One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 424 - Lingling The big fruit is gone 34

Chapter 424 – ? Lingling: The big fruit is gone? 【3/4】

This content was first published on The ‘Boom Rumble’ floating in the sky of a thousand meters, the ‘Jedi’ venue trembles violently.

A horrible crack that almost cut off a small half of the island emerged from the island of the venue.

That was caused by the full blow of the Four Emperors Luo Te Lingling’s anger.

The sight is terrifying.

But it also ends here.

After the earthquake of the island at the venue, calm was restored.

Even with such a big fissure, the island did not disintegrate, and it still floated steadily in the sky.

The shattered dim sky is also healed again.

It represents the end of this fierce duel.

Even the strongest dark horse in this martial arts conference!, in front of the four emperors who dominate the apex of the sea in this era, there is still no power to parry.

The audience who witnessed the result of this fierce duel could not help being silent and worried.

Next second.

“Um…oh oh oh oh”

Loud cheers rang out.

At this moment, the only people who can cheer for the victory of the sea emperors are naturally the pirates of the beasts and the thief.

“Mr. Kaido is mighty and domineering!!!”

“Mom is the strongest!”

“You old bastards, what is it to be the Four Emperors? The Emperor of the Sea is not… he can provoke anything!”

“The fruit ability of Sea Lord Locks is our thing! No one can take it away again!”

Taikoo venue.

The elite pirates of the beasts and thieves laughed triumphantly and shouted.

However, the smug smiles on their faces didn’t last long, but they stopped abruptly.

Because of the figure that suddenly appeared on the big screen of the live broadcast.

That is the figure of a hero!!!…A thousand meters above the sky, the island of the Jedi venue.

“Mr. Kaido is amazing, hit the fly that… crappy dancer”

The Third Hundred Beasts swayed the plague Quinn from left to right.

Excited and began to sing and dance.

For…Queen, it was not the assault team in Hwaseong that he hated most in this meeting.

It was that…the crappy dancer who used him as a monkey.

Now that the other party was beaten with a stick by his own captain, Quinn felt relieved in his heart and was very happy.

“Idiot Quinn, you idiot, is it time to celebrate now”

Just when Quinn’s mood was at its peak, a pot of cold water poured down.

Listening to the familiar voice, a trace of disgust flashed across Quinn’s chubby face.

“Smelly girl, what do you mean”

Quinn turned around with an unhappy expression and looked at Wu Luti not far behind him.(Read more @

“Don’t you have eyes yourself, that… Hero Luo has appeared!”

Poison Tongue sister Wu Luti didn’t know how to point her finger at the big screen in the sky.

“Hey…ha, the hero is coming!!!”

“Hero… crunching”

Looking at the figure reflected in the center of the big screen floating high in the sky.

The triumphant smiles on the faces of Sasaki, the murloc, one of the six sons of the beasts, Perrospero, the eldest son of the aunt, solidified and disappeared.

What turned out to be extreme anger and jealousy, two rows of teeth crunched.

“Even if it is a naval hero, how can our mother be the emperor of the sea!”

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Charlotte Irving spoke up.

“That’s right, the so-called hero is nothing more than a product of the old age 36 years ago, but now it is the age of the Four Emperors!”

Charlotte Dafu also agreed to cheer himself up.

“I admit that the legendary hero may indeed have the power to match the Emperor of the Sea, but…”

Fossford, the strongest six of the beasts volleyed, spoke, and the corner of his mouth raised a proud arc.

“There are two sea emperors who are there now. If that…hero Kapu is also there, he can compete against one or two one-on-one…, but if he is just one person, his ending will not be better than the previous one. How much better are two old guys who don’t know how high the earth is.”


“That’s it, that’s right!”


“Victory will ultimately belong to us!”

“Wait to get rid of that…hero, then go to level your city!”

The cadres of the Beasts and Thieves kept clamoring, regaining the confidence that was scared by the hero’s appearance.

For…the self-comfort of all the beasts and thieves.

Sabo, Krokdal and others were unmoved.

The other party has full confidence in their master.


They are also full of confidence in… their own mentor! The real good show has just begun!… At this moment.

The Jedi venue, the center of the island.



The four emperors Luo Te Lingling and the beast Kaido hooked their shoulders to each other, and laughed proudly.

“It’s just two clowns who don’t know from which horns… Da ran out of the beam jumping clown, also delusional to oppose us, it is really laughable.”

The beast Kaido laughed happily.

“Captain Locks’ final legacy is ours!”

The Four Emperors Luo Te Lingling raised the crystal box in his hand high, and smiled.

However, it was only the next second.

The smile on Charlotte Lingling’s face suddenly solidified.

She narrowed her big eyes and stared at the transparent crystal box.

The one inside—so big—that should have been lying inside…the strongest devil fruit full of alluring…is gone.

“What’s wrong with you Lingling”

Perceiving the strangeness of his partner, Kaido asked subconsciously.

As soon as the words were spoken, he also knew the problem.

“Fruit, why didn’t Lingling see the fruit in the box? You ate it stealthily, right?”

Kaido stared at the big copper bell-like eyes and asked sternly.

“Don’t be foolish, kid Kaido.”

Charlotte Lingling had her eyes red and scolded loudly.

“Which bastard stole my things?”

There was a high-pitched cry.

“Sorry, this is my thing.”

A faintly playful voice suddenly sounded from behind Charlotte Lingling and Bai Beast Kaido, and the two of Ling suddenly turned around.

Until then, the two sea emperors finally realized with hindsight that they did not know when they came to the existence behind them.

“Asshole Luo Lin, it really is you!!!”

Seeing Luo Lin throwing the strongest fruit on the broken golden pyramid, the pupils of Charlotte Lingling of the Four Emperors suddenly shrank…

Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading


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