The navy area far away from the Marinford battlefield.

Vice Admiral Tsuru called several times and finally got through.

The Five Elders told them that they would come to support them in half an hour at most and asked them to hold them back.

"Why wait another half an hour? The demon statue summoned by the other party seems to be planning something. If your people are a little later, it will be more difficult to deal with them!"Akainu immediately asked angrily.

"Sakaski, watch your attitude! What qualifications do you have to question our decision?"Satan's voice came from the Den Den Mushi.

"Even if you become a marshal, you can't talk to us like this!"

"You are just a general, a subordinate! Remember your identity!"

Izambalon·V·Nasu Shoulang Saint scolded.

Seeing that the Five Elders had lost face by blocking so many people, Akainu snorted angrily:"Humph! You will regret it! Five Elders!"

Satan Saint:"We are the ones who make the decision!"


The angry Akainu punched the ice with a loud noise.

The red-haired man beside him came over.��:"Five Elders! Can you come quickly?"

Then, the red-haired man looked at Akainu and added:"Sakaski just wants to deal with Uchiha Madara as soon as possible. Give me some face and put aside your personal emotions. Our enemy now is Uchiha Madara!"

"Since you said so, forget it this time. We will come as soon as possible, about 20 minutes!"

The voice of the Five Elders came on the phone, which made Kaido and Akainu's eyes widen.

Kizaru looked at the bald red-haired man as if he was a monster.

"Why? Why would the Five Elders listen to you?"

Akainu stared at the red-haired man and asked loudly. He couldn't understand why. He was an admiral after all, and the other party was a pirate.


The red-haired man didn't know how to explain it. He said two words and changed the subject directly:"Now is not the time to talk about this. We can't let Uchiha Madara continue. We have to find a way to deal with the big guy inside!"

The red-haired man didn't want these people to know about his relationship with the leader of the Knights of God, so he used the topic to divert their attention.

Sure enough, when the red-haired man said this, several people all looked over.

Uchiha Madara was sitting on a stone in the distance, with no intention of taking action. At this time, there were several more clones around the barrier.

"How scary! The four clones are hard enough to deal with, and now there are four more. What should we do?"Kizaru asked worriedly.

"Now we can only wait, wait for the strong men from the World Government to come, it’s useless if we rely on ourselves!"

"We can’t afford to lose any more combat power now. If anyone among us dies, there will be no hope. Let’s protect the navy first!"

Garp expressed his thoughts.

"This is the only way!" Aokiji nodded helplessly and approved Garp's proposal.

Only Akainu was very unwilling, he still wanted to fight.

In the distance, Uchiha Madara saw that they did not continue to attack, which was exactly what he wanted. The Ten Tails needed some time to grow. If there was no strong witness by then, it would be a pity. This was also the reason why Uchiha Madara did not kill them immediately.

"Halftime break?"

On the Moby Dick, Diamond Joz looked at the two sides and wondered if they had any intention of taking action.

"Kulala! The navy is getting scared. They are probably waiting for reinforcements!"

Whitebeard made a sharp analysis.

"These people really don't care about their dignity. They are willing to do anything to win!" Marco said very unhappy.

""Dad, look, Uchiha Madara's men are coming!"

At this moment, Ace shouted hurriedly.

Everyone looked over and saw Black Zetsu bringing the pirate in charge of filming and the third brother to the Moby Dick.

"We are filming on your ship, do you mind?"

Black Zetsu asked Whitebeard in a hoarse voice.


Whitebeard laughed and said,"Okay!"

After getting his consent, the third brother used the candlestick to lift the pirate in charge of filming into the sky.

Whitebeard looked at Black Zetsu's back and said with emotion,"He's so perceptive. He knew someone would attack them next and came to us. He's such a smart subordinate!"

Marco quickly understood what Whitebeard said and asked with some concern,"Dad, what are they doing here?..."

"It doesn't matter. Because of Uchiha Madara, we didn't lose a single person when rescuing Ace. This can be considered as an indirect help to us."

"Dad is not an ungrateful person!"

"As long as they are on our ship, Dad will do his best to protect them!"

Whitebeard said seriously.


Luffy, who was next to Ace, stared angrily at the black man in front of him. If Ace hadn't covered Luffy's mouth, Luffy would have definitely shouted to hit the other man away. Ace knew Luffy too well.

In the distance, Aokiji said,"That black guy is too sharp. The plan given by the Five Elders to seize the camera has failed!"

""Has he been discovered?"

Yellow Monkey muttered to himself

""Damn Whitebeard!"

Akainu cursed angrily.

Whitebeard on the other side smiled at Akainu.

