One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 443 - The navy song full of courage (24 seeking subscription)

Chapter 443 – ? The navy song full of courage! ! ! [2/4 seeking subscription]

This content is first published on “Hot Interest”


“Thunderbolt-Dragon Fist”

‘Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, beasts, Kaido, the four emperors, and all the beasts, the scorching dragon’s breath erupted. The four emperors Lotling Ling’s Elbaff’s gun:-the explosion of the kingdom and the Thor giant form Luo Lin The strongest dragon fist.

The peerless blows of the three peak powerhouses standing at the top of the world burst together.

The world is silent.

The world is overturned.

The unprecedented explosion of ‘Boom Rumble Rumble’ occurred at this time.

‘Ka Ka Ka’ floated over the entire island of the Jedi venue at an altitude of a thousand meters, with overwhelming clicks sounded one after another.

The rift valleys that crossed horizontally and vertically, running through the entire large island were formed in the horrified eyes of people.

“Bang” finally.

The island of the large Jedi venue was completely destroyed.

Even the awakened floating fruit ability of the Golden Lion Skeleton could no longer maintain the floating state of the broken island.

Dozens or hundreds of huge island fragments were scattered, falling straight toward the sea below.

“Ah ah ah ah ah”

That was many contestants on the Broken Island screaming in horror.

“You’re going to die! Captain, you are… think of a way! If this continues, we will really fall to death! If we don’t fall to death, we will drown.”

The great pirate Baixiong Beibo, who is offering a reward of five hundred Baili, screamed in shock.

“Death to death! This is really going to die! No, Lord Bucky, I just found the treasure!”

Bucky, the great pirate clown, hugged a furry tail and screamed.

“I’m not… Mr. Kaido’s immortal body!”

“Even if it’s only a kilometer, I have to stop cooking!”

“Brother Perros, think of a way!”

Even the cadres of the two great emperors of Beasts and Aunts, at this moment, they can’t help but scream in panic.

“Jin, Brother Jin, good brother, take me too!”

Plague Quinn, who has a strong desire to survive, waved to the Flaming Embers that showed the flying form of the toothless pterosaur.

The words uttered were extremely numb, and Yan Caijin couldn’t help getting goose bumps.

Decisively fanning his wings, he took Uluti on his paws and went away with the giant beauty Black Maria.


Epidemic Quinn, who failed to call for help, suddenly turned his face and cursed.

“Hey, Luffy, it’s not good! We are all falling to death, how can you still laugh.”

On the other side, Usopp, the long nose holding the crystal treasure chest, yelled.

“Hehehe, because it occurred to me that I can’t die because it’s rubber.”

Vitality Straw Hat Luffy chuckled.

“Luffy, don’t just think of yourself, don’t you kid, think about me who is weak.”

Usopp went wild.

“Don’t be afraid, Usopp.”

Straw Hat Luffy grinned and took a deep breath.

The body suddenly swelled into a huge.

“Usop, and Uncle Jesus Bu and Lu are almost in my stomach.”

Luffy covered his mouth.

“Um…oh, this is really saved.”(Read more @

Lazilu smiled relaxedly.

The sky is full of wind and sand.

Krokdal is elementalized, engulfing Dazbonis, the monster von Klei and others flying into the sky.

“Blooming” “It seems that Luffy doesn’t have to worry about it.”

The same elementalization brought Sabo’s Ace with a smile.

“It seems so, but…”

Sabo suddenly appeared contemplative, always feeling that he seemed to have forgotten something.


After a while, Sabo suddenly screamed, and he remembered.


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“What’s the matter Sabo”

Ace asked puzzledly.

“Sauron, where has Sauron been, I haven’t seen him since just now.”

Sabo exclaimed worriedly.

“Leave it to me, the Swordsman with Green Algae Head.”

Marco, in the form of a phoenix, volunteered.

“Then please.”


Marco nodded, spread his wings, and went away in an instant.

It just so happened that he was also going to find and rescue the two companions, Doma and Lei Qing Makugai.


The exclamation and roar of the contestants and the fierce beasts of the martial arts conference were one after another, one after another.

On the ground.

People who saw this shocking scene on the live broadcast screen couldn’t help but yell.

Especially when one of the large island fragments fell on the two warships directly below, the marines and retired veterans of Hwaseong Square were shocked.

“Calm down, everyone. Before the time of despair, General Sakaski’s warship is not far away.”

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel spoke aloud, calming everyone’s nervousness and fear.

“Yes, Sakaski must be able to stop it.”

“But… why the general’s warship is getting farther and farther”

“Give up, even I can’t stop it on such a huge scale.”

At the bow of the warship, the general Akainu calmly spoke.

“how so”

“Isn’t there even General Sakaski can’t help it?”

“Could it be that you can only watch your friends being buried alive”

The seamen on the warship shouted again and again, unable to accept this tragic ending.


The veteran lieutenant general Huo Shaoshan gritted his teeth.

“This is the battlefield”

Before the fire mountain opened.

The general Akainu broke out aloud first.

“War is not a playhouse. You may die when you go to the battlefield. Before you set off, all of you came to the war with this enlightenment. In that case, don’t show this kind of hopeless expression now.”

“Just remember that they died for justice! History will remember their achievements!”

General Akainu spoke coldly and calmly.


“Why on earth?”

The marines on the warships that received the order to continue the bombardment all bowed their heads and let out an unwilling growl.

At this moment.

There was dead silence on the two warships within the falling range of the huge island debris.

When the command of the general Akainu came through the phone worm, the last hope in their hearts was also shattered.

All that is left is endless despair.

“Ah, it’s really going to die.”

“I… I really don’t want to die yet!”

“But…but there really is no way!”

“The sea is watching, and the sea also knows the beginning of this world. The end of this world… will not panic… will not be afraid… Toward the blue distance, go forward bravely”

I don’t know who started it first.

The navy song, desolate and tragic, but full of courage enough to face death, uttered from the trembling lips of the marines, gathered into a piece, and floated above the sea.

End of the song.

“it’s over!”

“Boom” “It’s okay already!”

People are not separated.


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