One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 423 - Son of Kaido More than just an alliance, I think its marriage (24)

Chapter 423 – ?Son of Kaido: More than just an alliance, I think it’s marriage [2/4]

This content was first published on North of Huacheng.

The area where the Quicksand Prison and the iron factory are located.

At this moment, there is a mess.

Taking advantage of the opening ceremony of the city and the martial arts conference, it attracted many powerful people in the city.

The pirate prisoners detained here for reform through labor rioted collectively and escaped.

The roar of the pirates, shouting and killing up to the sky.

The flames of war are about to burn into the main city.

“You ants, mortals, give me enough, don’t be too smug!!!”

Just when the scene was near the edge of losing control.

An angry roar resounded across the sky.

Rumbled like thunder, as if the thunder god in the sky was angry.

In fact, it is true.

There was a dull thunder in the dark clouded sky.

The terrifying blue electric snake shuttled and throbbed in the dark clouds.

‘Chi Chi’ electric light flickers.

A figure surrounded by terrifying lightning appeared in the sky, standing in the air.

It is like the supreme Thunder God in charge of thunder punishment.

“Thirty Million Volts-Thunderbird”

“Thirty Million Volts-Thunder Beast”

“Six Million Volts-Thunder Dragon”

“God’s sanction!!!”

The thunder god in the sky, Anilu, the capable of thunder fruit, uttered a cold shout full of killing intent.

The golden rod in his hand swung away.

The Gouyu Tai drum behind him kept beating.

In an instant.

The turbulent, huge, and devastating lightning voltage covered the world.




The roar of the strongest fierce beast resounded between the heaven and the earth.

Three lightning birds, thunder beasts, and thunder dragons made entirely of terrifying thunder and lightning rushed out of the Taiko drum behind Ainilu.

The pirates who rioted towards the quicksand prison below are culled.

There is not a single trace of it left.

Where the three big thunder beasts passed.

The earth scorched all the pirates on the ground.

This is the power of Thor in anger.

In the past hour.

Ainilu made two mistakes one after another.

As a guardian of this quicksand prison in a special period.

He was supposed to do his duty loyally and guard to the death, but he left his job without permission because of provocations by others.(Read more @

In the easiest way to adjust the tiger away from the mountain.

This led to this pirate riot.

The second mistake he made next was… was dazzled by anger.

There is no time to stop the pirates in the riot.

Instead, he went to find the invaders who played him.

Because of his own anger and unrest, coupled with the chaos and noise of the scene, and the group of strong powers in the distance, the sum of various factors.

He is most proud of seeing, hearing, and the exploratory power of radio monitoring have been minimized.

Instead of finding that group of… abominable invaders, they missed the best time to stop the pirate riots.

Fortunately, it is not too late for him to wake up.

Before the pirates attacked the main city and wreaked havoc on Hwaseong, he held the final bottom line.

With the powerful ability of his body to naturally tie the Thunder Fruit, the situation that is close to losing control has finally gradually returned to his control.

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Just…Looking at the prisons and factories ravaged by the pirates.

Ainilu’s eyebrows were deeply frowned, and he didn’t know how to report to the “God”…

at the same time.

The rooftop of a vacant high-rise building in the main city of Hwaseong.

A group of people with different shapes and strong breath gathered.

“That… Thunder Kid, really amazing.”

“Yes, yeah, it’s natural to have the ability to resound the fruit of thunder, it’s really not covered!”

“If I fight in an upright manner, I’m afraid I will be killed in seconds.”

“It’s a pity that guy is very capable, but his brain is not so good. It’s an idiot to be fooled so easily.”

The two pirates, one tall and one short, sang and grinned.

“Um…huh, good job, bastard father and them.”

The first-born with double horns and a feather-clad youth sat on the edge of the roof.

Through the observation mirror in his hand, he was enthusiastically watching the live broadcast over the distant square.


The brawny blond man with a ponytail and two braids shouted.

“What’s the matter Jack!”

The young man named Yamato, the son of the four emperors and beasts Kaido, turned his head and looked at Jack behind him.

“Thank you so much this time.”

Drought Jack said solemnly.

“Oh, Jack, would you also say thank you? It’s surprising, but don’t care. Let’s say everyone is on the same boat. When the bastard daddy dies, you will be my subordinate.”

Young Dahe waved his hands casually.

“If you want to repay me, then when the bastard father dies in the future, you can stand on my side, don’t mix with the two guys, Jin or Quinn.”

Drought Jack, General Star Snug: “…”

“Kaido’s son-Yamato, is it true that your beasts and our thieves unite together?”

Jiang Xing Snug still asked in disbelief.

“Of course it’s true. If you don’t believe it, you will be optimistic about it. My bastard father and your monster mother, let alone an alliance, look at the posture, marriage can be done.”

Yamato Road.

Drought Jack, General Star Snug: “…”

Mom and that… Mr. Kaidodo and the monster aunt-think of that scene.

Jack and Snug shivered involuntarily.

“Yamato, Jack…”

“And Snug from the aunt’s house, stop talking, someone is coming towards us!”

At this moment, the tall pirate who came with Kaido’s son Yamato changed his expression and quickly reminded him loudly.

Just as their voices fell.

Four faint shadows leaped on the roof of the tall building.

It didn’t take a moment for them to fall in all directions.

“Yohouhouhouhou, I found it.”

Brooke, who was dead with only a handful of bones left, smiled.

“Huangquan Jianhao!!!”

Seeing one of the chief culprits who wiped out his fleet that day, the drought Jack suddenly blushed.

“Oh oh oh, this is a really amazing character.”

Yamato looked around, his face moved unconsciously.

“The ship doctor Kurokas of the Roger Pirates, the murloc, Brook, the swordsman of Huangquan, and Raleigh, the Hades–”

Having said this, the voice of Young Yamato paused, and an inexplicable arc was raised at the corner of his mouth.

“Hey, legends of the Roger Pirates, do you want to join my team together?”

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