's moves are no joke, be careful not to die!"

Whitebeard also gave a reminder because of his past relationship with Roger.

"I saw you guys were so happy discussing this just now, so I will let you suffer!"

Uchiha Madara said as he threw his arms at the red-haired guy.

"Watch out!"

Kapu shouted hurriedly

""Quick, get out!"

Roger hastily warned.

The three of them knew that they couldn't just stand up to the arm, mainly because there were too many of them. After Roger's voice fell, the three of them dispersed and jumped away in different directions.

"Boom boom boom~"

The dense fists hit the ice surface, and the navy and pirates near the battlefield suddenly felt the ice surface shaking.

""Quick, everyone attack!"

Sengoku shouted hurriedly.

Garp, Sengoku, Kaido, and Akainu distanced themselves and launched attacks from different directions.

Uchiha Madara didn't even look at them. With his Samsara Eye, he naturally knew that they wanted to attack separately by outflanking.

Uchiha Madara controlled the legs of the Buddha and kicked the ice, and the Buddha jumped high, which made Garp and others who were rushing towards the Buddha stunned.

Garp and others who reacted were about to step on the moon step to chase, but the next second they only saw a dark black dot. The opponent jumped too high.

Uchiha Madara's Buddha jumped directly to an altitude of ten thousand meters.

Garp and others didn't know what the other party was going to do.

The next second, Kaido, Akainu and others widened their eyes, because they saw the Buddha falling upside down from the sky, and the thousand arms were shrinking together.

The two-kilometer-high giant fell at an extremely fast speed.

When Red Hair saw where the opponent fell, his heart skipped a beat and he shouted hurriedly:"Run!

Beckman looked at the big Buddha falling from his head, his eyes full of despair.

He took a deep puff of his cigar, exhaled the smoke, and then punched the dense fists with his black fists.


A barrage of fists hit Beckman.


The red-haired man shouted in despair, and suddenly drew his sword to chop at the Buddha's head.

Uchiha Madara controlled a thousand arms to support the Buddha in the ice, and the Buddha flipped backwards. The red-haired man's slash passed by the Buddha's feet.


The explosion of the red-haired slash and the sound of the Buddha falling to the ground sounded at the same time, and the ice surface where the Buddha was located exploded directly.

Suddenly, the marines in the distance only felt the ground shaking, and the marines with weaker strength fell on the ice.

When the strong men present used their observation Haki to sense Beckman's rotten flesh in the pit, their faces changed.

"It's your turn next, red-haired brat!"

The low voice of Uchiha Madara came.

The red-haired boy looked at Uchiha Madara with hatred and shouted angrily:"Come on if you have the guts!"

""Everyone, come together, don't let him kill you alone, or no one will be able to stop you."

Sengoku shouted hurriedly.

In the Buddha statue, Uchiha Madara clenched his fists and was about to attack. The navy rushed over and saw that the war was about to start again. Suddenly, a horn sounded from a distance:"Uchiha Madara, stop it!"

When the horn sounded, Sengoku and others who were about to attack stopped and turned around to see that there was a navy holding a Den Den Mushi. Next to the Den Den Mushi was a loudspeaker, and the words just now came from it.

""Hmph!" Uchiha Madara snorted coldly. He looked over, wanting to hear who was so bold.

On the other side, on the navy ship, there was already a set of equipment, which showed Uchiha Madara with his hands on his chest.

Seeing that the other party stopped, Satan Saint continued:"Crocodile now has the method to cancel the Impure World Reincarnation technique. I believe you know this trick too, right?"

Everyone in the field was stunned when they heard this, and then they looked at Uchiha Madara in the big Buddha. Uchiha Madara crossed his chest and said in a low voice:"After the Impure World Reincarnation is canceled, the soul ascends to heaven. I am very curious, how could Crocodile know this trick!" After

Uchiha Madara finished speaking, he searched for Crocodile and found that the other party was indeed gone. He didn't care about this little character just now

"Jesse, who died before, studied this move for decades and mastered it. Your life is in our hands now. You have only one way to go, be bound obediently, or we will undo this move!" The voice of the loudspeaker came again.

"Are you threatening me?"

Uchiha Ban asked in a low voice.

"You can understand it this way!"

Uchiha Madara nodded, and then she said lightly:"No one in this world can threaten me!"

"Even the Six Paths Sage can’t do that!"

"I said it!"

Uchiha Madara said in a louder voice, and controlled the Buddha to jump high. He was going to kill Sengoku first, because the other party dared to threaten him.

As for the red-haired man, he decided to let him go first.���The Five Elders looked unhappy. The other party actually refused. They looked at the screen where Uchiha Madara controlled the Buddha to jump up again.

"Oh no, the other party seemed to be looking at Sengoku for the last time. Hurry up, remove it quickly, or Sengoku will be dead!"Lieutenant General Tsuru shouted hurriedly.

Crocodile looked at the Five Elders.

"What should I do?"Izambalon·V·Nasu Shoulang Sheng asked hurriedly

"What else can I do? Zhan Guo cannot die!"

""Quick, seal!"

Satan Saint shouted hurriedly.

In the field, Garp quickly ran to Sengoku. Except for Kaido, everyone stood there, ready to attack.

Above the sky, a big Buddha fell. Suddenly, Kizaru and others in the field were extremely nervous, fearing that they could not stop it.

Seeing the fist coming, Crocodile's voice came from the loudspeaker:"Release!"

The next second, the energy outside the body of the big Buddha rushing in the air dissipated and turned into wood. Uchiha Madara broke away from the wood and fell rapidly. White light came out of his body, and Uchiha Madara showed shock on his face.

Sengoku and others below were delighted because they saw Uchiha Madara's expression.

"Buddha's impact!"

Zhan Guo punched the fallen wood.


A beam of energy hit the wood, and the huge wooden Buddha statue was blown away.

Uchiha Madara fell to the ground with a flash of white light.

"Uchiha Madara, your soul is about to ascend to heaven, you are finished!"

Satan's voice came from the Den Den Mushi and reached the ears of everyone present through the loudspeaker.

Uchiha Madara stood on the ice, and at this time a white figure slowly emerged from his body.

"Humph, you're done now!"Akainu saw that Uchiha Ban was about to ascend to heaven, and said proudly

"I didn't expect you guys to figure it out!"

Uchiha Madara said in surprise.

The next second, Uchiha Madara changed the subject:"Then....."

His voice was drawn out, and everyone noticed that half of Uchiha Madara's soul had emerged.

"Do you know that the so-called Impure World Reincarnation is a technique to summon the dead, but it has a risk!"

The next second, Uchiha Madara's soul suddenly returned to his body, and then he quickly slapped his hands on the ground and shouted:"Impure World Reincarnation! Release!"

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