One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 447 - Four emperors and beasts Kaido, die (Below) (24 seeking subscription)

Chapter 447 – ?Four emperors and beasts Kaido, die! ! ! (Below) [2/4 seeking subscription]

This content was first published on “Since the hostage plan failed, let everything be reduced to ashes!!!”

Fierce and rage flashed across the face of the four emperors and beasts Kaido’s ferocious dragon.

A dazzling white light bloomed from his dragon’s mouth, releasing a devastating force.

The double bomb power of the atmosphere and heat charged to the extreme exploded, causing the sky and the sea to tremble.

“Go to hell! Bastard hero!”

As the beast Kaido shouted angrily, the blazing white light in the dragon’s mouth spurted out.

At the same time that the big beast Kaido’s big move exploded.

Above the sky, Luo Lin, who was standing in the sky, also punched.

Powder, broken, dragon, fist!!! So far.

In the duel with the two sea emperors, Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, Luo Lin has never used the most ferocious and powerful ability acquired from the sea lord Locks.

This is the first time now.

It is also the last time.

The last duel with the beast Kaido.

Because after this time, Kaido will die.

This is Luo Lin’s powerful confidence in…self.

With a punch, it is like a long rainbow circling the sun.

The absolute light of smashing and the flashing fist, shining all over.

Even the bright moonlight in the sky was completely overwhelmed.

At this moment, time and space, everything in the world seems to be frozen.

The sky and sea that trembled because of the breath of the beast Kaido solidified.

Next second.

Rows of white lights intertwined horizontally and vertically gleamed.

With the terrifying power that cuts through the world, he covers the beast Kaido.

The world seems to be overturned at this time.

“Damn, this power… sure enough… Bastard Luo Lin, how did you get this ability!”

Close up, face to face and feel the power that is enough to crush all things in the world.

The savage dragon face of the Four Emperors and One Hundred Beasts suddenly showed extreme shock, incredible and fear.


The scorching dragon’s breath he spit out to Hwaseong was easily blocked by Luo Lin’s one hand and dissolved into nothingness.

At that time, he and Charlotte Lingling had doubts about Luo Lin’s ability.

Just after.

With the emergence of authentic pieces of crushed fruits in the golden pyramids and crystal treasure chests.

The doubts in their hearts were also dispelled.

No longer pay attention to the means used by Luo Lin to dissolve the dragon’s breath.


After seeing the light that shattered the sky.(Read more @

Bai Beast Kaido was completely horrified.

At this moment, he is 10,000% certain.

What Luo Lin must use is the ability of his former captain, the sea lord Locks, to crush the fruit! But it is obvious that the crushed fruit is still there, even if it can be faked, but the special attraction is not the real thing! “Monster !”

After a while.

Bai Beast Kaido thought of the answer.

“You are a monster through and through!”

The Four Emperor Kaido yelled in horror.

Then he turned and flew without hesitation.

However, he just wanted to escape now, it was still a little late.

The roar of tyrannosaurus resounded between the heaven and the earth.

One head…the whole body


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The phantom of the Tyrannosaurus shining with shattering light trampled on the void, rushing towards the beast Kaido, chasing it.


In the horrified screams of the four emperors and beasts, Kaido, the’Smashing Tyrannosaurus’ opened its huge mouth and bit his body.

Straightly hit the virgin forest below, and fell down.

The terrifying roar of ‘Boom’ and ‘Boom Rumble’ resounded across the sea.

The vast island of the Taikoo venue was shattered and completely destroyed by the roar.

Immediately after the smash, there was the adjacent desert venue, the swamp venue…all collapsed under the aftermath of smashing and shock.

The most dazzling light blooms.

Everything is invisible.

I don’t know how long it has passed.

The buzzing in people’s ears gradually subsided.

The vision is gradually restored to clarity.

When witnessing the current status of the martial arts conference ring venue, everyone was shocked and lost their voice…

“One, two, two, three, four…Five-five…Five islands collapsed!!!”

“What a terrifying power is that!”

“It’s just that… the impact caused the five islands to collapse! Is that the power of the gods”

“Is this the true power of the hero”

The reporters and audiences on the live broadcast square of the two major islands were all screamed in horror.

At this moment, emotions named shock and inconceivable occupy everyone in the room.

“Kaido, how is Kaido now”

“How is the situation of the four emperors and beasts Kaido now, is he dead?”

“Even the strongest creatures will never be spared under such power!”

“The four emperors and beasts Kaido, known as the immortal body, really died this time”

People from all over the waters of Hwaseong were watching the dark big screen nervously and anxiously.

Waiting for the final result to be announced.

‘Chi Chi’ is under the eager and hopeful eyes of people.

A few snowflakes flashed on the big black live screen under the impact.

Immediately afterwards.

The surviving video phone worms clearly conveyed the scene they saw.

The entrance is full of terrifying and broken scenes.

Most of the Taikoo venues have sunk.

The remaining island fragments are also slowly sinking.

The focal length of the video phone worm zoomed in, reflecting a certain figure on the broken island fragment.

It was a broken body covered in blood and blood.

The blood flowed like a huge body like a little giant.

The dense and hideous wounds almost shattered him into hundreds of pieces of flesh.

The most shocking thing is that the half of his body connected to his left arm – the half of the body that carries the most important heart organ of the human body, has completely shattered and disappeared.

‘Gudong’ and ‘sizzling’ everywhere in the sea, people’s apple rolling and inhaling air-conditioning sound one after another.

Even if the body is already in tatters, it is so bloody that it is impossible to tell whether it is a human or something else.

But people can be sure.

That is Kaido.

It has the name of the strongest creature in the land, sea and air, and the strongest creature that has committed suicide hundreds of times without dying – after so many years of death.

The Emperor of the Sea, who had been walking on the road to death, finally truly ushered in the end of his life.

The Four Emperors and One Hundred Beasts, Kaido, die!!!…… Please download the version without underlined


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