One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 438 - Bigmom has two consecutive assists Karps love 14

Chapter 438 – ? Bigmom has two consecutive assists! Karp’s love! 【1/4】

This content was first published on “One Piece, I’m set!!!”

At the top of the Golden Pyramid, the young man wearing a straw hat held up the crystal treasure chest with both hands, proclaiming his ambition to the world.

When Straw Hat Luffy’s rhetoric fell, the world seemed to be quiet.

Only then did people finally react.

When all of their attention fell on the peak duel between the hero and the four emperors.

Someone took advantage of this opportunity to win the final prize of the martial arts conference.

But how did he do it?People everywhere in the venue were staring dumbly at the smirking teenagers on the spire of the pyramid.

“The little monster of Hwaseong, Straw Hat Luffy, he is… the ultimate winner?”

“In this martial arts competition that gathered hundreds of thousands of strong men in the world, the ultimate champion is a teenager!”

“But… when did he arrive? The previous…Four Emperors and Ten Thousand Thunders, but covered the whole area.”

“That is, under such a terrifying lightning strike, ordinary strong men will be gone as soon as they enter!”

“But that… the boy with a straw hat didn’t show any electric shock on his body.”

The reporters and viewers on the live broadcast square opened up inexplicably.

“I know.”

A reporter suddenly realized it.

“Um… Straw Hat Luffy is a rubber man with rubber fruits. Rubber is not afraid of electricity.”

“Wow, yeah, rubber is indeed immune to electric shock!”

“That’s it, it turns out that it’s like this. When everyone was blocked by Wan Lei, only that… the straw hat kid was unaffected, no one blocked him all the way, and the flow was unimpeded.”

“Four Emperors Charlotte Lingling’s Wan Lei is equivalent to opening a single passage for that… Straw Hat Boy!”

“But even if his body is rubber, what’s the matter with that straw hat! Is it also rubber”

Regarding… this tricky question.

Except for… the questioner, no one thinks much about it.

The people in the field battle will not.

The contestants in the field are even more not.

At this moment.

Thousand-meter high altitude Jedi venue.

“Ahaha, I know that Luffy is a rubber man, and thunder and lightning won’t work for him at all!”

Thinking of the reason, Usopp’s long nose immediately happily put his hands on his hips and laughed triumphantly.

“Yes, yes, Luffy is a rubber man.”

The little fat man Lazilu and Jesus looked at each other and smiled.

“Little straw hat, amazing!”

The ladyboy Feng Kelei also performed a ballet lap dance for Luffy’s “victory”.

“Yeah yeah, this time I was really one step ahead of my younger brother.”

“Yes, but the old man should have heard the slogan Luffy chanted earlier.”

Sabo and Ace, who had joined together, looked at each other, and shivered in unison, and an ominous premonition suddenly appeared in their hearts…

‘Keng’ Hwaseong Square.(Read more @

Suddenly there was a clanging sound of gold and iron fighting.

That was the sound of the legendary Navy Vice Admiral, Ying’s pitch-black iron fists clashing with each other.

Just listening to the crisp sound made my scalp numb and got goose bumps.

After all, Mr. Karp’s iron fist is famous in the navy and even in the world.

“That boy Luffy, who has been here for such a long time, still hasn’t changed his life. It seems that the old man’s previous iron fist education of love is far from enough…ah.”

Karp grinned.

“Brother Karp, don’t need to be so serious.”

Switched from the Navy and became dozens


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Mu Lian, the pirate’s old man, twitched slightly, trying to help Straw Hat Luffy.

After all, Luffy is his captain, the inheritor of the ‘Straw Hat Will’ of Roger One Piece.

In chatting with Raleigh, Kurokas and others, they agreed that a kid like Luffy should be at sea to have a huge impact on this era.

The old man Mu Lian even went to explore Luo Lin’s tone specifically for this.

In this regard, Luo Lin would not object to anything.

Because he also wanted to know what kind of chain reaction would the straw hat’s going to sea in this era of his existence.

As long as you don’t bring his little girl, everything else is fine.

“Big Brother Karp, he is actually the boss…”

What else does Mu Lian want to say.

In the next second, Karp swallowed the rest of the words back with a stare.

“Mu Lian, are you itching again?”

Karp clenched his fist, his palm and knuckles creaked.

“Don’t tell me, Big Brother Karp, I also think that Luffy boy lacks social beatings.”

Mu Lian seconded.


The veterans around who witnessed this scene couldn’t help laughing.

“It doesn’t matter, how about letting Luffy go to sea? Anyway… This chaotic era of big pirates can’t last long, just treat it as a child’s play house.”

Another ‘disharmonious’ voice sounded.

After realizing who the person who agrees is.

The old people in the room all showed a ghostly expression.

“Zefa, you…I know after taking the wrong medicine. It must be the boy Luffy who made you so angry. When he comes back, the old man will clean him up.”

Karp looked worried and blamed.

Zefa: “…”

Jedi venue island.

“Damn it, how can we explain to our mother if we can’t get that fruit!”

Perrospero, the eldest son of the thieves, looked unwilling.

“Hey, aunty, all this is to blame your crazy mothers and wives!”

Plague Quinn yelled.

“what did you say”

“Beasts, do you want to fight again”

Everyone of the thief was furious.

“If it wasn’t for that lunatic aunt throwing thunder and lightning, how could we be blocked here!”

“And that… hero, if it weren’t for your aunt, how could he have gained a stronger thunder and lightning form?”

“Because of that thunderstorm, that… the straw hat boy can reach the finish line unimpeded.”

“Two assists to the opponent, she is really our’good’ teammate!”

Uluti, Fossford, Sasaki the murloc, and others all spoke repeatedly, and everyone who said the aunt was speechless.

Because the situation seems, probably, it seems to be the case.

“Swish” and “Bang” were just when the beast was fighting with the cadres of the aunt.

Suddenly a blue air blade flew across the sky and flew straight towards the straw hat boy on the pyramid.

“Yes, this martial arts conference has not yet been declared over!”

“Um… the straw hat boy is already a capable person, it is impossible to eat another fruit!”

“As long as the fruit has not been eaten, it is not over, we still have a chance!”

A ‘landy foot’ stirred up a thousand waves.

After getting out of the habitual thinking erroneous idea that the fruit is taken to the conference, it will end.

The whole Jedi venue rioted again!…Feilu reminds you: Three things to read.


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