One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 407 - Seconds counseling The deterrent power of the overlord 24

Chapter 407 – ? Seconds counseling! The deterrent power of the overlord! 【2/4】

This content was first published on Swire venue.

The ultra-ancient forest that originally covered the island is no longer.

Under the impact and fluctuation of fierce battles from the powerhouses on all sides of the sea, the land is full of gullies.

The entire island is on the verge of collapse.

At this moment.

The central area of ​​the Taikoo venue.

A shattered battlefield with a radius of several thousand meters, a hundred beasts and a great emperor, nearly three thousand elite troops besieged more than a hundred people in the center of the battlefield.

But the strange thing is.

This battlefield, where thousands of powerful men have gathered, is deadly still at this moment.

Whether it is the trapped hundreds of sea powerhouses, or the arrogant Four Emperors pirates.

At this moment, everyone was silent.

All because of the man who suddenly appeared in the sky.

That…just standing, it is the existence that is more dazzling than the sun and attracts the attention of the world-it is the strongest! The lord of Hwaseong-the hero Luo Lin!!! The nineteenth son of the Charlotte family, the book Mondor, a book fruit capable person, raised his head and looked at the sky.His mouth was wide open.He only felt that his mouth was dry and his tongue was so dry that he couldn’t even say a word.

The emotion called horror quickly occupied his whole body from the inside out.

Thinking of the bold words that I had put down before.

Then think of the plain rhetorical question behind the monster in the sky.

Charlotte Mondore’s white face pretended to be green.

It’s a fucking beeping dog.

Why did this monster come so fast, Mondor roared in horror.

It’s not just Mondor.

At this moment.

All the beasts and aunts present had extreme panic and panic on their faces.

Can’t calm down.

In that person–in front of the hero Luo Lin, who can calm down! “This oppressive force is more terrifying than mom!!!”

The paddling star Smoky was full of amazement.

“Damn it, how come this monster is so fast!”

“Why don’t mom and others come, come hurry up!”

“We alone can really stop this man? No, no, absolutely can’t stop it!”

Charlotte Perrospero, Owen, Daifuku and other ministers all looked savage, clenched their teeth, and forced themselves to calm down.

However, the trembling of the body caused by the fear from the depths of the soul cannot be concealed.

Not only because of the present, but also because Luo Lin had left a deep psychological shadow on the young ones decades ago.

I can’t forget it so far, but it has become more and more clear.

“If someone still wants to fight, I can accompany one or two…,…, it’s okay for anyone who wants to come or if you want to go together.”

In the sky, Luo Xiu spoke calmly, speaking confidently and domineeringly.

These words, if they are replaced by others, they will inevitably be despised by countless people.

However, now, speaking from Luo Lin’s mouth, it is so natural.

So convincing and convincing.

No one will have any doubts about this.(Read more @

All because the person who spoke was Luo Lin.

The naval hero Luo Lin who defeated the sea lord Locks thirty-six years ago.

Share with the outstanding hero Kapu, Luo Lin.

The new world’s No. 1 swordsman, Luo Lin, who defeated Hawkeye Mihawk.

Etc., etc.

Even if what people know is just the tip of the iceberg.

But the weight that this name holds in people’s hearts is no longer as big as the new world.


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Under the Sea Emperor…

“He… is looking at me!”

Perceived the line of sight from Luo Lin.

The long-legged stroke made Xing Smuji’s eyes widened, and her long legs couldn’t help tightening, and even her breathing was stagnant.

Fortunately, this invisible pressure comes quickly and goes quickly.

The next moment is to turn to others.

“Fuck, don’t look at me!”

Perrospero cursed in his heart and quickly bowed his head.

“A ghost wants to fight a monster like you!”

Charlotte Dafu shrank her neck.


Owen, who has the ability to heat fruits, hurriedly attacked his heart and coughed up two large mouthfuls of blood.

There was a domino effect on the battlefield.

In the sky where Luo Lin’s line of sight passed, the emperor’s pirates were busy bowing their heads.

He didn’t dare to look at him for even a second, for fear that he would be slaughtered by a chicken as a monkey.


This wind caught on the beast and pirate group on the other side.

There are still no exceptions.

Even if it is full of animality, the arrogant and domineering beasts are really fighting, and the cadres are at the same time as if they are like Erha at this moment.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

A clip-on tail with a tail, and a squat defense without a tail.

This is the deterrence from the overlord.

“Fosford, I remember you just said that you wanted to fight with him, don’t you dare!”

Sasaki, the murloc with his head down, poked Fosford’s waist next to him and urged.

Fossford: “…”

Don’t you mean to ask me to send it off? Besides, you bastard tells me to stop, why don’t you get it?

I think you are… I want to inherit the first position of Lao Tzu’s six sons.

Fosforth became more and more angry when he thought about it, and his gaze toward Sasaki the murloc gradually became unkind.


At the time when the whole audience was stunned, the person who dared to face Luo Lin, brave and unyielding, finally stood up.

It is Wu Luti, the well-known poisonous tongue sister of the Hundred Beast Pirates.

Just don’t wait: what did Wuluti say.

The giant beauty Black Maria on the side hurriedly threw it to the ground.

Blocked Wu Luti’s mouth with her huge size.

“Luluchan, don’t irritate that monster now, wait until Mr. Kaido and the others come, and be obedient.”

Black Maria persuaded her in a panic.

“Yes, elder sister, you should be sober.”

The younger brother Peggy Wan was also full of horror.

“Don’t forget, old sister, you still suffered a lot from that person’s hand last night.”

“last night”

I heard my brother Peggy Wan talk about ‘last night’.

Always not afraid of the sky, Wu Luti, who was eagerly minded, finally remembered the fear of being dominated by Luo Lin last night.

The beautiful eyes couldn’t help widening, and the delicate and pretty face showed a little panic.

Subconsciously hugged his head to protect the double horns of his head.

The small mouth under the mask was tightly pressed, and he dared not say another word.

“Ha ha”

Luo Lin chuckled in the sky.

Step by step, stepping down the air.

Finally came to the front of the Hwaseong squad.

“You did a great job this time.”

Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading


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