One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 450 - The beasts panic Ace and Marco are a little flustered (14 seeking subs

Chapter 450 – ? The beasts panic! Ace and Marco are a little flustered! [1/4 seeking subscription]

This content was first published on “Heroes are invincible!!!”

At this moment.

In addition to Cho Hwaseong City, above the undulating sea, the cheers are also shaking the sky, resounding through the sea.

That was the shouts and cheers of hundreds of thousands of sea soldiers.

“Hero Rolin!”

“That is the hero of our navy!”

“The hero who disappeared for decades reappears, Pirates, tremble!”

The admirals on the various warships could no longer pay attention to the order of Tu Moling at this moment, they just kept shouting with excitement.

“General Sakaski, that…the beast Kaido is dead! Killed by a hero!”

A major general excitedly shared his joy with general Akainu.


The general Akainu just nodded calmly and indifferently.

“It was able to kill that… bastard, let me admit it, your hero’s name.”

Admiral Akinu spoke.

“The hero is… a hero, why do you need to admit it”

Lieutenant General Dalmisia smiled sarcastically, and walked away on the moon step.

Cheers from the sea rushed into the sky.

The seamen who watched the battle from afar were so, not to mention those… the seamen who were rescued by Luo Lin twice.

Witnessing the whole process of Luo Lin’s slaying of the dragon with their own eyes, they only felt a rush of blood from their hearts to the sky.

Excited, so excited that the body can’t stop shaking.

this moment.

In their eyes, the figure independent of the sky is no different from the gods.

That is the god in their hearts! “I want to follow Mr. Luo Lin forever!”

“me too!”

“Count me too!”

“My life is already owned by Mr. Luo Lin!”

Two warships, from the admiral to the general navy, responded one after another.

The scene was very lively…

At this moment.

Compared with the excitement and excitement of the navy and people everywhere.

The cadres of the beasts on the broken Jedi venue-the flames embers, the plague Quinn, the poisonous tongue sister Uluti, the giant beauty Black Maria, Fosfor, the murloc Sasaki, etc…. a group of beasts cadres The expressions on our faces have changed from dull and dull, to shock and disbelief, to panic.

In the end, it all fell to fear.

“Ah ah ah ah ah”

Plague Quinn screamed.

“How could such a thing happen, that’s Mr. Kaido!!!”

The giant beauty Black Maria held her breath.

The boss with a pair of beautiful eyes was full of panic.

“Kaido is dead! Kaido is really dead!”

The murloc Sasaki shook his head unconsciously and his body trembled with fear.

“Haha, hahaha, is this true?”(Read more @

Fosford smiled nervously.

“That fool of Kaido, I didn’t expect that he was actually killed.”

Wu Luti lowered her head, her pretty face was gloomy and inexplicable.

“I’ve been talking about the idiot Kaido who wants to die and want to die, now it’s good, it’s really dead, are you happy, after all, the wish for many years has come true.”

Wu Luti whispered to herself.

“Jin, Kaido was killed by that monster hero. Let’s run quickly. If we don’t run, we will wait for him to free his hands later, but it will be too late.”

Plague Quinn yelled in horror.

“Don’t worry about that… Rush fruit, hurry up and contact Peggy Wan and the others, let’s go first, and go back to the country of peace and run away.”

“To shut up”

Yan Calamity Jin stared sharply, and screamed…

at the same time.

Everywhere in the broken Jedi venue.

The people who survived the fall from high altitude also learned the shocking news of the death of the four emperors and the beasts Kaido.

Suddenly, the uproar became a film.

“Father, look quickly, the Four Emperors and One Hundred Beasts Kaido actually died!!!”

“Good, good! Really worthy of being the hero Luo Lin!”

The green pepper of the twelfth generation of the Eight Treasure Marine Army, the pillar of the Zhuizhi, laughed.

“Unbelievable, that’s the Emperor of the Sea!”

“Kaido, who has the strongest creatures of sea, land and air, is dead!”

“Even such monsters and dragons are blasted to kill, that…how powerful is the hero!”

The braves of the new world, Destroyer Edeo, Bruggely, and the Pirate Captain shouted.

“One of the four emperors of the new world died. This is a major event! The next sea is really going to start chaos.”

The expression on the supernova monk Urgi’s face was shocked and stiff.

“More than that, maybe it was not just a beast Kaido who fell today.”

Drake said with emotion.

The squinted eyes were shocked, and more excited and excited.

“I haven’t seen death from that… face! But the chaos in the sea afterwards has already grown, I am looking forward to it.”

The magician Hawkins said in a deep voice.

“Hundred Beast Kaido died, the Four Emperors Hundred Beast Pirate Group was destined to fall apart, and the bastard Doflamingo’s backstage fell. This is really great news.”

Death surgeon Trafalgaro laughed happily…

“Hahahaha, have you seen it, dad, boss Luo Lin is indeed the strongest!”

Long-nosed Usopp jumped three feet high with excitement.

“The handsome man is really amazing.”

Straw Hat Luffy also has bright eyes.

“Hahaha, of course, that’s our mentor.”

Sabo laughed and patted his brother on the shoulder.


The shemale von Krei, Binz and others shouted in excitement.

Even the cold and arrogant lone wolf Krokdal is smiling at this moment.

“This is really an incredible event. From now on, the four emperors of the sea no longer have the pattern, only three emperors remain.”

Little Fatty Lazilu shook his head unconsciously and murmured.


Jesus categorically refuted it.

“The change has not yet come to an end!!!”


Ace beckoned with a sluggish expression, and greeted Marco, who was also immersed in shock not far away, a very equal person.

“What’s wrong with Ace.”

Marco turned his head mechanically and stiffly.

“Marco, I suddenly thought of something.”

Ace looked solemn.

“what’s up”

“If Mr. Rowling was a big man in the Navy before, then he and his old dad in the Rocks Pirates…have there been any holidays between him and our dad…”

Ace asked nervously.

Tour knight Doma, Lei Qing Makugai, Jinping and all three were silent and looked at Marco.


Marco took a deep breath and nodded.

“Probably yes.”


Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading


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