"Mr. Long, when are we going to act?"

Sabo glanced at Uchiha Madara and the navy who hadn't taken action, then turned to Monkey.·D·Long asked respectfully

"It's not time yet, wait a little longer!"

Long said confidently.

"But chief, will the Knights of God really go? If they don't go, we'll be in trouble!" Lindberg of the Fur Tribe said worriedly.

"They will definitely go! Uchiha Madara is as powerful as our revolutionary army, and the Five Elders will definitely get rid of him as soon as possible!"

"We will definitely succeed this time!"

After Long finished speaking, he opened his arms and shouted passionately:"The storm of fate is coming! Blow it! Overturn them!"

The soldiers of the Revolutionary Army all showed a firm look, they were infected by Long's words.

Long also made the decision temporarily, because when he was watching the execution of Fire Fist Ace, he found that Uchiha Madara was powerful, and thought it was an opportunity, so he used the power of the fruit to bring this ship of people here.

"that....Excuse me!"

Bello Betty said with a cigarette in her mouth, a little embarrassed.

Everyone looked at her.

"What's wrong?" Long asked curiously.

"Speaking of which, leader, if the members of the Knights of God were killed by Uchiha Madara in the past, how would we defeat them?"

"Uchiha Madara doesn't seem to be a simple character, and he seems to have great ambitions!"

As soon as Belo Betty said this, everyone fell silent, as if it was true, and cold sweat ran down Long's forehead.

Just as Long was racking his brains to think of a countermeasure, the Northern Army's captain Crow shouted:"Look, another strong man is coming!"

Everyone looked at the screen, only to see that the camera was pulled far away, Charlotte Linlin and Charlotte Katakuri were standing on Zeus, flying from a distance.

On Marin's side.

Kaido frowned when he saw Linlin coming. He had told the other party not to come before, but he didn't expect that she would come anyway.

"Is it because he is in danger?"

Thinking of this, Kaido was deeply moved.

"How scary! Another of the Four Emperors has arrived!"Kizaru said in shock.

"Kulala~ I didn't expect that even Charlotte Linlin would come!"

Whitebeard said with emotion, smiling

"I hope he is not here to help Uchiha Madara!"

Vice Admiral Ghost Spider looked at the newcomer and said solemnly

"Don't worry, that fat woman once betrayed Uchiha Madara, and she is most likely here to oppose Uchiha Madara!"Garp explained.

Upon hearing this, the vice admirals around him all breathed a sigh of relief.


Charlotte's weird laughter resounded throughout the square.

No one among the navy and pirates present dared to underestimate the other party, except for Uchiha Madara

"Hey, you are such a good planner. After so many years, I didn't expect you to be resurrected!"

Charlotte Linlin came to Kaido and said to Uchiha Madara.

Uchiha Madara did not answer her.

Seeing this, Charlotte Linlin sighed:"You are so cold, you still have the same personality as before!"

Charlotte Linlin glanced at the admiral who dared not move rashly, and said:

"It’s hard for you to face so many enemies now, right? Otherwise, tell me the resurrection method, and I will turn around and leave immediately!"

At first, when Charlotte Linling heard Kaido say that Uchiha Madara was very powerful, she thought that Kaido might have exaggerated. When she came to the battlefield, she realized that Kaido was telling the truth. Even the hot-tempered Akainu didn’t dare to make a move. Charlotte Linling wanted to take advantage of the situation, get some benefits and leave, so she said this.

Kaido was stunned. He thought Linling came because she was worried about him, but it turned out to be for this.

Kaido was about to say something, but was beaten to it by Uchiha Madara.

"What qualifies you to get my moves?


Uchiha Madara asked in a low and doubtful voice

"Is it because your face is bigger than theirs? My traitor crew!"

Hearing Uchiha Madara's mocking words, Charlotte Linlin's eyes were blazing with fire

"If you want to defeat the opponent, you can only rely on your own skills. Let's join forces! I also need this trick to revive my crew members!"The red-haired man said to the extremely angry Charlotte Linling.

"The bald red-haired kid is so ugly!"

Charlotte Lingling looked at the red-haired bald head and sighed.

"But you are right, I agree to join forces!" Charlotte Linling nodded.

Outside the barrier, Uchiha Madara glanced into the distance and said to himself:"I didn't expect that even these people would be dispatched to deal with me!"

"But it just so happens that the Ten-Tails is about to transform, so let you have a taste of its power!"

After Uchiha Madara finished speaking, the strong men present all followed Uchiha Madara's gaze and looked towards where Charlotte Linlin came from.

"Why didn't I sense it?"

Kaido was very confused.

The three admirals frowned. Like Kaido, they did not sense the person Uchiha Madara mentioned.

"I didn't expect his observation Haki to be so powerful!"

The red-haired man was shocked, because he, like Uchiha Madara, sensed the arrival of the person.

"that is..."

In front of the Five Elders, there was a man with scars on his face and a moon-shaped hairstyle. The red-haired man clenched his fists tightly and gritted his teeth.

"Some big shots are coming~"

As the people were getting closer, Whitebeard, who used his observation Haki to sense the group of people, said solemnly.

Then, Whitebeard looked at Black Zetsu and said,"Those guys are not easy to deal with. Go help Uchiha Madara, I'll guard this side for you!"

"It doesn't matter, everything is over!"

Black Zetsu replied hoarsely.

Soon, 12 members of the Knights of God and four of the Five Elders arrived here.

The Five Elders were shocked and angry when they saw that the camera was still on.

At the first moment, the leader of the Knights of God, Feigarand Galinsheng, attacked the camera. He drew his sword and slashed, and the red slash that reached the sky attacked the camera position on Whitebeard's ship.

The opponent's slashing speed was extremely fast. Whitebeard on the ship immediately rotated Kusugawa Kiri and jumped high. Whitebeard, holding the sword with both hands in the air, slashed on the attacking slash.

""Boom!" A loud noise exploded in front of Whitebeard.

A powerful momentum burst out, and the flag on the Moby Dick was blown.

Whitebeard landed on the deck and said to Fegaland Galinsheng who attacked:"Kulalalala~ This is the second time we have fought in decades. You are not that good either!"


Feigalande Galinsheng snorted coldly and put the knife back to the tip.

"Whitebeard! I order you to turn off the camera immediately, otherwise you will bear the wrath of the highest level of the World Government!"

Izambaron·V·Nasujuro said angrily.

After that, he looked at the admiral angrily and scolded again:"What are you doing? Didn't I tell you to grab the camera and turn it off? You can't even do this!"

The Knights of God frowned, because they were broadcast live and their identities could not be hidden.

"Whitebeard is there, it's not easy to grab him!" Yellow Monkey said helplessly

" Let's go ahead and smash the Den Den Mushi first.!"

One of the Knights of God said something, and except for the leader of the Knights of God, the other 11 people ran towards Whitebeard.

Whitebeard, Marco, Diamond Joz and other captains were ready to fight at any time.

As soon as the members of the Knights of God approached 200 meters, they saw the black thing grow bigger, wrapping the pirate in charge of filming and the third brother and jumping onto the ice, and then the other party sank into the ice with the two people and disappeared.

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