One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 420 - After today, the four emperors go to the second (34)

Chapter 420 – ?After today, the four emperors go to the second [3/4]

This content was first published on, “The name of the emperor of the sea in this era is … resounding. Let the old man come to teach and teach today. Can you bear the name of the emperor of the sea?”

The central pyramid of the Jedi venue, a dark horse with a squat figure! The old man gave a grin.

The skinny body was suddenly blurred, making it unrealistic.

It seems that the light around him and even the space are in a distorted state.

‘Boom’ rickety black horse! The old man’s eyes flashed, and he stepped out one step at a time, and the ground shook the mountain.

It is clearly an old man who is dying, but this step is like a giant’s stomping.

In the next second, something more amazing happened.

The earth surged and twisted under his power.

There seemed to be a terrifying earth dragon beneath the ground, rushing towards the sea emperors in the central golden pyramid.

The heavy golden pyramid of ‘Boom Rumble’ shook, and cracks emerged one after another, as if to explode.


The four emperors Luo Te Lingling who was holding the crystal box suddenly stopped her proud laugh.

The huge body like a little giant swayed with the vibration of the pyramid, as if it was about to fall.

The dragon tails of the four emperors Kaido flapped heavily on the pyramid.

The power of the iron dragon’s tail made the cracks on the tower denser.

However, it also defeated the inexplicable force that rushed from the ground.

“Smelly old man, do you want to die”

Shenlong Kaido stared at the rickety black horse with his big copper bell-like eyes! The old man, his eyes were cold, and his murderous intent was full.

“What a guts, bastard.”

The four emperors Charlotte Lingling who had stabilized her figure again, the cold and murderous sight also fell on the old man.

They are the four emperors.

The Emperor of the Sea who is at the apex of the new world! There is only a dead end for provoking the Emperor of the Sea.

However, even with the killing intent from two sea emperors at the same time, dark horse! The old man’s expression still remained unchanged.

As always, calm and permeating.

“Can you please return that thing to us.”

Dark horse! The old man pointed to the crystal box and grinned.

Not only did he not have the slightest fear, but on the contrary, he became more and more adept.

“I think you old man is… looking for death.”

Shenlong Kaido’s angry roar resounded across the sky.

The dragon’s mouth opened wide.

The flame ball containing extremely hot energy condensed in an instant.

This is a weakened version of the instant heat.

Even if it didn’t burn a city to the end, it was more than enough to burn an old man who uttered wild words into ashes.

However, it was at the exit of Kaido’s heat: a moment.

His huge dragon head swayed to the right uncontrollably by a few points.

The terrifying fireball that shot out just happened to be grazing the rickety black horse! The old man passed by, exploding a blazing fire hundreds of meters behind him.(Read more @

The gust of wind blew his few strands of hair.

“Kaido, what kind of perfect head are you? Is it possible that your kid hasn’t woken up from the wine? It’s useless to miss the distance at such a close distance.”

The four emperors Charlotte Lingling dissatisfied with contempt.


Kaido categorically refuted the accusation of…partner Charlotte Lingling.

The huge dragon body shrank and transformed into a human form again.



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nbsp; The muscular face has a chill that seems to be freezing, and his eyes fall on the man in fancy dance clothes on the other side.

“It should have been you asshole just now. It’s really strange today. People who are not afraid of death appear one after another.”

Kaido spoke coldly.

“Hello, please call here first, and return our things quickly.”

The dancer in bells and whistles stopped the sway of the fingers and grinned without showing weakness.

“Um… oh oh, what a big tone, the fruits of Captain Locks actually exploded you… bold old guys, it seems necessary to give you some education.”

The Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts Kaido took out the wolf-toothed stick that was pinned to his waist.

“Regardless of.……

Anyone of you old things is going to die today!”

The Fourth Emperor Luo Te Lingling strode towards the dark horse! The old man walked.

The two sea emperors were angry.

But the next moment.

Abnormal regeneration.

Not waiting: Charlotte Lingling approaches.

A dark horse with a rickety figure! The old man made another move, and his thin right hand reached out and shook it towards the atmosphere.

He captured the atmosphere.

The arm twists in a clockwise direction.

As a result, the atmosphere and even the space distorted and spread with his movements.

In the end, it fell on the four emperors Charlotte Lingling.


Perceiving something wrong, Charlotte Lingling looked down in confusion.

Her belly swayed like waves of water under the force of the twisting atmosphere.

Range: Charlotte Lingling reacts.

Next second.

The twisted power exploded.

Charlotte Lingling, the unsuspecting four emperors, rose into the sky like a little giant.

It spins away like a big windmill, and in the end it is heavily planted on the ground.

The Four Emperors, who were at the top of the sea, were hit hard as if they were playing.

In this scene, everyone in Ling’s thief screamed out loud.

At the same time, the eyes of other people who witnessed this scene were widened, and their faces were full of incredible.

Hwaseong Plaza.

“That monster auntie was turned around!!!”

Mu Lian, an old man who is one of the legends of the Roger Pirates, opened his eyes wide and was surprised.

He, who had worked with him before, knew the extent of… the monster of that lunatic auntie.

“In this world, there is still such a powerful force hidden, and indeed there is only the world government.”

Zefa spoke solemnly.

“World Government”

“Is it really a government member?”

The veterans who heard Zefa’s guess were in an uproar.

“The fruit, whether it is obtained by the Four Emperors or the government, is not a good thing. I really don’t know what Luo Lin wants to do with this harmful thing.”

Karp’s old face was rarely serious.

“What I want to do, haven’t you seen it now?”

Luo Lin’s still calm and usual voice sounded from the audience.

“After today, the four emperors of the sea will go to the second. This is my purpose.”

Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading


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