One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 103 - Cobra stunned the sand crocodile shocked (77)

Chapter 103 – Cobra stunned the sand crocodile shocked [7/7]

This content was first published on “Stop, General Huang Yuan, I will not continue to let you do whatever you want. This is my country. I arrest people here. I always ask if the king agrees with me.”

Animals, birds, fruits, and falcons, on the back of the broad eagle of the deputy captain of the guard, Cobra King Cobra stood against the wind with great majesty, and shouted at the general Huang Yuan below with majesty. Three days ago.

Bell informed the East China Sea fleet about the return.

General Huang Yuan disappeared.

King Cobra immediately followed.

When they arrived in Hwaseong City, they heard that the general Huang Yuan was fighting with Krokdal.

As for the place where they fight.

You can know without looking.

After all, the momentum can be seen even after a few + miles.

The next three days.

Cobra did not return to the palace.

Instead, it has been waiting far away.

Until not long ago, Luo Lin arrived and showed up.

The three-day and three-night battle between Huang Yuan and Krokdal finally came to an end. King Cobra hurriedly asked Bell to take him and rushed to him immediately.

There were more than a thousand meters away from the center of the battlefield, Bell leaned on his pair of eagle eyes and saw the third person on that battlefield.

It immediately reported to Cobra.

When Cobra learned that Rollin had arrived and had a confrontation with the general ‘039, Cobra naturally couldn’t calm down anymore.

This was the sound of the majestic scolding now.

Even if you know that the general of the navy headquarters is a very big man. He couldn’t just watch what Huang Yuan did to Luo Lin.

039 Wow 039

Falcon Bell landed with the majestic Cobra.

Wings waved, blowing a piece of wind and sand, hitting the face of the dumbfounded Klockdal. As a result, Krokdal, who had been dumbfounded by him for a long time, came back to his senses. “Teacher, it seems that King Cobra of Alabastan is also your fan.”

Seeing that Cobra did not hesitate to offend him, the admiral, for Rolin.

Huang Yuan Polusalino suddenly smiled and said

“Yellow Ape

Listening to General Huang Yuan’s words, Cobra, who was about to scold the harsh words he prepared in his heart, was stunned.

division! ! !

Cobra and Bell screamed almost in unison, and their voices increased more than eight hundred degrees. “Goo~ha”

Looking at the dull and shocked expressions on the faces of Cobra and Bell.

Crockdale regained his senses and smiled reluctantly. Now, it was finally not he who stood alone and shocked.

“Teacher! Lord Cobb, the teacher called by the general Mr. Huang Yuan

Mr.? Is it Mr. Luo Lin? ”

Bell’s mood and expression at the moment were the same as Krokdal’s earlier.

“Teacher 039 was shocked by the general Huang Yuan’s 039,” and his brain was blank, and the whole person was shocked to the point of indescribable.

The highest combat power in the navy headquarters, the general Huang Yuan is actually the disciple of that young man?

If this is true, how crazy it would be?

“General Huang Yuan is Mr. Luo Lin’s disciple???”

At this moment, King Cobra was also standing in place with a messy face.

Even if he knew Luo Lin’s past identity.

At this moment, I was shocked by Huang Yuan’s sudden sound of “Teacher 039.”

“and many more

After a while, Cobra seemed to have thought of something.

“Thirty-eight years ago

The world conference thirty-eight years ago.

Luo Lin is the lieutenant general responsible for escorting them back to Alabastan.

At that time, there were two teenagers on Luo Lin’s boat who were particularly valued by Luo Lin, who were trained as disciples.(Read more @

One of the cool and cold ones he had heard of, seemed to be the son of Lieutenant General Karp.

There is also another slightly older teenager.

Unlike the cold boy, there is always a smile on his face.

His name seems to be Polusalino!

General Huang Yuan’s real name seems to be Russalino! ! !

After thinking of this, King Cobra’s eyes gradually widened.

In his mind, the once refreshing and smiling teenager gradually overlapped with the image of the old man in front of him.

“It turned out to be like this, I’m so confused!”

Cobra, who knew he had caused a big oolong, suddenly smiled bitterly and saluted the yellow ape.

“I’m very sorry, General Huang Yuan, I was impulsive before.” Cobra apologized.

I am wrong if I am wrong


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If you are wrong, you must admit it. This is a philosophy that Cobra has always implemented. Never died because of the name of a king.

Huang Yuan didn’t care much about Cobra’s apology, because he didn’t care about it.

Misunderstandings, just solve them naturally.

As Luo Lin’s “fans”, they are also the same kind of people.

“Mr. Polusalino, I just remember now, we have seen it thirty-eight years ago.” Cobra said.

“Really.” Huang Yuan nodded.

“In that case, I will be the host today, and everyone will gather together. Mr. Polusalino should also want to have a drink with Mr. Luo Lin again.” Cobra invited. “Okay.

For this proposal of Cobra.

General Huang Yuan didn’t have the slightest reason to refuse, so he responded on the spot.

Upon hearing this, Cobra immediately returned to the Albanian Palace with Bell to prepare for a grand banquet

Fresh flowers

the other side.

Luo Lin and Huang Yuan, the pair of masters and apprentices who met again after thirty-six years, are also drifting away.

Krokdal, who was still messy, was left alone.

“Me! ¥”

Until no one was around.

Krokdahl was finally able to vent, and opened a chapter towards the sky.

“The teacher of General Huang Yuan was also the navy. The navy man 36 years ago had a major maritime incident 36 years ago.

“The sea lord Locks destroys and then defeats Locks is the Pirate King Roger and the heroes of the navy!!”

At this moment, Krokdal’s mind seemed to have a bright light piercing through everything, making his thoughts bright.

His doubts and guesses seemed to be connected in series.

But it is not 100%.


Krokdalsha elementalized and disappeared from the same place.

He is going to find the truth and solve the mystery of Luo Lin’s identity.

At this moment.

Hwaseong Port, Alabastan.

Weiwei and Robin on the Golden Meri docked.

After learning from Koza that no special people had been there, the group decided to go to the Albanian Palace first.

Watching Weiwei leave, Koza gave a wry smile, retracted his gaze, and reinvested in the construction of Hwaseong Fortress.

“The chap over there, what are you still doing? It’s hard to get promoted to foreman. If you don’t work well, your salary will be deducted.” Kosha smiled and cursed at the group of three not far away.

Of course, that’s what it said.

After all, a craftsman with one person worth hundreds of people like the trio is still very rare.

The character is a little weird. Koza shook his head and walked away.

“Cha Baba, what did I see? The woman on that boat

Known by Koza as a chap, the spherical man with a zipper on his mouth opened his eyes and his face was shocked.

“Yoyouyi, in order to prove that I didn’t read it wrong, I decided to have an abdomen cut.”

Another man with thick pink hair like a lion took out a small dagger and stabbed it mercilessly towards his abdomen.

“Iron Block”

The dagger touched his body and made a sound of metal and iron exchange, but it could not penetrate his skin.

“Hahaha, what kind of luck did we have this time? Nicole Robin, performing this inexplicable undercover mission, was able to let us meet the son of the devil. If we could bring her back, what great feat would it be? ”

“It’s much bigger than the head of the revolutionary army branch we assassinated last time!!!” The third member of c9, Gabra, who has the ability of animal canine, fruit and wolf form, laughed loudly.


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