The explosion shook the palace platform.

The earth-shaking explosion shook even the palace platform.

"That guy Guradi, is it necessary to make such a big noise?"

Derlinger said with some curiosity.

At this moment, in front of him were the pirates who were eliminated first after entering the finals.

"Brother Yabujet, do you also want to be enemies with the family? I advise you to think it through." Delinger said with a smile as he looked at the two people in front of him.

The two brothers have always acted in a despicable and shameless manner. Under normal circumstances, they would not put themselves in danger unless they had something to gain.

"Hey, half-fish boy, we heard that King Riku, the previous king of Dressrosa, once raised a lot of wealth."

"With so much wealth, can the Joker use it all? Why don't we help him share some of it?"

Jet said with his tongue sticking out.

The two brothers once attacked an important office of the World Government and accidentally found a document that recorded some amazing secrets.

The document revealed part of the truth behind the Dressrosa coup. According to records, Doflamingo and his gang threatened King Riku to hand over a huge amount of wealth under the pretext of attacking the island of Dressrosa.

If King Riku refused, they would massacre the entire island. Faced with such a threat, King Riku had no choice but to raise a lot of wealth from the people on the island.

However, when the amount of treasure was finally enough, King Riku suddenly went crazy and started killing innocent people. This gave Doflamingo an opportunity to take advantage of it. He took the opportunity to abolish King Riku on the grounds that he wanted to take the treasure for himself, and then occupied the entire Dressrosa.

As for what means he used, the document did not specify, but it can be imagined that there must be some unknown conspiracy and calculation hidden in it.

"Are you two really ignorant of life and death?"

"Haven't you heard that the more you know, the faster you die!!!"

"Since you are so anxious to reincarnate, I will send you two on your way."

Derlinger said with a dark face. This was originally a secret, but he didn't expect that these two people knew it.

In Delinger's mind, they had another reason to die.

"Hehe, just you?"

"A half-human, half-fish kid, come on."

Yabu sneered with disdain.

This sentence was like a sharp sword, deeply hurting Delinger's heart. In his mind, the scene of being discriminated and bullied by humans in his childhood emerged. Those painful memories came to his mind, making his eyes red in an instant, full of hatred and anger.

A cold killing intent emanated from him, as if to freeze the air around him. His body was trembling slightly, his fists were clenched, his nails were deeply embedded in his palms, and blood was flowing down his fingers, but he was unaware of it. At this moment, he was completely immersed in anger, with only one thought in his mind: kill this hateful guy in front of him!

"Yabu, the rumors are true, his eyes are red."

"You have completely angered him, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to deal with him."

Jet reminded that it is said that Delinger is a fighting fish. When his eyes are red, he loses his mind and only knows how to kill. It is extremely difficult.

"It shouldn't matter, just a person who has lost his mind." Yabu said hesitantly.

There are only two of them here. As for the other contestants, most of them suddenly disappeared after the game.

The remaining few people had already rushed to the palace platform from other places.

At this time, Delinger's eyes turned blood red, his face showed a ferocious expression, and a low roar came out of his mouth. His body began to tremble, his muscles tensed, and he seemed ready to explode at any time.

Yabu and Jet looked at each other and saw the solemnity in each other's eyes. They knew that at this time, Delinger was completely enraged and might do anything crazy.

"We have to be careful and not let him get close." Yabu whispered, holding the weapon tightly in his hand and looking at Delinger vigilantly.

However, Delinger did not attack immediately, but stood in place, shaking his body slightly, as if adapting to his new state. His eyes were fixed on Yabu and Jet. Although he was extremely irritable in this state, he did not completely lose his mind.

"This guy looks tricky..." Jet muttered to himself, feeling a little uneasy.

At this moment, Delinger suddenly moved. He was extremely fast, rushing towards Yabu and Jet like a ferocious beast. His weapon was the two horns on his head, with a sharp

The sound of the wind.

Yabu and Jet dodged quickly, but Deringer's attack followed them like a shadow, constantly forcing them to retreat. They felt a huge pressure and could hardly breathe.

"This won't work! We must find a way to fight back!" Yabu shouted, knowing that if they kept being beaten passively, they would be defeated by Deringer sooner or later.

So, Yabu and Jet decided to join forces to fight against Deringer. They cooperated with each other and used their respective advantages to attack. Jet avoided Deringer's attack with flexible body movements and took the opportunity to launch a sneak attack; while Yabu suppressed Deringer with powerful force, not giving him a chance to attack.

For a while, the two sides fell into a stalemate. But Deringer was strong after all, and gradually gained the upper hand. Yabu and Jet were in more and more dangerous situations, and they were also injured a lot.

"Pierce, two guys who don't know how to live or die." Deringer roared, and his two horns with a fierce momentum stabbed Jet and Yabu's back fiercely.

With two "puffs", the bull's horns easily pierced the bodies of the two people, and blood splattered.

"Damn it! Are we going to lose like this?" Yabu roared unwillingly, his eyes full of anger and despair.

However, at this critical moment, a figure fell from the sky, streaking across the sky like a meteor, and finally landed steadily among them.

The person who came was Sabo, who had just eaten the Wind Wind Fruit, and he arrived at the scene in time.

"Are you all right?" Sabo looked at the two people in front of him and asked calmly.

"Fortunately, but this guy is too powerful..." Yabu said with a heavy breath, with a hint of fatigue and helplessness in his voice.

Sabo turned his head to look at Delinger, a flash of surprise in his eyes, and muttered to himself: "I didn't expect him to become like this..."

They had collected a lot of information about the members of the Don Quixote family before, so they also knew about Delinger's abilities.

