The battle was over, and the battle was over.

"Notify Jorah and Buffalo to help Sugar turn the contestants into toys and throw them into the underground factory to work."

"After this is done, the two of them will stay there to protect Sugar and don't have to come back."

"Let the cadres take action and arrest all the Straw Hat Boys."

On the high platform of the palace, the slug Trebol began to give orders according to Mingge's instructions.

"Oh yeah!"

"Finally, we can do something big."

The half-human fighting fish Delinjie said with a smile on his face.

"Hehehe, Straw Hat Boy, you can't escape today!"

"Hahahaha, this time we must catch them all!"

The cadres under Doflamingo showed excited expressions, rubbing their hands and ready to show their skills.

"Let's go!"

With an order, the cadres quickly moved and dispersed in different directions to perform their respective tasks.

The whole Dressrosa instantly became tense and lively, and a fierce battle was about to begin.

On the only way to the high platform of the palace, a tall and muscular man stood there. His eyes were cold and sharp, as if he could see through everything. He was one of the cadres of the Doflamingo family-Gradius.

After arriving here, Gradius looked around the surrounding environment without hesitation. His eyes were as sharp as a falcon, not missing any details.

Then, he placed his hands on the walls of the road on both sides. Many small air bulges appeared on the wall instantly and began to swell.

"This guy has started again." Derringer, who was standing by, watched Gladius's actions and laughed out loud with his hands covering his mouth.

"I wonder how many unlucky guys will fall for it." Another cadre also said with a smile.

"Hehehe!" Derringer laughed even more happily.

However, at this moment, the old man Rao G spoke up to remind them: "Don't underestimate the enemy. This time, the opponent is the Straw Hat Pirates. All of them are bounty hunters, and the bounty of Captain Straw Hat is as high as 600 million. Moreover, Diamante was also defeated by Uzumaki Naruto."

Hearing this, the originally relaxed atmosphere suddenly became serious. Everyone knows that the Straw Hat Pirates is a very powerful team, and their strength should not be underestimated.

At the beginning, when they were discussing the competition in the arena on the high platform of the palace, they were very disdainful of those bounty hunters. Because they felt that their strength was enough to defeat any enemy. But now, facing such a strong enemy as the Straw Hat Pirates, they have to re-examine their attitude and strategy.

Although Gladius only has a bounty of less than 40 million, he is still full of confidence. He believes that even pirates with a bounty of hundreds of millions cannot compete with him. After all, his strength has been honed through countless battles.

But with the defeat of Diamante, a senior cadre, other cadres of Don Quixote dare not take it lightly.

After all, Diamante's strength is obvious to all. He is one of the senior cadres of the Don Quixote family and has strong combat power and devil fruit ability.

Among the family cadres, except Doflamingo himself, no one else, including the highest cadre Pica, dares to say that he can definitely defeat Diamante. Now that even Diamante has been defeated, other cadres realize that the enemies they are facing are by no means ordinary people and they can no longer underestimate their opponents.

They must reassess the situation, adjust their strategies, and go all out to deal with the next battle. The result of this battle will directly affect the reputation and status of the Don Quixote family. If the enemy cannot be defeated as soon as possible, then they may face more challenges and difficulties.

At that time, the family's efforts in Dressrosa for more than ten years may be burned.

Afterwards, the cadres dispersed and began to hunt members and contestants of the Straw Hat Pirates.

At the same time, the members of the Straw Hat Pirates have already separated.

In the tavern of Dressrosa, the atmosphere was lively at this time, and people were enjoying the wine and joy. However, Robin, the most stable and mature member of the Straw Hat Pirates, sat there with a serious face, as if thinking about something important. Suddenly, a tall figure appeared at the door, attracting everyone's attention.

"You are here." Robin looked at the Traman who appeared in front of him, with a flash of surprise in his eyes, but more of a determined look.

Traman's face showed a solemn look, he

He walked quickly to Robin and asked anxiously, "Where is the Straw Hat Master now?"

