One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 439 - Aiming at Hwaseongs malice Tu Mo Ling is here 24 Ordering

Chapter 439 – ? Aiming at Hwaseong’s malice! Tu Mo Ling is here! 【2/4 Ordering】

This content was first published on The first round of the tenth venue of the Budo Conference.

“Look, Captain and Beibo, the battle has started again!”

The crew of the Heart Pirates exclaimed, “But this is why the convention is over.”

At the other venue, everyone in Hawkins was puzzled.

“Don’t be stupid! Who told you that the conference is over”

The staff of the Drake Pirate Group said solemnly.

“Yes, neither the hero nor Hwaseong has ever announced the end of the convention!”

“This conference is not to see who is the first to get the fruit to end, but to see who is the first to eat the fruit of the overlord!”

“As long as the fruit has not been eaten by anyone, the battle and scramble will not end!”


“How could this be so then our Captain Bucky is not completely safe yet can’t the treasure be brought back?”

On the islands of the Ten Great Hall, the losers in the first round of the conference also reacted.

Suddenly, there was an uproar…

At this moment.

Summer Island venue.

In the fierce battle of the first round of the conference, the most severe damage was the gathering of the Taikoo venues where war-level melees occurred.

It’s this summer island venue.

Under the rhythm of the unknown dark horse! The dancers raged.

The entire summer island venue, even the people on the field, ‘collapsed’.

Even the ‘seventh emperor’ of the sea, the supernova Haiming Skulachman Apu, who has offered a reward of over 100 million yuan, failed to resist the rhythm of the mysterious dancer and was defeated in a coma.

But after all, Apu is a great pirate who can’match the Five Emperors Luffy and the future world’s number one swordsman Sauron with his own strength’.

Under the stimulus of the repeated vibrations from the sky, he slowly regained consciousness.

“Damn it, that bastard dancer, what the hell is going on, even I, who specializes in music, follow his way!”

Dian Yin Apu clutched his paste-like head and whispered unwillingly.

“Speaking of which, what’s the situation now?”

Apu stood up swayingly and looked up at the big live screen in the sky.

In the next second, Apu’s body froze like petrification.

The emotion named shock gushes from the depths of his heart like a tide, and quickly takes over his whole body.

“Four four four…Four emperors appeared! And there are still two together! That… Yingying… Hero Luo Lin is now fighting one against two!”

“How powerful is this!!!”

Skulachmanap yelled in shock, unable to contain himself.


A cold snort full of anger sounded behind No Apu.(Read more @

Feeling a certain cold breath behind him, Apu’s whole body was wet.

He turned around mechanically and stiffly.

After seeing a tattered figure not far behind him, fear replaced the shock and emerged from Apu’s face.

Although just before waking up…, Apu could not wait to dominate and weed out his crappy dancers.

However, when it is really up.

His head is already blank, completely unable to think.

All that is left is fear.

“Why is this guy still here, isn’t he supposed to be on top?”

“Could it be that this monster was out and was beaten down”

“From there


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Why didn’t you die if you fell from such a high place?”

“No, no, now is the time to think about this? If you knew it, it would be better to continue to coma!”

Dian Yin Apu’s heart roared constantly, but his open mouth couldn’t make any sound.

“What kind of bullshit, the emperor of the sea, what kind of bullshit hero, thanks to you, my rare opportunity to appear is a complete mess.”

Under Kaido’s thunderous gossip, the clothes and even the body of the crappy dancer looked grim.

“Well, since that… stage is occupied by you, then I will open up a new stage by myself.”

The crappy dancer turned around, didn’t even look at Apu, stepped on the air and swept northward.

That is the direction of Hwaseong City!!!…At the same time.

Somewhere in the dim sky.

‘Cough’ The empty void suddenly sounded a few coughs.

Then the distortion of the light is restored.

The figure of a rickety old man hidden in it was revealed.

After coughing up another bite of blood, dark horse! The old man’s old face grew a bit older.

The old eyes are dim and yellow, and the back is like dried shrimps.

The whole person is lifeless, and looks like a rotten wood.

It seems that time is running out.

“Hero, Emperor of the Sea, hum…”

Dark horse! The old man snorted coldly.

“The current old man is indeed not as good as you, but wait, the five old stars said that there is a panacea in that city that makes people return to the top. When I return to the top, I will come to accompany you for fun.”

“Regardless of.……

Whether it is a hero or the emperor of the sea, under the old man’s ability to twist everything, all are chickens and dogs.”

Dark horse! A cold light flashed in the eyes of the rickety old man, and he set off in the direction of Hwaseong…

Taikoo venue.

Waiting to rest, the beasts and the aunt pirates who were waiting for the order above watched intently at the two battles broadcast on the big screen.

“That bastard hero is really a monster among monsters!”

“It’s incredible that even Captain Kaido and that…hand can’t suppress him!”

“It must be because of the boost that the thunder and lightning armor brought him.”

“Yes, if there weren’t that… weird thunder and lightning armor, what would he use to fight his mother and the others”

“And you look at it quickly, that… the Thor armor outside the hero’s body has become smaller and smaller. It can be seen that it is not permanent. I believe it will be completely dissipated in a short time.”

“It will be… when Mom and Kaydo show off!”

“There is also the fruit competition over there. With Lord Quinn and them, the final winner will definitely be us.”

“Brother Perros and Sister Smoky, they will definitely give the fruit of that overlord to their mother!”

“Um…oh oh oh”

The pirates of the beasts and the aunt were in high spirits, and they spared no effort to cheer for their captain and cadres.

‘Shoo…!’ ‘Bang Bang Bang Bang’ is at this moment.

The sound of bursts of shells suddenly came from near the coast of the island at the venue.

“What happened”

Peggy Wan, one of the six volleys, screamed.

“I went to see.”

Jack’s fleet of beasts was one of the few survivors. The bat’s ‘Sixth Emperor’ wings stirred up and rushed into the sky.

Looking far away.

After seeing the distant sea, the King Bats’ face suddenly showed extreme panic, “It’s the navy! The navy’s warships are here!!!”

‘Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang’… Please download the ununderlined version


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