At the same time, in Pangu City,

Saint Satan led four CPs to the teleportation array and soon disappeared. In a certain sea in the New World, the Queen Mother Anthem stopped at the sea, as if waiting for something.

""Mom, Kaido said it's dangerous and asked you not to go there. Do we really want to go?"

Charlotte Katakuri asked worriedly.

"Kaido is a kind-hearted kid. If I hadn't called Kaido just now, I wouldn't have known that all the Red Hair members were dead, and the Warring States is almost over."

Charlotte Linling said with emotion:"This war is really dangerous~"

Then, Sherlock Linling changed the subject and said:"But~ the Pirate King promised by the government this time has tempted me, and Uchiha Madara and I have a grudge of betrayal, so I have to go!"

And the World Government told Charlotte Linling that Uchiha Madara was only slightly stronger than Roger and needed his help, and promised that after the matter was over, the country must send an excellent chef every year to help Charlotte Linling cook delicious food, and there is also the title of Pirate King in exchange for benefits.

"Mom, the Five Elders just deceived you. I don't think it's credible!" Charlotte Perospero said what she thought

"This is not important!"

After Charlotte Linling said this, she became excited and opened her arms and said:"As long as we can defeat Uchiha Madara, we can get the means of resurrection. I want to revive the nun!"


Charlotte Linling learned about Uchiha Madara's strength and his resurrection methods from Kaido. Although Charlotte Linling didn't know how the other party was resurrected, he believed that the other party would definitely find a way to revive the nun.

A few minutes later, Satan Saint stepped on the moon step and flew from a distance with the other four CPs.

"Your position is too inaccurate!"

The voice of Saint Satan came from a distance.

Charlotte Lingling stared at one of the four CPs, who was holding a huge device in his hand. The smile on Charlotte Lingling's face disappeared, and she murmured,"Is that thing the teleportation device?"

Soon, Saint Satan came to the ship, ready to teleport, and on the other side, the three Five Elders came to the place of highest power in the World Government.

There is a wide hall here.

The ground is covered with a red carpet, with dozens of steps on it. Above the first floor, there are hundreds of weapons inserted on the platform of the first floor.

The second platform has stairs covered with red carpets, which extend all the way to the third floor.

The weapons on the third floor are more refined than those on the lower floor, with 19 sword blades inserted there.

At the very top, there is a huge throne.

Not long after the Five Elders appeared, a woman walked out from the side, slowly walked up to the throne at the top, and then sat on the seat.

""Master Yimu!"

The three Five Elders knelt on the ground respectfully.

"Why are there only three of you? Where are the others?" Yim asked expressionlessly.

"Lord Yim, it is like this...."

Izambaron·V·Nasujuro told the whole story from beginning to end.

After hearing that Uchiha Madara defeated Peter with one move, Im was stunned for a moment and asked,"Are you telling the truth?"

"It's absolutely true. Satan has contacted Charlotte Linling. The other party is too powerful. We want to request the deployment of the Knights of God!"

"Sure! Remember, don't let Uchiha Madara die, capture him alive! I want to study his moves!"

"In addition, after this is over, everyone present should disperse!"

After saying this, Yim asked in a deep voice:"You should know what to do, right?"

"Don't worry, Master Yimu," Izambaron·V·Nasu Shoulang Sheng was sweating

"Good to know!"


Yim waved her hand, then she stood up and slowly walked towards the flowers.

After Yim left, the three of them stood up with cold sweat and walked outside.

"What should I do? Lord Im wants to destroy 100,000 navy soldiers, Whitebeard, Kaido and Charlotte Linlin!"

"Those pirates are fine, but the navy...."

Topman Vochuli Saint paused and looked at the other two.

"Since Lord Yimu has given the order, we can only do it! The Knights of God cannot be exposed!"

Izambaron·V·Nasu Shoulang Sheng said helplessly

"Akainu and Aokiji are easy to deal with, but Kizaru is very vigilant!"Macas Maz Saint said worriedly

"Then let Satan launch a surprise attack! Just like he did to Uchiha Madara!"Izambaron·V·Nasujuro Sei suggested

"This is the only way!"

Topman Vochuli agreed.

"Let's go, let's prepare the teleportation array first. I think the members of the Knights of God should be here soon!" Izambaron·V·After Nasujuro Sei said hello, he led the two to the main hall of Pangu City.

The Five Elders were still thinking about dealing with Uchiha Madara, but what they didn't know was that halfway up the Red Earth Continent, a giant ship was being blown by the strong wind and stopped on a platform halfway up the mountain. On the ship, a man in a hooded coat retracted his open arms, staring at the live broadcast on the ship with a smile on his face.

The tattoo that looked like a shoe print made the man's smile extremely hideous.

This man was the number one enemy of the World Government, Monkey.·D·dragon!

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