The situation was urgent, and Traman asked the question he was most concerned about directly without any hesitation.

Robin frowned slightly, sighed softly, and said, "Well... We separated after landing in Dressrosa. I don't know where Luffy is now, but I believe you will know soon."

Her voice was calm and firm, as if she was full of confidence in Luffy.

Traman's eyes became sharp, and he stared at Robin closely, trying to find some clues from her expression. But Robin just smiled, with a gleam of wisdom in her eyes.

"Okay, thank you, Nico Robin." Traman nodded and turned to leave.

"Wait a minute!" Robin stopped him, "We came here to find you."

"I suggest you stay here and wait for everyone to meet up." Robin had heard of the name of the clown and knew the danger.

Traman stopped, looked back at Robin, and raised a faint smile: "Don't worry, I will be fine. Contact Straw Hat Boy and help him tell him that I want to form a pirate alliance with him. Deal with the Joker together." After that, he strode out of the tavern and disappeared into the crowd.

"Pirate alliance?" Robin repeated the word in surprise.

She was not unfamiliar, but the pirate alliance was not a good thing, often accompanied by betrayal and bloody fighting.

Today, few pirate groups are willing to form a pirate alliance.

"He has left. This man really acts on his own." After Traman left, Princess Violet, a tavern dancer, said softly.

Although Traman did not reveal his identity, Violet recognized him at a glance. Because it was he who helped Traman find Robin.

"Yes, but it fits the character of our captain." Thinking of Luffy, Robin couldn't help but smile.

For Luffy, Traman is a trustworthy partner. So it is completely believed that Luffy will definitely agree to the pirate alliance after hearing this news, and will not refuse at all.

"Straw Hat Boy, what a magical person." Violet exclaimed.

"Will Dressrosa have a new life?" Violet muttered in her heart. No one knows how much humiliation she has endured over the years.

She prayed silently, hoping that this time she could really change Dressrosa's fate and let her and the masses no longer be oppressed.


"Boom boom boom!!"

With a series of deafening explosions, the entire palace was shaken and shaky.

Naruto and Luffy stared at the scene in front of them with wide eyes and looked at the scene in astonishment. They were only a few steps away from the road leading to the palace platform, but at this moment they were blown to dust and embarrassed by the impact of the explosion.

Luffy patted the dirt and dust on his body, panting, and asked in confusion: "What is going on? We didn't see any shells flying over here."

Just now, when Naruto and Luffy stepped onto the only passage leading to the royal palace, they never expected that this seemingly ordinary road would hide huge dangers. Every step they took would cause a violent explosion under their feet, which instantly plunged them into chaos.

Naruto frowned tightly, and he realized that these explosions were not attacks from the outside, but a cleverly arranged trap. Every step they took was like stepping on an invisible landmine, triggering a fatal explosion.

If it weren't for their powerful domineering power that could resist some of the damage, they would have been blown to pieces and their bodies would have been gone.

Luffy gritted his teeth angrily and clenched his fists. He felt that he had been fooled and was filled with anger. However, they could not give up easily and had to find a way to break through this dilemma. So Naruto began to observe the surrounding environment carefully, trying to find clues. Luffy, on the other hand, tried to sense the enemy's position with his keen sense and domineering.

Naruto squatted down and observed the ground carefully when he came to the road ahead.

Soon, he found that the brick surface was a little different from other roads, and it seemed to be bulging.

"What's going on?" Naruto frowned, full of doubts.

Naruto wrapped one arm with the armed color domineering, and then pressed it against the bulging road surface.

Just as his arm just touched the road surface, a dazzling white light suddenly emanated from his palm.

Then, there was another violent explosion at the place Naruto touched.

The huge impact force caused the surrounding bricks and dust to fly everywhere, forming a dense mass.

Thick smoke and dust.

"Naruto!!" Luffy on the side widened his eyes and shouted at the smoke and dust in front of him.

