One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 451 - Aunt I like you very much, hero (24)

Chapter 451 – ? Aunt: I like you very much, hero [2/4]

This content was first published on A broken Jedi venue slowly sinking to the sea.

Falling from the sky, the people who survived by chance had time to calm down in the future, and the shocking news of the death of the four emperors and the beasts Kaido followed.

People were shocked, excited, or horrified, yelling instantly into the sky.

The shock belongs to unrelated people such as Drake and Trafalgarro.

Those who are excited are young people like Sabo, Usopp, Luffy and so on in Hwaseong.

As for the panic, it naturally belongs to the pirate group of beasts that lost the captain of the main commander.

In addition, there are four emperor thieves who have only formed an alliance with them for a short time.

“Pepepe… Brother Perros, what should we do now?”

An aunt’s young cadre stammered because of excessive panic.

“It’s incredible! That…Kaido is really dead!”

Charlotte Dafu showed a ghostly expression on his face.

“That’s Kaido of the Four Emperors and One Hundred Beasts!”

“How could a person with the ability of the animal type phantom beast species Shenlong fruit ability die!”

“It’s really a bad thing now!”

The faces of the ministers and officials of the thief were extremely frightened.

“It’s too dangerous! This is the biggest crisis in our thieves’ history! One is not much…, our fate will not be much better than that of the Beasts!”

The long-legged stroke made Xing Smuji’s brows furrowed.

“That monster hero, his strength already surpasses the four emperors, you say mommy…”

Charlotte Mondore’s uneasy guess.

“Shut up, Mondor.”

The eldest son Perrospero suddenly drank it.

“Kaido was killed, it can only show that his strength is insufficient, how powerful our mother is, don’t you still know that mother’s steel balloon-like body, no one can break it.”

Perrospero shouted.

However, there is not much convincing power.

Because even though he said so on his mouth, the hideous expression on his face and the trembling of his body all revealed his inner panic.

The aunt’s cadres were silent, their heads tilted back, and they looked nervously at a certain figure in the sky.

“Don’t be impulsive, mother!”(Read more @

Charlotte Mundor clenched nervously, and murmured in prayer.

But only for the next moment.


There was a scream.

“No, mother!”

“Mom, don’t get close to that monster!”

When seeing the four emperors Charlotte in the sky


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Lingling’s intention to fight, all the thieves on the ground paled with fright, and Qi Qi yelled in panic…


Above the sky, the Fourth Emperor Luo Te Lingling stepped on Thunder Cloud Zeus, and after a long period of sluggishness, she finally stopped being silent and laughed loudly.

There is a strong sense of coldness and murder in the laughter.

“Kid Kaido, how terrible you died! As your ally, I can’t help but sympathize with you a little bit, but…”

Speaking of this, Charlotte Lingling suddenly changed her conversation.

“You were beaten to death by the bastard Rollin. After all, you still lack strength. You are still far away, Kaido, you can go with peace of mind. The legacy of Captain Lockes includes the legacy of your beasts, and I will do it for you. Inherited.”

Charlotte Lingling spoke calmly and indifferently.

The mourning lasted only a moment.

Next second.

The Four Emperors Charlotte Lingling raised up the peerless sword Napoleon in her hand and pointed at Luo Lin.

“Well, well, as Kaido’s ally, I should have sought revenge for him, but in this sea, there are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests, so let’s talk, Mr. Hero.”

Four Emperor Charlotte laughed linglingly.

“Are you qualified to negotiate with me?”

The expression on Luo Lin’s face is always calm and indifferent.

“Well, well, don’t you be so indifferent, Luo Lin, since decades ago, I think you are a great man, and I like it very much.”

Charlotte Lingling’s “hot-cold” opening.

Hearing that Luo Lin’s face was no longer calm, he unconsciously got goose bumps.

“Would you like to consider joining hands with me? I believe that combining the blood of the two of us, plus that… crushing the fruit, our son will be able to dominate the entire world and become the true king of the world.”

Charlotte Lingling repeated what she had said to Kaido to Luo Lin.

Hear the words.

Rao was Luo Lin, and he shuddered at this moment.

The calm and indifferent face is as cold as ten thousand years of profound ice.

Forget the rest.

This ugly and fat old lady on the bus has a covetous heart for him, which is really unhappy at all.

It’s really a response.

Thinking of what Charlotte Lingling said earlier, Luo Lin couldn’t help feeling nauseous.


The four emperors Charlotte Lingling laughed to herself, complacent about this idea of ​​her own.

Don’t wait: she finished.

Luo Lin’s cold gaze full of killing intent, stuffed all the remaining words into her stomach, “Do you want to die?”

Luo Lin said coldly…

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