One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 444 - excitement The name of the hero resounds across the sky 34 order

Chapter 444 – ?excitement! The name of the hero resounds across the sky! 【3/4 order】

This content was first published on “It’s okay, boys, your courage, I really heard it!!!”

Luo Lin’s calm and powerful voice rang in the ears of two warships and 20,000 sailors.

Shocked the mind.

On the two warships, the sea soldiers who had been prepared for the arrival of death were all confused.

“Who is this voice…”

“Island…The island has stopped!”

“What the hell is this…”

The young sailors on the warship looked at the huge island fragment that suddenly hovered above them.

There are doubts on each face, and it is even more shocking.

“Look over there…that…people are…Yes!!!”

A sharp-eyed marine soldier saw the figure surrounded by electric light, with his own strength against the sinking island.

The emotions named shock, surprise and excitement surged all at once.

One stone stirred up a thousand waves.

With the excitement of the watchmen and seamen, the shocking shouts fell.

On the two naval war-class warships, the eyes of nearly 20,000 seamen were all locked on the stalwart figure.

The young faces that were so full of despair not long ago burst out with amazing brilliance at this moment.

“Hero… is the hero of our navy!”

“The hero is here, the hero Luo Lin is here to save us!”

“We are saved!”

“Hero Rolin!!!”

“Mr. Luo Lin is real!”

The cheers of the 20,000 sailors on the warship resounded across the sea.

Only those who have experienced the despair of being abandoned by the world can experience firsthand how joyful they are to survive today.

The marines either slumped on the deck, or hugged their familiar partners and comrades in arms, wept bitterly, and shared this hard-earned joy.

at the same time.

The seamen on the other fifteen war-class warships participating in the killing of the magic order, listening to the cheers of the comrades in the contact phone worm, their faces flashed with doubt and confusion.

After a while.

When the truth is learned.

I learned that the comrades on the two warships did not die in the fall of the island.

After the appearance of the hero saved more than 20,000 lives.

The faces of fifteen warships and hundreds of thousands of navies were extremely shocked, excited and excited.

“It’s okay! Everyone is okay!”

“Just survive! It’s great to survive!”

“It’s the hero Luo Lin! It was Mr. Luo Xiu who resisted the… huge island fragment!”

“Long live the hero!”

“Long live Mr. Luo Lin!!!”

The cheers of hundreds of thousands of sea soldiers gathered into a film, resounding across the sky.

“Great! This is really great!”

“Really worthy of being a hero in our navy legend!”

“The hero Luo Lin, worthy of the name!”

Huoshaoshan, Dalmesia, and even the lieutenant generals of the navy headquarters such as Daubman, Ghost Spider, etc., who were once said to be heroes, were extremely excited.(Read more @

“Hero, I didn’t do it this time.

This crisis was originally caused by your battle, so naturally it must be the same.”

Admiral Akinu spoke calmly.


Listening to the general Aka Inu, he was still cold, without a trace of human touch.

Even with a good temper, there is anger on his face, and he waved his sleeves and left.

As for Dauberman, Ghost Spider and others, who are both hawkish lieutenants with the red dog, the old faces at this moment are also flashing tangled.

Whatever else.

Just now.

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The contrast between the decision made by the general Akadog and the hero Luo Lin is too sharp and strong…

Two major watching islands, live broadcast square.


The reporters and ordinary viewers who were watching nervously throughout the process were all exasperating at this moment.

Some people even just fell to the ground without strength.

For them… ordinary civilians, the navy that upholds justice and maintains the order of the sea is equivalent to their partner.

“Really, really, really great!”

“That’s nearly 20,000 young lives!”

“Fortunately, the hero arrived in time!”

“Otherwise, something serious is going to happen!”


“Um…what the hell is going on with the general Aka Inu, but his subordinates, didn’t he just give up like this before?”

“Is that a general? Even if it is really unstoppable, at least I have to fight for it once!”

“Even his subordinates and comrades-in-arms can be indifferent to the death. It’s so cold!”

“I must criticize him severely!”

The reporters in the square were filled with indignation.

In terms of strength, 11 million of them are no better than a general’s hand.

But their weapon as journalists is the pen in their hands…

“Sakaski that bastard!!!”

Cap gritted his teeth angrily.

“That…Aka dog! It’s really a dog!”

The old man Mu Lian cursed.

“To be really indifferent, I still underestimated his cold-blooded degree.”

Former lieutenant Alfred had cold eyes.

“Sakaski is too much this time!”

“That’s twenty thousand young lives!”

“Why don’t you even fight for it, so you just give up!”

“Fortunately, the boss successfully pulled out!”

“Or…or else…”

The veterans were angry from their hearts one by one, and their eyes seemed to breathe fire.

“Sakaski, he is the worst student I have ever taken!”

Zefa gritted his teeth.

The grandstand of the Hwaseong headquarters building.

“A guy like that is also a general and embarrassed to be a general!”

“It’s so irritating! The more I think about it, the more angry it is!”

“Fortunately, Brother Luo Lin is here, otherwise…”

Weiwei, Nami and other little girls also condemned.

The pretty faces of Gion and Tsuru are densely covered with frost.

“Sister Robin”

At this moment.

Only Kerla, Xia Qi and a few others noticed the strange expression on Robin’s face.

Twenty years ago.

At that time, the red dog was also one of the lieutenant generals in the execution of the O’Hara Demon Slayer Order.

It is also because of the red dog.

All the members of O’Hara island except her, no matter they were scholars or ordinary civilians, none of them survived.

Robin once witnessed red dogs shelling civilian ships, leaving an indelible psychological shadow on her young mind.

“Sister Robin, don’t be afraid, we are all here.”

Kerla held Robin’s cold little hand and tried to give her a little warmth and strength “I’m fine.”

For a moment, Robin looked up, and a reluctant smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.


“Be careful, Luo Lin!”

At this moment, the exclamation of the little girls resumed.

The sea battlefield.

Two sea emperors launched a surprise attack on Luo Lin who lifted the huge island alone!!!… Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading


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