"How...How is this possible!"

Satan's shocked voice came from the Den Den Mushi.

"Why did it fail? I just saw his soul ascend!"

Zhan Guo gritted his teeth, his eyes full of confusion.

"Don't you know that Chakra and Ninjutsu were taught by me, and you use my methods to restrict me?"

Uchiha Madara said in a low voice, and added doubtfully:

"Isn't it a bit too natural?"

When these words came out, everyone was stunned, as if it was indeed the case.

Akainu reacted and cursed:"Damn it! It seems that it has to be sealed!"

""It's impossible for them to just stand there and let us seal them. We have to think of another way!" Aokiji said solemnly. The conversation between the two was transmitted to the Five Elders on the other end of the Den Den Mushi.

The Five Elders hung up the phone and continued to analyze.

How do you think we should deal with this method? Saint Satan looked at the others and said

"My slash has a freezing effect, which can restrict his movement, but there are too many people there.���Then take action!"Izambalon·V·Nasujuro Saint Return

"Speaking of souls, I think of Charlotte Linlin. I wonder if she can limit Uchiha Madara!" Shepard ten Peter Saint said, and then he looked at a few people and said:"During the battle of God Valley, the other party seemed to have betrayed Uchiha Madara. I guess she should also know that Uchiha Madara has been resurrected, and she should want to deal with him like Kaido did!"

"Charlotte Linlin's Soul Soul Fruit is only effective if it is feared by him. Do you think Uchiha Madara will be afraid of him?"Izambaron·V·Nasujuro said without any curiosity.

"It's hard to say, what if that fat woman has other hidden means?" Saint Shepard ten Peter retorted.

The other four thought for a moment, felt it made sense, and nodded.

Saint Topman Vochuli said:"Cake Island is several days away from here. If you want the other party to come quickly, you can only use the ability of teleportation, which is also a troublesome thing!"

"It would be troublesome if all the navy were killed. We can’t care about that now. Let’s promise her benefits and let her come. After we successfully deal with Uchiha Madara, we will deal with her and keep the secret!" Saint Satan replied.

Saint Shepard ten Peter glanced at Saint Satan and asked,"What if we fail?"


The other four were silent.

"I think we should just challenge him and ask him to come to a certain island. With Uchiha Madara's arrogant personality, he will probably come. Then the five of us will attack together and encircle and suppress him!" Izambaron·V·Nasu Juro expressed his thoughts

"or...Try it?"

Marcus Mazi asked uncertainly.

"Quick, he seems to be about to take action, he has set his sights on Zhan Guo!"

"I guess it’s because of what happened just now, and he’s planning to trick us!"

""Hurry up, nothing can happen to Sengoku!"

Saint Topman Wochuri said hurriedly.

Saint Satan did not dare to delay and immediately called the navy.

In the field, Sengoku saw the other party staring at him, with a solemn look on his face.

Uchiha Madara took in the shock of the people present. Uchiha Madara was very satisfied with their expressions. This was the effect he wanted to achieve.

And the pirate in charge of filming was very professional in Uchiha Madara's eyes. As long as someone spoke, he would shift the camera to that person's face. He was a good talent.

At this moment, a very unpleasant voice came from a distance:"Lord Madara, the ceremony is ready, do you want to start?"

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice and saw that it came from the Seven Warlords of the Sea Tyrant Bear.

It was seen that Tyrant Bear seemed to be wrapped in a layer of something at this time, a black mass.

Sengoku felt something was wrong from the other party's words, and asked Uchiha Madara directly:"What do you want to do? Uchiha Madara!"

"Zhan Taowan!"

Kizaru turned around and shouted

""Quick, Big Bear, attack that black thing on you!" Zhan Taowan issued the order directly.

Everyone noticed that Big Bear's hands were shaking, and the black human face on his face sneered hoarsely:"Haha~ It's useless, he is willing to let me control him with his remaining consciousness~"

While speaking, Black Zetsu controlled Big Bear to open his mouth and launched a ball of light at Zhan Taowan.

Seeing this, Kizaru on the side immediately sent out a ball of light to hit the opponent's attack


The two light balls collided with each other, causing a huge explosion.

"How could this happen?"Zhan Taowan asked puzzledly.

"Lord Madara~The other party asked me to tell you that Ginny regretted it. He said that they shouldn't break their promise for the sake of a peaceful life!"

"He also said that the battle just now made him realize that you are the person most likely to end the world, and he is willing to let me control him to make up for Ginny's mistake!"

"He also said that for the sake of the eye, please treat his child, Joelle Bonnie, well. This is his only request!"

When White Zetsu said this, Kizaru exclaimed:"What? That eye...."

Then, Kizaru stared at the bear wearing sunglasses.

"What's wrong?" Zhan Guo asked hurriedly

"The eyes of the tyrant bear!"

"We once asked him about the function of his eyes, and he said that they were the awakened eyes of his clan, and only said that his vision was a little better. We didn't take it seriously at the time. When I saw Uchiha Madara's eyes, I thought Uchiha Madara was also from the Bakhania tribe."

Kizaru explained hurriedly. Garp realized belatedly and said:"Now that you mention it, I remember that when I saw Uchiha Madara's body in the Valley of the Gods, he had no eyes!"

The Five Elders who had just got through the phone also heard the news, and immediately Satan Saint understood why the child had those blood-red eyes.

"Uchiha Madara, what is the use of those eyes? Why did you leave this as a backup?"Satan Saint asked hurriedly in the Den Den Mushi, and through the loudspeaker, it reached Uchiha Madara's ears. Satan Saint wanted to figure out why all this happened, why those eyes were left in a child, and what was the use of those eyes that made Uchiha Madara plan like this.

""Black Zetsu! Tell him that I will never forgive those who betray me, and since he helped me keep my eyes, I will protect his daughter!"

Uchiha Madara said in a low voice, and then, Uchiha Madara looked at Den Den Mushi and said:"As for you old guys, you are just rats in the gutter, hiding in dark corners. I am waiting for you here!"

At the same time.

Bonnie, who was watching the live broadcast in the Sabaody Archipelago, had already burst into tears. Her father, even after becoming like this, still loved her.

Bonnie turned around and ran towards the shore with tears, shouting:"Hurry, let's go to the Marine Headquarters! Now!"

""Captain, why are we going there? It's so dangerous!"

The pirate standing there asked in confusion.

"I'm going to save my father!"

Bonnie left a word and quickly disappeared from his men's sight.

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