One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 418 - Bigmom and Kaidos son 14

Chapter 418 – ? Bigmom and Kaido’s son! ! ! 【1/4】

This content was first published on The dark sky, dark clouds, thunder and lightning.

An unspeakable sense of depression hung over the heavens and the earth.

Unconsciously, great fear arises.

Even as the emperor’s deputy, the flames of the second character of Beasts.

At this moment, the face under the mask is also full of horror.

It wasn’t because it was thousands of meters away that Luo Lin who had extinguished the scorching dragon’s breath casually.

It was because of the sudden horror aura of the two sea emperors beside him.

“Kaido, the eyes under the hood of Yanban Jin can’t stop beating.

Under the pressure of the four emperors, they couldn’t help but regress again and again.

“Lingling, did you see it just now?”

Finally, Kaido, the four emperors and beasts, was no longer silent.

The huge dragon’s mouth opened and closed, and the voice rumbled.

“Ah, how can I not see it, that power…that…the power that can split space…it can’t be wrong, it’s definitely…Captain Locks’s ability.”

The Four Emperors Luo Te Lingling’s face gradually became gloomy.

It is a hundred times more gloomy than the dark clouds in the sky.

Between the words, the endless anger and killing intent were suppressed.


Kaido, what do you mean and what is that is the ability of Lockes”

Yan Calamity Jin was shocked and asked anxiously.

“This is really a big scam, ah.”

Tooth incisor.

“That bastard, how dare to set up a game to deceive all of us, how can he make him like…”

‘Boom’ Kaido’s voice has not yet fallen.

A loud bang suddenly sounded on the island of the ‘jedi’ venue not far away.

That was the sound of the explosion of the Central Treasure Mountain.

At a time when everyone’s attention is attracted by the coming sea emperors.

Someone at the venue has already broken through the obstacles on the island and approached the overlord’s treasure in the center.

Be aware of this amazing fact.

Whether it is the promoted players in the venue or the people in the appearance battle, they can’t help but be shocked.

Regardless of the two emperors of the sea, his eyes quickly fell back to the big live screen.

The reporters even raised the cameras in their hands.

Prepare to record this historic moment when someone wins the crown.

After all, this is most likely the beginning of the birth of an overlord.

Under people’s nervous gaze.

There were several coughs among the dust in the sky.

Immediately afterwards.

A rickety figure, old and unbearable, appeared in people’s sight like an old man stepping into a coffin.

“That is.……”

“That old man is…”

“He is the dark horse in the first round of the conference!!”

“The one who was promoted for the first time!”

All over the waters of Hwaseong, people who saw this scene were shocked and shouted.(Read more @

“Damn it, what kind of god is that old man!”

“It’s amazing how many people are there twice in a row.”

“Couldn’t he really be the remnant of the sea lord Locks!”

People have guessed in surprise.

“Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh, twisted old ghost, let you get one step ahead of it again.” ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

At this moment, the picture flickered on the screen.

Another voice approached Baoshan in the center.

“That’s the dancer who destroyed the Xiadao venue!”

“He actually arrived so soon!”

“It really deserves to be the two dark horses of the conference!!”

“What will happen next


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what happen”

Under the shocking and nervous gaze of people.

The smoke and dust covering the central Baoshan gradually dissipated.

A pyramid made of gold exudes a dazzling light, which catches everyone’s eyes.

Looking at the intoxicating light, everyone unconsciously held their breath.

“Look at the top of the pyramid, the real treasure is there!!!”

Someone yelled.

As a result, the people who had been blinded by money came back to their senses.

The line of sight fell involuntarily at the highest point of the pyramid.

It was placed in a transparent crystal box.

In the box lies a special cubic shaped fruit.

The lines on the surface of the fruit exude sharp shimmers.

Even just looking at it is chilling.

That is exactly the devil fruit that once helped Locks ascend to the overlord of the sea-known as the most ferocious and strongest devil fruit! Superman crushed the fruit!!! In the high altitude.

The Four Emperors Loteling Ling and Kaido of the Beasts also saw the golden pyramid underneath.

There is also the devil fruit in the crystal box on the spire.

Feeling that… some kind of breath from the devil fruit.

In their minds, they couldn’t help but recall the few words that Captain Locks had described to them after drinking.


The anger on the faces of the two sea emperors no longer.

It was replaced by shock and doubt.

“Hey, Kaido, do you feel it?”

Charlotte Lingling asked.

“Ah, I feel it, it doesn’t seem to be a fake, but how is this possible”

Kaido replied.

“As Captain Locks described, that is the true ability to crush fruits.”

Luo Te Lingling affirmed.

“Well, well, although that bastard is a bit hateful, but he still won’t deceive the whole world on this point. I’m afraid we made a mistake before.”


Kaido said in a deep, uncertain voice.

Flame Embers: “…”

It turns out that you made a mistake! You are really two idiot captains! “Well, it shouldn’t be too late, let’s take down the fruit first, and wait until the strongest offspring with our blood is born. He inherits this ability.”

Charlotte Lingling laughed.

“Um… here, here, let’s go!”

Kaido laughed a few times and flicked his tail.

Carrying the four emperors on his back.

Dive in the direction of the Golden Pyramid.

Flame Embers: “”

You two idiot captains, you did it while I was away! It turns out that this is the real alliance! At the same time.

The center of the Jedi venue.

“I feel it, this is a call from a powerful fruit ability, I want me to become his new master!”

In the center of the Jedi venue, the rickety old man took a deep breath and said with a look of intoxication.

After a while, he shook his head again and sighed lightly.


“Hahaha, twisted old ghost, if you want, it’s better to go and reincarnate now, maybe you can catch up.”

The man in fancy dance clothes teased.

“Two people, it should not be too late. Hurry up and bring that thing and complete the task assigned by the five old stars.”

The killers arrived one by one.

“Assholes, that’s our stuff, get out of the way for the old lady!!!”

The screams of the Four Emperors resounded through the world, and the people of 0 were shocked….

Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading


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