One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 446 - Four emperors and beasts Kaido, die (On) (14 seeking subscription)

Chapter 446 – ?Four emperors and beasts Kaido, die! ! ! (On) [1/4 seeking subscription]

This content was first published on “The hostage is in hand, I have the world! Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!”

Thinking of some fun things about to happen, Kaido, the Four Emperors and One Hundred Beasts, unconsciously expected to laugh.

Originally listening to the somewhat domineering laughter, it was full of villain’s treacherous at this moment.

Because this is the nature of the beast Kaido.

Whether it was before or now, it has never changed.

at the same time.

On the top of the four emperors and beasts, Kaido, as the marines on the target warship, they can’t help but become a mess at this moment.

“Beast Kaido! That bastard is coming towards us!”

“That… bastard, what does he want to do?”

“Do you want to use us to threaten the hero Mr. Luo Lin”

When thinking of this possibility, the nearly 10,000 seamen on the warship were instantly ashamed.

Previously, because of supporting them, Luo Lin was forced to take the four emperors Charlotte Lingling’s slashing big move, and was injured and bleeding for the first time.

Is it because of them that the hero is in danger again? Why are they here just for coming here and dragging the hero’s back! “Everyone, fight with that… bastard! ”

“Turn all the muzzle, target the beast Kaido!”

“Even if we fight to death, we definitely can’t be the bondage of Mr. Luo Lin again.”

The three major admirals of the navy headquarters on the warship yelled decisively and issued the final order.


“Fight with him!”

“I have beaten the Four Emperors, even death is worth it!”

“Brothers, follow me!”

The seamen on the warship also responded together.

this moment.

When the fear of death has been overcome.

There is endless courage born in their hearts.

Even if it comes from the mighty power of the strongest creature, Kaido, it can’t overwhelm them.

Nearly 10,000 marines on the warship moved together.

The artillery is responsible for the adjustment and aiming of the muzzle.

The school officer who mastered the six-style moon step followed the steps of the major general and rose into the sky, fearlessly facing the terrifying dragon in the sky.

“Um… I’m just a group of weak and ant-like existences. They dare to provoke the dragon. It seems that Lao Tzu needs to teach you a lesson. Anyway… the hostages don’t need too much.”

Seeing the admirals who fearlessly released their killing intent, the four emperors and the beasts Kaido raised a joking smile.

The dragon’s mouth opened wide.

The blazing flame dragon’s breath spawned from the mouth of his blood basin.

The hot breath distorted and deformed the atmosphere.

“A bunch of ants, burn me to ashes!!!”

The raised heads of the Four Emperors and One Hundred Beasts, Kaido, suddenly lowered.

The heat with a destructive breath came out from it.

Toward the hundreds of admirals in front of him.(Read more @

Under the absolute power of the Four Emperors, even the lieutenant general can only be killed by a spike.

Not to mention these…Major generals and ordinary school officers.

“As a result, I still can’t do anything!”

“We are too weak.”

“But this is fine, at least we won’t drag the hero down again!”

“Mr. Luo Lin will definitely get rid of this evil dragon! Revenge for us!”

“The hero will win!!!”

More than a hundred admirals suppressed the fear of death and uttered the final roar of life.



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bsp; The ‘boom’ scorching dragon breathed and occupied their field of vision.

However, the imaginary pain did not come.

“What the hell…”

“How come there is no pain at all”

“Is it because it died too fast?”

The navy officers were all puzzled.

“No, we still… are still alive!”

A rear admiral suddenly shouted.

“A hero again! Mr. Luo Lin saved us again!”

The other major general yelled.

“Sorry, Mr. Luo Lin, we have dragged you down again!”

All the school officials bowed their heads in self-blame.

“All raise their heads for me.”

Luo Lin’s majestic roar blasted from the ears of every general.

“Yes Yes!!!”

Listening to the majestic command, all the generals subconsciously raised their heads and tightened their bodies.

I wanted to stand upright, but because I stepped on the moon step, I would fall if I didn’t move.

“If you are afraid of your drag, then my hero would have failed too much.”

Luo Lin spoke calmly.

“Navy bastards, keep your eyes open for me to watch, but the four emperors are just a mere mere four, turn your hands and suppress it!!!”

Listening to Luo Lin’s confident and domineering words, the eyes of the admirals burst into astonishing expressions.

That is excitement, worship and even fanaticism.


A group of admirals shouted in unison.


Compared with the enthusiasm and excitement of the admirals.

At this moment.

The four emperors and beasts Kaido, who was preparing to implement the hostage plan, had a gloomy expression on his face.

“That idiot Lingling, what the hell are you doing!”

Bai Beast Kaido looked back.

Waiting to see Charlotte Lingling who was almost suppressed by the fall of the island, he suddenly lost his voice.

“Forget it, anyway… this bastard doesn’t have an increase in thunder and lightning now, even I can handle it alone.”

Thinking of the previous scene of Luo Lin being slashed by Charlotte Lingling, Kaido’s confidence and confidence are a little bit more adequate.

“Kaido kid, I let you run away thirty-six years ago, and today you don’t have that good luck.”

Luo Lin spoke with murderous intent.

If it were a normal duel, Luo Lin wouldn’t mind continuing to fight these two rare and powerful opponents happily.

It’s just that it’s different now. Feeling the strong killing intent erupting from Luo Lin, the four emperors and beasts Kaido couldn’t help but feel tight.

But now, he has no retreat.

“Damn Luolin bastard, don’t underestimate the Four Emperors!”

The beast Kaido breathed in as sharply as he did at the beginning, and was about to reproduce the dual combination of the atmospheric bomb and the searing dragon’s breath.

“Pink, broken, dragon, punch!!!”

Luo Lin uttered four words calmly.

The fist gleaming with bright light waved.

‘Boom’ punched out.

Such as Changhong Guanri.

If the meteorite falls.

The world was silent, and then rumbling and shaking.

The world on this side seems to be overthrown.

After the world returns to Qingming, the dragon Kaido with its teeth and claws in the sky is no longer there…

Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading


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