Delinger felt Sabo's arrival, and his eyes became more fierce and full of murderous intent. He roared and rushed at the three again, his speed was astonishing.

"You two get out of the way, I'll do it alone." Sabo shouted. He had just obtained the ability of the Wind-Wind Fruit, and he had not yet practiced in actual combat.

Hearing Sabo's words, Jet Yabu was a little surprised. Now it was the best way for them to go together, but he still followed Sabo's instructions and stepped aside.

"Are you Sabo who ate the ability of the Wind-Wind Fruit?!" Delinger said hoarsely.

Originally, after Diamanti won the Wind-Wind Fruit back, the family would distribute the fruit according to past merits. And among the family members, there were only a handful of people who were not ability users.

There was a high probability that the Wind-Wind Fruit would belong to him, Delinger. So Sabo was equivalent to robbing his fruit, and the enemies were particularly jealous when they met.

"Yes, I am Sabo, the new owner of the Wind-Wind Fruit." Sabo replied expressionlessly.

Delinger looked at Sabo with gritted teeth, his heart full of anger and jealousy. He has always wanted to become a powerful ability user, but now this opportunity has been taken away by Sabo.

"Humph, do you think you can defeat me by eating the Wind-Wind Fruit? Too naive!" Deringer sneered.

"Just try it and you'll know." Sabo responded without showing any weakness.

The two looked at each other, with hostility flashing in their eyes. A fierce battle is about to begin...

Deringer rushed towards Sabo again, with a hint of fierceness in his eyes.

"So what if it's natural?" A disdainful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "My domineering is not for bragging!"

He covered the horns with domineering aura, making them hard and flashing with cold light in an instant. This blow contained his powerful strength and murderous intent, enough to kill Sabo.

However, Sabo did not use domineering aura, and seemed to want to fight Deringer with his devil fruit ability alone. His body moved slightly, and his eyes revealed a kind of confidence and calmness.

Of course, Deringer's intentions had already been seen through by Sabo at a glance. He knew that the other party wanted to use Haki to restrain his natural ability, but he also had his own countermeasures.

Just when Derringer was about to hit Sabo, Sabo suddenly activated the ability of the Wind-Wind Fruit. His whole body quickly floated in the air, like a flying bird.

Derringer's attack missed instantly, and he widened his eyes and looked at Sabo flying freely in the air with astonishment.

"Humph, a trick!" Derringer shouted angrily and attacked Sabo again. But at this time, Sabo had completely taken the advantage and easily avoided every attack of Derringer.

In mid-air, Sabo overlooked the battlefield below, full of confidence.

He knew that the battle had entered his own rhythm, and it was time to counterattack.

Then he swung a dozen wind blades with his right hand and killed Delinger.

"Damn it, my Wind-Wind Fruit!" Seeing that Sabo could fly freely in the air, Delinger's heart was full of jealousy and unwillingness.

He had always longed to have such an ability, but he had never been able to get it. At this moment, seeing Sabo showing the ability of the Wind-Wind Fruit, the fire of jealousy in his heart burned even more vigorously.

"Do you think you are safe in the sky?" Delinger glared at Sabo, with a flash of anger in his eyes. He suddenly used the Moon Step, and his body lightly jumped into the air, rushing towards Sabo in the air. His head horns once again carried a fierce momentum, ready to start a life-and-death contest with Sabo.

"Bullfighting Impact...!" Delinger shouted, condensing all his strength on the head horns, and stabbed Sabo fiercely.

The head horns were covered with domineering and flashing cold light, as if to tear the air. Sabo nimbly avoided Derringer's attack and kicked his head with his foot, trying to knock him away. The two fought back and forth in the air, and each attack was full of murderous intent.

However, anyone with a discerning eye could see that although Derringer tried his best, the situation was completely controlled by Sabo. Sabo's movements were smooth and every move was just right, making Derringer exhausted. Gradually, Derringer began to feel powerless and his physical strength was exhausted, while Sabo was still full of energy.

"I'm almost familiar with the strength." Sabo said softly, revealing a kind of confidence and calmness in his tone. He knew that he had the upper hand, and the next step was to end the battle.

"It's time to end, Derringer." Sabo suddenly jumped back and distanced himself from Derringer. Then, with his body as the center, a large number of tornadoes emerged around him. These tornadoes roared like dragons, mixed with countless sharp wind blades. Under Sabo's command, they rushed towards Delinger like a group of hungry beasts.

Although the Moon Step can make people come to the air, it is not convenient after all. Facing the sudden tornado, Delinger could not avoid it and could only watch them attack him.

"Ah ... When everything was over, Yabu and Jet looked at Sabo gratefully and said, "Thank you. If you hadn't shown up in time, we would have been killed."

Sabo smiled and waved his hand, responding, "You're welcome. After all, we are all contestants."

After saying this, Sabo turned and left, leaving only Yabu and Jet thinking about this thrilling battle.

They realized that although they were strong, there were still many strong people in this world who needed to be challenged. Only by constantly improving themselves can they win in future battles.

For Sabo, Deringer was not even a minor episode.

However, the news that Sabo, the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Army, was heading for the Royal Palace Heights was soon known to the Navy.

"This is really a headache."

"This person is involved in this incident. If we sit back and do nothing, we can't explain to the World Government."

"Forget it, let me go and meet this young man."

Fujitora frowned and said.

The Revolutionary Army is different from pirates. They truly have the ability to overthrow the world.

Therefore, as a navy admiral, he must not allow Sabo to do whatever he wants in Dressrosa.

After all, his mission is to maintain peace and stability here.

Then Fujitora gave some instructions to the navy on the island and left.

At this time, the battle between Naruto and Luffy and the Explosion Fruit user, Gladi, was also coming to an end.

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