One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 419 - Two four emperors (24 seeking complete order)

Chapter 419 – ?Two four emperors [2/4 seeking complete order]

This content was first published on, “Assholes, give me a distance from that…fruit, that’s what my old lady fancy, ah!!!”

Domineering screams resounded across the sky.

At the same time, accompanied by the unparalleled domineering origin of the emperors of the sea.

Under the double domineering impact of the four emperors Luo Te Lingling and the beast Kaido.

Even the senior elite killers of World Government 0 are involuntarily shocked.

Unconsciously, his steps backed back again and again.

“Hey, you two old guys are still stupefied about what to do and finish the task quickly.”

The murloc mixed blood 0 with two rows of fangs snapped.

“Don’t be so anxious, brother, if you are too anxious, it will kill you.”

The man in fancy dance clothes grinned, showing cold white teeth.

Ling’s Murloc 0 youth retreated again and again, coughing up a large mouthful of blood in his mouth.

“The emperor of the sea in this era, the name is… resoundingly tight, but I don’t know if you are worthy of this resounding name.”

The rickety old man on the other side smiled vaguely.

Even under the double domineering impact of Bai Beast Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, that old complexion remained unchanged.

‘Boom’ was shocked by countless people off the court, watching with shocking gazes.

Two emperors of the sea descend from the sky.

It fell heavily on the Golden Pyramid, stirring up dust and covering the sky.

‘Wow’ does not wait: the flying dust rustles down.

The ensuing terrifying wind pressure was centered on the pyramid and spread to all directions.

That was the second eruption of the overlord look of the sea emperors.

It was their declaration of sovereignty over this golden pyramid and that… the ‘overlord’s treasure’ in the crystal box.

“Captain Locks’ legacy is already ours, well, well.”

Luo Te Lingling hugged the crystal box and looked at the real crushed fruit inside, happily like a child of a thousand catties.

“Well… this gold pyramid is also good. Although it is not as good as the big golden bell tower, it is also a good thing.”

Kaido, who still maintains the form of a dragon, has a huge dragon body entrenched on the pyramid in circles.

Ling’s Zhong didn’t know how much the pyramid shook, as if he was going to lift it up and take it away.

The arrogance of the emperor of the sea can be seen…

“Um…oh oh oh”

“Mr. Kaido is mighty!”

“That’s our mother!”

“This is our victory!”

“The two of the four emperors are here, just ask who can rival this sea”(Read more @

The aunt and the beasts stationed in the Taikoo venue gave great cheers.

Celebrating their ‘victory’…

Jedi venue.

The remaining two hundred qualifiers on the island also saw the scene of the central Baoshan through the large screen above the island.

“Damn it, this can be considered as a matter of doing so for a long time. We have worked so hard to advance. Is it all in vain until now? Isn’t it fair?”

The pirate noble son Cavendy Xu Junqiao’s face was full of unwillingness and helplessness, after all, they were two sea emperors.

“The Four Emperors Luo Te Lingling and Bai Beast Kaido, they are obviously not contestants!”

The long-legged fighter Bruggely shouted absurdly.

“You are too naive. The rules are just a shackle for the weak. In the face of absolute strength, the so-called rules are just a few words of nonsense.”

Destroyer Edeo smiled bitterly…

“Isn’t my road to dominance ending before it starts”

“Organizer! Hero Luo Lin, is this also allowed?”

“Hurry up and do something! Aren’t you a navy hero”

The pirate captains who still have ambitions for the overlord position yelled at the various video phone worms in protest.

“It’s really naive. Your efforts are all in vain. From the moment our captain arrives, the ending is doomed.”

Plague Quinn stepped on cheerful dance steps, wantonly taunting the surrounding contestants…hysterical…

“That overlord fruit belongs to anyone, anyway… it doesn’t matter much to me, as long as this uncle can go out alive, it’s enough, this time it is really posted.”

In a certain cave, Good Luck found Bucky who was hiding Baoshan and smiled triumphantly.

Yet the next second.

Bucky’s triumphant laugh came to an abrupt end.

Because of his challenge.

No matter who it is, if you want to take away the things on the island, you must withstand the corresponding challenges.

“Even the captain of your sea emperor, it’s too early to want to celebrate now.”

Sabo spoke calmly, without the slightest impatience on his face.

“What an irritating kid, he is still at this time: his mouth is stiff.”

Perrospero’s face sank.

“Gu ha ha ha, we don’t really think we can take away that fruit, right”

Klockdal laughed sarcastically.

“What’s so funny, two four emperors join hands, who can rival the sea”

Murloc Sasaki yelled and asked.

“I don’t know the others, but the one in my house… can’t be… just two four emperors can challenge.”

Krokodall spoke domineeringly.

“what did you say”

“Two four emperors!”

“You people in Hwaseong are only good at talking!”

The aunts and the beast cadres in the field were very angry.

“Then let you do it first! “I will make you regret saying what you said before!”

Murloc Sasaki grinned coldly, revealing a mouthful of white canine teeth.

The’Boom’ war restarts…

“Hey, sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, sizzle)

“The strongest fruit ability of Sea Lord Locks finally returned to the hands of the original Locks Pirate Group!”

“Is the strongest Pirate Alliance in history about to be born”

“What will this sea become next?”

The reporters and viewers who watched the two major island live broadcast squares were unconsciously shocked and murmured.

“No, it’s not over yet.”

A reporter suddenly screamed.

“The dark horses of those two conventions! They are about to do something against the Emperor of the Sea!”

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