One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 440 - Heroes have always been difficult to do (34 ask for full order)

Chapter 440 – ?Heroes have always been difficult to do [3/4 ask for full order]

This content was first published on The sky is full of clouds.

The sea is undulating.

Invisible, a terrifying and depressing aura enveloped the world.

The thunderous impact of the’boom’ resounded high in the sky.

The terrifying shock wave that aroused, even if the sea surface separated by more than a thousand meters, caused violent waves.

The waves are layered on top of each other.

In such a bad weather, ordinary ships simply cannot sail in this sea area.

But at this moment.

In this rough sea, there are more than a dozen large ships still moving steadily.

No matter how turbulent the wave is, it can’t make them even a little bit inclined.

Because of these… the big ship is the heaviest war-class warship in the navy headquarters.

It represents the pinnacle of the world’s shipbuilding craftsmanship.

“General Sakaski, the circular venue can already be seen ahead, and in… a minute, it will enter the range of fire.”

A watch seaman reported loudly.


The bow of the warship in the middle.

Wearing a cloak of justice and a dark red suit inside, the determined middle-aged man nodded his head.

“The order is passed down, so that all lieutenants will be ready, and the Demon Slayer Order will be activated immediately.”

The general Akainu Sakaski quietly ordered.


The navy courier stood up and saluted respectfully, and then quickly retreated.

After a while.

The seventeen naval war-class warships that were originally in an arrow formation have elongated and gradually expanded outward.

This is to prepare for denser and more efficient artillery fire coverage.

“Tread” and “Tread” the veteran lieutenant admiral of the navy headquarters on two adjacent warships-Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan with a smile and Lieutenant General Doberman with a face full of scars stepped on the moonwalk and landed next to General Sakaski.

“Sakaski, the situation is still unclear, do we want to slow down again”

Veteran Lieutenant General Doberman frowned.

“No, now is the best opportunity to catch the pirates all at once.”

Admiral Akinu said with a firm face.


Lieutenant General Huo Shaoshan raised his head and looked at the diffusing void ripples in the sky, the smile on his face narrowed.

Instead: there is an unprecedented shock.

“The hero Luo Lin faces the Four Emperors Luo Te Lingling and the Beast Kaido at the same time. It is really too difficult. Should we help over there first?”

Huoshaoshan looked at the general Akainu.

Among this team, the only person who is able to join the four-emperor-level peak duel is the general Akinu.

“In this war, everyone has his mission. Since he bears the name of a hero, what he has to do is naturally more difficult than ordinary people.”

The general Akimaru paused, and then said.

“Of course, if he really can’t hold it in the end.

Of course, I won’t just sit idly by. Let that…hero try to keep it under control now. Let’s take this opportunity to eliminate all the pirates. This is the right choice.”

“Do you want to use the hero”(Read more @

Huoshaoshan frowned.

“It’s all for justice. Wherever it can be said to be used or not, I believe that… the hero must be very happy to do so.”

General Equatorial Dog Road.

“The time is almost here, let the order go on, the whole army shelled!!!”

“Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang” violent artillery fire continued to the sky.

The dense rain of cannonballs fell towards the ten major circular venues, exploding one after another fierce fire.


“Navy…It’s the navy


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“The navy’s warships are surrounded, run away!”

“One, two, two, three…There are already seven huge warships here alone, how many people have come from the navy this time!”

“Sure enough, our initial worries were not wrong. This is a trap set by the navy and the hero! It is really despicable, ah, the navy!”

“Is it time to talk about this now? Run!”

When the rain of dense shells originating from naval war-class warships fell.

On the islands of the Ten Great Hall, the screams of pain and screams of anger from the pirates who rested to watch the battle burst into the sky.

Even the place where the Hundred Beasts and the two emperors coalition forces at the Taikoo venue was in great chaos…

Hwaseong, as the organizer of the conference, got the news for the first time about the changes in the ring venue.

In fact.

As early as Karp, Gion, and the three flying squirrels arrived in Hwaseong Fortress.

Zefa, Alfred and other veterans are aware of the navy’s plan.

Naturally, it won’t be too unexpected at this time.

It’s just… “The general Akainu, that kid Sakaski, actually did it. This is a conference held by the boss. He did this, and where did he save the boss’s face!”

The old man Mu Lian’s forehead was blue, and his heart was very angry.

“Fighting against the pirates, I raise my hands and feet in agreement, but this time it won’t work.”

“In this way, no matter who it is, everyone will think that this is a trap set by the boss and the navy!”

“A hero who has disappeared for thirty-six years has just appeared, so will he bear a vile reputation?”

“How can people accept this kind of thing!”

“Is this really an order from Mr. Sengoku”

For… the pirates, the veterans naturally hate them.

If they change to other times, not only will they not object, they will also take the initiative to roll up their sleeves to help.

It’s just different this time.

Today is their boss, the hero Luo Lin’s reappearance after thirty-six years.

It must end satisfactorily.

How can we allow people to sabotage and the veterans are filled with righteous indignation, and we must stop it.

“Stop it all for me.”

There was a scream, that was Zefa.

“Mr. Zefa”

The veterans were puzzled.

“The mouth is on someone else. If they want to say it, let them say it-if that guy is there, he will say that.”

Zefa spoke calmly.

“No one is allowed to step out of Hwaseong Fortress today. If we really prevent the pirates from fighting against the navy, that would be the biggest discredit for the boss’s reputation.”

Former lieutenant Alfred also screamed.

“Remember this, even if it is no longer a navy, what we have to do has not changed from beginning to end.”

“Heroes have never been so good to behave like me. How can a guy who messes with his life deserves the name of a hero? That guy is the real hero.”

Karp said with emotion.

“The hero is fighting abroad, how can the old man help him guard the rear.”

Karp murmured, his whole body suddenly rose up, and he was ready to fight.

“Mr. Karp”

“what’s happenin”

Everyone asked inexplicably.

‘Boom’ blast sounded.

That is the direction of the Hwaseong headquarters building.


“There are intruders!!!”

Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading


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