One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 445 - The death of the strongest creature, the beast Kaido (44 seeking subscr

Chapter 445 – ?The death of the strongest creature, the beast Kaido [4/4 seeking subscription]

This content was first published on “Well, well, well”

The laughter of the Four Emperor Lottery Lingling echoed in the sky.

“Finally found you, Luo Lin, I thought you bastard found a place to hide out of fear.”

The Four Emperors Charlotte Lingling looked at Luo Lin coldly, and shouted coldly.


Luo Lin’s mouth lifted up a sarcastic smile.

Even in this situation, Luo Lin still didn’t have the slightest tension on his face.

Still full of strong confidence in…self.

Looking at the faint sarcasm on Luo Lin’s face, the triumphant smile on the face of the Four Emperors Charlotte Lingling no longer.

What turned out to be a gloom like dripping water.

“Asshole Luo Lin, I see when your mouth can be so stiff, let me die.”

The Four Emperors Charlotte Lingling raised the Hormitz sword in her hand high.

The deep purple huge knife light cut away the atmosphere and fell towards Luo Lin’s body.

Looking at this scene, the more than 20,000 marines on the naval ship below couldn’t help but look shocked.


“Mr. Luo Lin, be careful!”

“The hero doesn’t care about us, the warship will soon be outside the envelope of the island.”

“You can let it go!”

The seamen on the warship screamed in horror.

Fifteen warships anchored on the sea further away, reporters and audiences in the live broadcast square, and people in Hwaseong all yelled anxiously.

Luo Lin seemed unheard of…people’s shouts.

Even facing the terrifying ‘prestige’ of the Four Emperors Charlotte Lingling.

His body is still standing straight, without a slight wave of movement.

He didn’t even frown his brows.

Under the horrified eyes of people.

Four Emperor Charlotte Lingling’s Elbaff’s Spear: Weiguo hit Luo Lin’s voice from the front.

The dazzling purple knife light exploded.

Good moment.

The raging scary purple sword aura finally converged.

The smoke dissipated.

Among them, the figure holding the huge island is still stalwart, and it has not been shaken by the slightest.



“Hero Rolin!”

“Mr. Luo Lin is fine! That’s amazing!”

The seamen on the warship shouted in excitement.


At this moment, a major admiral of the Navy Headquarters suddenly widened his shocked eyes and screamed.

“Hero… the lightning on Mr. Luo Lin’s body seems to be gone!”

Someone yelled again.

“And Mr. Luo Lin’s body, is that… blood”

The face of a rear admiral was incredible and unbelievable.

‘Wow’, when aware of this, people all over the sea yelled.

The war began to this day.(Read more @

This was the first time they saw an invincible hero injured and bleeding.

How can this not make people shocked.


Looking at the long and narrow bloodstain on Luo Lin’s upper body, the Four Emperor Charlotte Lingling couldn’t help but laugh out proudly.

Although the blood stain is very light and shallow.

It was healed even when she laughed.

But after all, there was blood.

After fighting for so long, this was the first time her attack worked, and it hurt Luo Lin for the first time.

This is naturally enough for her to be proud.

“Well… 喽喽喽喽, Lingling, well done.”

The huge bodies of the four emperors Kaido in the form of dragons flew across the sky.

“Asshole Luo Lin, you can bleed too! Since you can bleed


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, Then it will die!”

The Four Emperors and One Hundred Beasts Kaido coldly shouted.

“Well, well, the next move will completely kill him.”

The four emperors Charlotte Lingling’s eyes flickered cold, and she was full of confidence and domineering.

This was naturally because of the scars on Luo Lin’s body, which made her self-confidence burst.

Charlotte Lingling believed that because of the defense of the thunder and lightning armor, her prestige only left such a shallow trace on Luo Lin.

Now, there is no defensive offset from the lightning armor.

With all her mighty slashes, Luo Lin will definitely be able to cut Luo Lin completely.

Thinking of this, the smile on the Four Emperors Charlotte Lingling’s face suddenly became even greater.

“Um…Lingling, let me try it too.”

Kaido, who had been violently beaten by Luo Lin along the way, was eager to try, and wanted to leave traces of his own attack on Luo Lin for the first time.

“Kiduo kid, that’s my prey, don’t try to snatch it with me.”

Charlotte Lingling, who had already imagined a perfect ending in her heart, strictly refused Kaido’s request.

“It’s not you who have the final say.”

“you dare!”

The breath of horror burst out from the two sea emperors, causing big waves in the sea.

At this moment, ‘Boom Rumble’, a loud noise like thunder rang out.

Charlotte Lingling’s quarrel with Kaido, the beast, stopped suddenly.

His eyes suddenly looked at Luo Lin who was holding the island not far away, and his pupils couldn’t help but shrink.

“I said you two, who gave you the confidence?”

Luo Lin grinned and took a step forward with his right foot.

“Even if I need to lift the island with one hand, I am still invincible in the world.”

Luo Lin spoke.

Zhou’s body revealed a general trend that I was invincible.

Domineering shocks the sea.

In front of Luo Lin’s invincible general situation.

Even the beasts Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, who are the emperors of the sea, couldn’t help but change in shock.

Unconsciously, it gave birth to a retreat.

“Don’t get too smug.”

Feeling the unconscious fear and trembling of the body.

The Four Emperors and One Hundred Beasts Kaido shouted angrily.

“Lingling, I thought of a good way.”

“what way”

“Since this guy cares so much about the life and death of those…seamen, then take all those…seamen as hostages. Then, he will be…a doll at our mercy.”

Having said that, Kaido couldn’t help laughing treacherously.

More than twenty years ago, in the country of Wazumi, he was…With this method, he restricted Guangyue Mitian, who was as strong as the sky and whose strength was far above him.

Twenty years later, this simplest hostage threat strategy will also become the shackles of invincible heroes.

Think of that possible picture.

Kaido couldn’t help but bowed in excitement, turned the dragon head without hesitation, and attacked the warship on the sea not far away.

“Kaido kid, are you in such a hurry to reincarnate?”

Luo Lin opened his mouth quietly, his arm muscles violent, and he threw out the island he was holding.

“Albuff’s Gun:—”

Charlotte Lingling, who is still immersed in beautiful fantasy, is about to swing the knife again.

Next second.

A huge shadow of horror shrouded her, making her shocked.

at the same time.

More than a thousand meters away.

In the wide-open eyes of the marines.

The hero’s stalwart figure appeared in front of them again, blocking the coming storm for them.

“Asshole, you…”

The triumphant smile on Shenlong Kaiduo’s face suddenly solidified.

“Pink, broken, dragon, punch!!!”

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