One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 435 - Lingling, are you fucking a pig teammate (24 ask for full order)

Chapter 435 – ?Lingling, are you fucking a pig teammate? [2/4 ask for full order]

This content was first published on ‘Boom Rumble’ thunder rumbling loudly.

In the dim sky, pitch-black thunderclouds cover the sky and the earth.

The center is like a huge vortex, slowly rotating.

In the center of the vortex thundercloud, a terrifying electric light loomed, and a breath of destruction was permeated.

“What’s wrong, why do I have an ominous hunch!”

“What’s in the sky!”

Feel the horror in the sky.

The strong men of the sea in the battle on the ground are all temporarily truce, looking up at the gloomy sky, and their inner warning signs suddenly arise.

“A bunch of fools, wait to die!”

“Beasts, if you don’t want to die together, leave that area quickly.”

Perrospero, Smoky, etc……. The ministers who are familiar with Charlotte Lingling’s power all have anticipation and fanaticism on their faces…….


After the thundercloud vortex on the sky turned into a blue color.

Charlotte Lingling suddenly raised her head and roared towards the vortex thundercloud in the sky.

“It’s already ready, Mom.”

Under people’s shocked and horrified gaze, the whirlpool thundercloud that should have been a dead thing in the sky came back with a reply, and then, the whirlpool thundercloud exuding blue color, opened the eyes of the thunder light – and it was resurrected. .


The people who witnessed this shocking scene couldn’t help but be in an uproar.

“What the hell is that!”

“Obviously it’s just a cloud, why do you speak!”

“Is that also a creature?”

“No, that’s the ability of the Four Emperors!!!”

“The ability to control thunder and lightning, how is it possible that the real thunder fruit ability is not the one in Hwaseong…Anilu?”

“There can be no two identical abilities in the world!”

“Captain, Captain, it’s not good… the big thing is not good!”



In the shock and outcry of countless people.

The four emperors Luo Te Lingling raised a fist with her right hand.

“Thunder-Wan Jun”

Along with Charlotte Lingling’s roar, she fell.

The vortex thundercloud in the sky stagnated for a moment.

The next moment, the thunderclouds boiled.

The heaven and the earth have changed.

‘Kacha’ and ‘Boom Rumble’ countless dark blue electric snakes rushed out of the thick vortex thunderclouds, shining a splendid view of the world.


Four Emperor Charlotte Lingling yelled, and her raised right hand slammed down.

Countless electric snakes with a destructive aura are connected to the sky and the ground.

He blatantly fell, turning this broken battlefield into a sea of ​​thunder and lightning.


“Run away!!!”

“That’s too late!!!”(Read more @

There were screams everywhere.

Those are the contestants who haven’t had time to exit the vortex thundercloud.

Under the power of the Terrifying Thunder, except for…the rubber straw hat Luffy, the general powerhouse was almost crushed.

Even if you don’t die, you have to remove a layer of skin.


The Four Emperors Charlotte Lingling stood among the thunder and thunder, laughing wanton and rampant.

Of course she is not a natural thunder fruit ability like Anilu.

But with the ability of the Superman Soul Soul Fruit, she gained the ability to inject soul into the object.

Anything that gets her soul infused will obey her.

Even if it is thundercloud, the sea is no exception.

This Wanlei feast, similar to Ainilu’s ultimate move, is also based on this ability.

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Compared to the four emperors, Charlotte Lingling is proud.

At this moment, the wrinkles between the four emperors and hundred beasts Kaido’s eyebrows are getting deeper and deeper.

The ominous premonition in my heart is getting stronger and stronger.

After a while.

Kaido’s wrinkled face stretched out, looking in a daze.

He remembered.

Decades ago, exactly the same thing happened.

At that time…the stands of the Hwaseong Headquarters Building.

Looking at the terrifying thunder that almost overflowed the big screen.

Keya, Markino, Tina and other little girls couldn’t help but yell out nervously.

“Master Luo Lin”

The female emperor Hancock stubbornly tugged at her collar, her pretty face full of worries.

Compared to the nervousness and worry of Keya and others.

Nami, Vivi, Kerla, Robin and other little girls can’t see the slightest anxiety on their faces.

This is also a matter of course.

After all, they had witnessed scenes more terrifying than this one before.

“Kaya, Mackinaw, don’t worry, Luo Lin is okay.”

Weiwei said affirmatively.

“The same goes for Miss Hancock and Miss Tina. Thunder and lightning can’t hurt the uncle at all. There will be a good show next.”

The corner of Robin’s mouth was curved with expectation.

“Sister He, I remember Dad, he seemed to…”


Ahe nodded.

“Wait and see!”

A thousand meters high, the Jedi venue.

The terrifying thunder is still raging.

The four emperors Charlotte Lingling still laughed triumphantly: echo.

The anxiety on Kaido’s face, the other four emperor beasts, was Sheng Lie to the extreme.

Because he finally remembered.

Think of the source of this subtle ominous premonition.

“Stupid, Lingling, stop now.”

Kaido exclaimed anxiously.


Charlotte Lingling’s laughter stopped abruptly, and her gaze fell on Kaido with a horrified expression.

“What are you talking about Kaido.”


“Stupid Lingling, have you forgotten? This guy is a freak. The power of thunder and lightning is completely useless to him. Thirty-six years ago, you used this trick on him at the Battle of the Island of God. Did you forget the result?”

Kaido yelled in horror.

“Used thirty-six years ago”

Charlotte Lingling stayed for a while.

Then it seemed that he thought of some things that had happened before, his eyes widened suddenly, and he stood still on the spot with a dazed look.

“Boom” was when Kaido and Charlotte Lingling were horrified.

The sound of giant footsteps came from the center of the thunder bombardment.

After the last thunder light bloomed, heaven and earth returned to calm.

The terrifying vortex thundercloud covering the battlefield disappeared.

However, the shock in people’s hearts is constantly emerging like a tide, intensifying.

In the very center of that battlefield, Luo Lin, who was bombarded by thousands of thunder frontally, was unscathed.

What makes people feel even more shocking is the figure of the giant that envelops him at this moment.

That is the giant Thor, constructed entirely of thunder and lightning.

Luo Lin, standing among the thunder and lightning giant’s eyebrows, is like the lord of thunder and lightning.

“Raiden’s meeting ceremony, you are really polite, Lingling.”

Luo Lin smiled in Thor giant form.

“Lingling, your damn thing is…a pig teammate!!!”

The Four Emperors and One Hundred Beasts Kaido yelled like collapse…

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