However, in the smoke, Naruto quickly flew out.

He had some scars all over his body, but fortunately the injuries were not serious.

"Luffy, be careful."

"If I guess correctly, this is the ability of the devil fruit."

At first, Naruto didn't remember the existence of the character Guladi.

But after the explosion just now, Naruto suddenly remembered the ninja who also liked explosions-Deidara.

"Art is explosion." This sentence echoed in Naruto's ears, making him realize that there is more than one person who can use explosions.

Muri Jinpachi is one, Destruction Cannon Ediou is also one, and now there is another devil fruit ability user Guladi.

"It seems that I have been recognized." At this time, Guladi, holding the wall with one hand, slowly walked out from the side.

"Straw Hat Boy, Yellow-haired Mysterious Man, you two stop here." Guladi said confidently.

Facing two pirates with a combined bounty of more than 1 billion, he did not feel the slightest fear.

Because he had already made preparations in advance, the only way to the Royal Palace Highlands was now transformed into a dangerous place by his fruit ability.

Even if Luffy and Naruto had strong domineering power, it would be difficult to break through these layers of explosions.

"Who are you?"

Luffy did not know Guradi.

In fact, Naruto had forgotten this man for a while, after all, his bounty in the Mingo family was less than 40 million.

Although there was a reason why the bounty stopped growing after being whitewashed.

But it was enough to indirectly explain Guradi's upper limit.

"Who I am is not important." Guradi's tone was very calm, but with an irresistible majesty. His eyes were firm and cold, as if he had seen through everything.

"You only need to know that I will be one of Don Quixote's highest cadres in the future." His voice was low and powerful, which shocked people.

After Diamante was defeated, all the cadres below were eyeing the position of the highest cadre. They all want to become the highest cadre of Don Quixote, with more power and status.

And now the fortune is in the hands of Guradi. As long as he can defeat Luffy, he may become one of the highest cadres of Don Quixote.

"Straw Hat Boy, you are the ability user of the rubber fruit, ordinary bombs have no effect on you." A trace of contempt flashed in Guradi's eyes, as if he was disdainful of Luffy's ability.

"So I prepared a gift for you." The corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing a mysterious smile.

"Fragmentation bomb!" Guradi shouted loudly. As his voice fell, the helmet on his head began to expand gradually, making a "clicking" sound.

Then, the helmet became bigger and bigger, and finally turned into a huge bomb. This bomb looks amazingly powerful, which makes people feel scared when they look at it.

"Hahahaha!" Guradi laughed wildly, then explained: "This is not an ordinary bomb, but a fragmentation bomb that I carefully developed! Once it explodes, it will not only produce a huge shock wave, but also blow the steel helmet to pieces, turning it into countless sharp fragments! These sharp iron pieces will fly in all directions at an astonishing speed and penetrate any object! Even if you are wearing rubber clothes, it will be useless!" He looked at Luffy triumphantly, with confidence and victory in his eyes.

"Hehehe..." Guradi smiled grimly, holding the remote control tightly in his hand, as if he had seen the miserable state of Luffy after being hit by the fragmentation bomb. He activated his ability and looked forward to this gorgeous performance.

With a loud bang, the fragmentation bomb exploded, releasing powerful energy in an instant. Countless shrapnel flew around like raindrops, with a harsh whistling sound. These shrapnel were like a group of ferocious beasts, pouncing on everything around them with their fangs and claws. They easily tore through the air and ruthlessly hit the walls, the ground and the ceiling. Each shrapnel contained deadly power, as if it was going to tear the entire space into pieces.

At the same time, the explosion of the fragmentation bomb triggered a chain reaction, igniting other bombs around. These bombs were originally traps set up by Guradi in advance, and now they were detonated by the impact of the fragmentation bomb, forming a terrible chain explosion. The explosions were deafening, and the entire passage fell into chaos.

Luffy widened his eyes and looked at the scene in front of him in amazement. He had never seen such an attack method before.

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