One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 406 - Luo Lin If God is not good enough, then I will come (14)

Chapter 406 – ? Luo Lin: If God is not good enough, then I will come [1/4]

This content was first published on at 12:01 noon.

This is the end of the first round of the Budo Tournament with a time limit of three hours3.

The melodious and high-pitched golden bell of “Dang”, “Dang”, and “Dang” came from the nine days, announcing the end of the first round…


Listening to the golden bell that has a soothing function, the reporters and audiences in the two live broadcast squares are unconsciously exhaling.

The tense hearts also relaxed.

“it is finally over!”

“It’s really worthy of a martial arts conference that brought together powerful men from all over the world. It’s really amazing!”

“Just the first round of the knockout matches have been played so intensely, what will the next second round look like”

“Compared to the first round that just ended, the second round of the next conference will inevitably be more ups and downs!”

The reporters and audiences on the live broadcast square talked a lot.

“Hey hey hey, wait…, wait…”

Suddenly, someone yelled in surprise.

“it’s not finished yet!”

Someone yelled again.

“The battle on the Taikoo venue is not over yet!”

“They… They are still: fighting!”

“What’s the trouble? It’s clear that the first round of the elimination round is over! It won’t be of any use to continue playing.”

The reporters and the audience shouted in an uproar.

“No, that Taikoo venue is now a real battlefield!”

“The Emperor of the Sea, who is at the apex of the New World, the Pirate Group of the Four Emperors, how can others provoke casually”

“Now it’s an endless war!”

“No one can stop it!”

The reporters and audiences on the two live broadcast squares all looked shocked.

The faces of people watching the battle in Hwaseong were also full of worries.

Although there is assistance from the heroes of all parties in the sea, their opponent is after all the top Four Emperor-level Pirates in the sea.

In the past hour, they have been proud enough.

It’s just the same.

It is impossible for the people of the Hwaseong squad to be unscathed.

In an hour-long fierce battle.

The Hwaseong Assault Team is full of colors on everyone.

Injuries vary in severity.

The physical strength is greatly depleted.

It has been unable to support it for too long.

In contrast.

The beasts and thieves united and suffered heavy losses in all quarters, but they depended on their huge numbers.

At least half of the pirates are still strong, forming a meticulous encirclement net under the command of the cadres.

Besieged everyone in between.(Read more @

“Hey, thief, didn’t you hear that the first round of the tournament is over.”

Abu, deputy commander of the Eight Treasure Water Army, gritted his teeth and asked.

“Hahahaha, it’s over! But so what”

Charlotte Mondore, the book-fruit-powerful, had eyes widened like copper bells, exuding a bloodthirsty light.

“Ahem, you bastards, dare to provoke the majesty of our thieves. There is only a dead end waiting for you.”

With a pale face and a severely wounded look, Charlotte Owen coughed up a mouthful of blood and shouted coldly.

“Go to die, die to die”

The grumpy old sister Wu Luti is like the same head…The female tyrannosaurus constantly launches storm-like attacks.

Under Wuluti’s powerful offensive.

Even Ayin, Binz and others, who are Zefa’s proud disciples, joined forces and were still forced to retreat.

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“Luffy, can you still move?”

The merged Ace looked at Luffy, who was gasping for breath with his tongue out.

“of course can”

The vitality straw hat boy immediately regained his vitality and must make a fist.

“Sorry, everyone, I slightly underestimated the beasts and madness.”

Marco smiled bitterly and apologized.

“No, no, Mr. Marco, you have helped us a lot.”

“We wouldn’t be able to survive the present if it weren’t for Mr. Marco.”

The black-haired swordsman Lucio and the young murloc Nobel said seriously.

The others nodded in approval.

It’s just that Marco’s face is not half relieved.

Originally, he was only planning to fight a wave before the cadres of Bai Beast and the aunt rushed back.

Who would have thought that the plan would not keep up with the changes.

Things are getting worse and worse.

It even developed into a small war.

Now it is even more in a dilemma.

Just as Marco was thinking hard about a feasible way to break the game, the conference broadcast floating in the sky finally sounded again.

“Participants in the Budo venue, just now, the first round of the tournament has ended, and the final list of promotion is still in progress: it is being sorted out, and it is expected to be announced in three minutes.”

“In addition, the second round of the conference will officially start in ten minutes. Please prepare in advance. Before that, please do not engage in any private fights, otherwise you will be at your own risk.”

Xia Qi’s voice spread throughout the audience through the conference broadcast.

Listening to the announcement on the radio, the audience was silent at first, and then there was an uproar in the sky again.

“The second round of the conference will start after ten minutes. Is there no time to rest and recover”

“It’s a joke! It won’t give people a chance to breathe at all!”

“The first round and the second round are directly and seamlessly connected, I haven’t heard of it beforehand!”

“If this is the case, I won’t come to join in the fun! A waste of energy!”

“But now I can finally breathe a sigh of relief.”

“Yes, after all, the organizer has already spoken.”

Taikoo venue.

As the advanced contestants who participated in the Imperial League complained, they couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Although the news that the second round of the conference started ten minutes ago was very hasty, at least they were rescued from the beasts and siege.

It should be so.

“Damn it, bastards of beasts, do you still want to fight”

“Didn’t you hear the previous announcement? That’s a warning from the hero!”

When they noticed that the beasts and thieves still didn’t mean to part with them, people suddenly yelled in anger.

“Ha ha”


“Are you pirates too naive!”

“There is a difference of several thousand meters between here and that Hwaseong Fortress. The time for people over there to rush over is enough for us to solve you.”

The ministers and cadres of the two emperors laughed hideously.

“We must let the world know the cost of provoking the Emperor of the Sea!”

Perrospero and Sasaki, the murloc, are full of murderous intentions, and they move forward together.

“Today you are dead, and God can’t save it, I said!!!”

Charlotte Mondor spoke in a cold voice.

“Oh, is it so”

Just before the beasts and pirates moved, a calm voice sounded without warning.

“If God can’t do it, what if I come”

Above the sky, Luo Lin smiled and asked…

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