One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 436 - Kaidos mentality collapsed A new form of horror 34 order

Chapter 436 – ?Kaido’s mentality collapsed! A new form of horror! 【3/4 order】

This content was first published on Thousands of thunders have fallen, turning the earth into scorched earth.

In this scene, it was as if the thunder god in the sky was extinguishing the world, and everyone in the field was shocked.

Raiden is worthy of being the strongest force between heaven and earth.

Just a drop of thunder that spilled out from the very edge is enough to turn a strong seaman into coke.

Not to mention the most central area of ​​Wan Lei’s roof.

There is simply a forbidden zone for life.

Under such a terrifying sky thunder attack, perhaps only God can be spared!… “Thunder Fruit Ability is obviously… the one in Hwaseong…Anilu is right, that…how did it do it? ”

“I seem to have heard similar rumors, that…enough to control the weather with my own ability!”

“It’s not the time to talk about this, what about the hero…what’s going on with the hero Luo Lin now”

“Even a hero with superb strength, under such a terrifying lightning strike, I am afraid it will not be spared!”

“But…that’s a miraculous hero! You can’t use common sense to guess what the final result will be. It’s not yet known.”

Fortunately, the contestants who ran out of the lightning strike ahead of schedule shouted in shock.

“Hahahaha, deserve it, bastard hero, burst under mother’s thunder.”

The Minister of the Thieves and Candy, Perros Pero laughed triumphantly.

“That’s the sheer punishment that my mother has been brewing for several hours! There shouldn’t be any more…the slightest accident!”

The long-legged stroke made Xing Smuji look confident.

“Even a hero…”

“Taking this blow head-on, even if it is of the Four Emperors level…”

“The result is almost out, our mother is indeed the best four…”

Charlotte Irving, Dafu, Baron Dandan, etc…The aunt’s ministers and officials all have strong confidence and pride on their faces.


Next second.

When the thunder that enveloped the world dissipated.

After revealing the shocking picture in the center.

The smug smiles on the faces of the thieves stopped abruptly, even with the words that had not yet been spoken.

Instead: they were filled with shock and disbelief.

“Look over there, something is coming out!”

“Is that… a giant?”

On the sidelines, the other contestants also stared with shocked eyes, and couldn’t help but scream.

“Fuck, fuck, is he still a human?”

Sasaki, one of the six sons of the Beast Pirate Group, yelled.

“Monster, that’s a monster!”

He ran a step slower, and his arm was accidentally screamed by the plague Quinn who was grinning by the sky thunder and lightning.(Read more @

He was just a little bit thundered before, and that’s it already.

However, Luo Lin, who was at the center of Wan Lei’s bombardment, was unscathed.

It’s not a human being! “Dad, dad, look at it, it’s Boss Luo Lin! Boss Luo Lin is okay!”

Long-nosed Usopp is a surprise cheer.

“Ah, dad, I can’t see it anymore, then it’s all right!”

Jesus cloth looked terribly shocked.

“Unexpectedly… unscathed! Even the most violent thunder and lightning power can be completely immune, is he a god?”



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sp; The phoenixes of the White Beard Division murmured in shock.

“This is not just immunity to lightning! Thunder and lightning are clearly for him! That… the giant outside of the hero is like an armor made of lightning!”

“Another ‘Thunder Fruit Ability Person’ has appeared!!!”

People were shocked, and the screams of shock were one after another, resounding through the sky.

“Klockdale, Sabo, do you know what’s going on?”

Old Seaman wrote shocked on his face, and looked at Sabo and Krokdal who had fought side by side.

“This is not something that is taken for granted!”

“That’s the teacher of miracles!”

Although Krokdal and Sabo were shocked in their hearts, they were as calm and comfortable as ever on the face…

“Lingling, your damn thing is…a pig teammate!!!”

Just when people were shocked by Luo Lin’s Thor giant form.

In the middle of the battlefield, the four emperors and beasts Kaido suddenly screamed with collapse.

Not afraid of opponents like gods, but teammates like pigs.

Before he was alone, although he was always in a state of being beaten, but with the defensive power and resilience of the Shenlong, he could barely support it.

Originally thought that letting teammate Charlotte Lingling enter the field, and the two strong teamwork, he would be able to reverse the decline in one fell swoop and completely overwhelm the fearful person in his heart.

Who ever thought.

Luo Te Lingling who entered the arena is simply… the pig teammate.

It took several hours to take away all the thunderclouds along the way, and the ten thousand thunder lore brewed out, but it turned out to be the nourishment of the opponent! Not only did it not inflict any trauma on Luo Lin, but added one to him. powerful.

Helped him achieve a new Thor giant form.

Who can withstand this? Instinctively told Kaido that Luo Lin in this form is very dangerous.

It is more than twice as dangerous than the previous normal form.

At this moment, Luo Te Lingling, who had always been grumpy, lost her temper in response to Kaido’s scolding.

After all, this time, she seemed to really be a pig teammate.

After preparing for such a long lore, he was actually used by his opponent.

Don’t mention how frustrated this feeling is.

“Luo Lin, you bastard don’t be proud, my old lady thinks that the two of us are bullying you, it’s too unfair, so I specially gave you a chance.”

The pig teammate Angelica sinensis.

As one of the emperors of the sea, face is always needed.

The four emperors Charlotte Lingling spoke stiffly.

“Ha ha”

Luo Lin smiled softly.

Kaido: “…”

When is it all, it’s still:…Kaido’s defamation hasn’t been finished yet, the next moment, his complexion changed drastically.

Because that… the Thor giant who was a lap bigger than him suddenly disappeared.

‘Boom’ only heard a loud noise.

Luo Lin in the new form of Thor Giant suddenly flashed in front of Kaido.

Thunder fist shines.

With one punch, Kaido flew hundreds of meters away, crackling all over.

The terrifying electric snake ran around, scorching his tough body into smoke.

“I! I didn’t blow you up before, so let’s hit me for a few moments.”

Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading


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