One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 104 - Luo Lin vs Huang Yuan Escape first - (17)

Chapter 104 – Luo Lin vs Huang Yuan! Escape first -! [1/7]

This content was first published on The Great Route, the Kingdom of Alabastan, is busy. King Cobra hurried back to the palace to prepare for the banquet.

Robin and his party on the Golden Meri were also busy looking for Luo Lin on their way back to the palace.

Klockda was busy searching for the ‘truth 039’ from thirty-six years ago.

In Hwaseong Fortress, the workers headed by the chief foreman Koza are busy contributing to the city.

Among them, three capable foremen, Superman 039 from the world government c spy organization are also busy making plans.

Do great things and make great contributions.

At the same time, Luo Lin, who has not reunited for a long time, is also ‘busy 039 teaching his disciples to test the results of his hard work over the years.

The uninhabited desert in the northernmost part of Alabastan.

The battle between Qiwuhai and the admiral came to an end.

What is going on here is the discussion between the former lieutenant admiral and the current admiral.

“Old “Forty Four Zero” division, are you sure you want to stand still and let me kick? Now I am very different from before. I am very strong.” General Huang Yuan said confidently.

“Well, then I really want to know how strong your kid is now!” Luo Lin grinned.

Even if the opponent is one of the people standing at the apex of the world, who is the most powerful general in the navy headquarters, the expression on Luo Lin’s face is still as indifferent as before.

General Huang Yuan is very strong?

Of course very strong!

But not as strong as him.

Luo Lin has absolute confidence in his own strength.

“Come here, Polusalino.”

Luo Lin yelled softly in an imperative tone.

“It’s worthy of being Teacher Luo Lin, it’s really scary.”

Huang Yuan put away the smile on his face, his expression gradually becoming serious.

“Then, Teacher Shou, you probably have not been kicked by the speed of light.

Huang Yuan’s voice remained more than a hundred meters away and did not reach him. His man had already appeared in front of Luo Lin, his two-meter long legs raised high.

As a natural person with the ability of flash fruit, in terms of speed, no one in the world can match.

Even Luo Lin is inferior in speed.

This is the absolute speed that the natural flash fruit ability gives him to break through the human limit.

But the speed is fast, but it does not mean invincibility.

“Speed ​​is power!

General Huang Yuan speaks softly, and the golden light is released on his right leg. If an ordinary person is invisible with the horror speed, under Huang Yuan’s kick, there will be no reaction time.

But Luo Lin is very human.

Even if he doesn’t need to look at it, he can know the other party’s movements.

When Huang Yuan’s’Light Speed ​​Kick 039′ fell, Luo Lin raised his right hand.

With one right hand, he steadily caught Huang Yuan’s side light speed kick.

039 Boom 039

Accompanied by a loud bang.

The desert land with a radius of several hundred meters collapsed here.

That is the power of the general yellow ape kicking at the speed of light, passing through Luo Lin’s body, affecting the surrounding environment, and causing damage.

However, this force was enough to cause the earth to collapse and the mountain to burst, but Luo Lin failed to move even half a step.

“Speed ​​is power. You are really good at developing the ability of this natural flash fruit. Luo Lin nodded and expressed his affirmation, and then he turned his head.

How about other aspects? “(Read more @

An unnatural flash suddenly flashed across General Huang Yuan’s old face.

“In terms of swordsmanship, I have never fallen behind.”

Huang Yuan raised his hand and turned into a dazzling lightsaber with the ability of shining fruit, and slashed towards Luo Lin.

Luo Lin used his hand to make a knife and greeted him at will.

‘Ding jingle bells

The sound of golden and iron strikes echoed over this desert for a long time.

The earth was riddled with scars under the raging sword Qi, and another large crack appeared horizontally and vertically.

“Well, the swordsman can barely pass.”

Luo Lin nodded.

Without waiting for the general Huang Yuan to breathe a sigh of relief, Luo Lin grinned suddenly, and then said: “Then it is the turn of the domineering. You still have the appearance of armed forces, and I don’t know if it has improved.


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how much?

Polusalino. ”

Hearing this, Huang Yuan’s giant flower subconsciously tightened.

This has always been the case since before.

Under Luo Lin’s eyes, he felt that everything was seen through.

Only later did he realize that it was Luo Lin 039’s special experience.

“What’s the matter? Did the fellow Zefa didn’t train you well? Or did you forget my teaching and didn’t go to study hard if you didn’t have the discipline?” Luo Lin asked with a smile.

“How can you even know this teacher? You obviously didn’t have the opportunity to read my memory? How could you know Teacher Zefa?

General Huang Yuan asked in shock, and at the same time couldn’t help but wonder if Luo Lin’s special “reading and hearing color” has evolved to the point where he can see other people’s memories in the air?

If so, it would be too scary

“It seems that you really neglected the two-color domineering practice, Polusalino.”

Just when the general Huang Yuan was distracted.

Luo Lin did not know when he had already walked behind him-

Kicked his ass and sent him to the sky.

“It’s too cunning, sir, besides, my natural flash fruit ability is already strong enough, and it’s so good to develop fruit ability well.” General Huang Yuan said. As Zefa’s evaluation of Huang Yuan, he relied too much on the ability of Devil Fruit.

Even during the years when he was taught on the boat, Luo Lin had instilled the domineering theory on him countless times, but he had forgotten after he got the shining fruit.

In other words, compared to boring hard exercise, which enhances the intensity of domineering, he prefers the fruit ability that is convenient, fast and labor-saving.

This is due to his character.

“Porussalino, since you are so confident, how about going to the New World to kill the four emperors now?” Luo Lin said with a smile.

Hearing this, Huang Yuan suddenly wilted.

“Teacher, I haven’t finished talking just now. Even if I can’t beat others, I can still run. It’s not that I boast. On the runway, I call second, no one dares to call first.” Huang Yuan said with complacency.

“Oh, you’re still proud of it.”

Luo Lin was also amused by Huang Yuan’s arrogant expression.

Le Gui Le, I still have to make up for the 36-year missing class!

“Porusalino, let’s make up for the domineering practice that you have missed over the years.”

Rollin Road.

“Ah~ Xinxin”

“Stop it, teacher, King Cobra should be ready for the banquet soon, should we go back and finish eating?”

“It’s okay, don’t you pretend to be fast, too late.”

“I’m worried that you will be too late, teacher.”

“I’m fast too!”

Luo Lin’s voice hadn’t completely fallen yet, and the next moment it flashed behind Huang Yuan.

‘Boom 039

Kick it down.

The body of General Huang Yuan was smashed to the ground like a cannonball.

Accompanied by a loud bang from 039 to 039.

The desert land with a radius of one thousand meters collapsed again.

“Come again!”

‘Boom 039

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