One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 454 - The five old stars of the great swordsman are coming 16 Seek Full Ord

Chapter 454 – ?The five old stars of the great swordsman are coming! ! ! 【1/6 Seek Full Order】

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The four emperors and hundred beasts Kaido died.

The other four emperors, Luo Te Lingling, also lost.

Falling to the sea, blood stained the sea surface, life and death are unknown.

The strongest alliance formed by the two most terrifying sea emperors collapsed and collapsed with the defeat of the two four emperors.

The atmosphere of the entire Hwaseong sea area also moved toward the highest dynasty.

The pirates of the beasts and the emperor who lost the two masters screamed in horror.

The Hwaseong side and the navy headed by the general Akainu were all excited and cheered.

Give the warmest applause and shout for the feat achieved by today’s heroes.

Just when everyone thought that today’s big event had settled and there would be no more waves – the shock happened again! People’s cheers and shouts suddenly solidified.

The waves of the sea settled.

Even time seems to freeze at this instant.

At this moment, the whole world turned into a grayish white color.

Countless creepy ghost claw ghosts suddenly appeared in the void, exuding an extremely evil aura.

At the very center of that patch of hell ghost claws, there is also a weird blue light hidden.

That is a sharp edge.

With countless ghosts, Chao Chuo ruthlessly pierced Luo Lin’s heart.

Just when the blade gleaming with the mysterious light was only one centimeter away from Luo Lin’s back.

Luo Lin, who had also fallen into a grayish-white color, trembled suddenly in motionless Luo Lin’s body.

The gray color that made time seem to be still faded.

‘Ding’ is the soft chirping of swordsmen and soldiers.

The ghost blade with the ghostly shadow failed to penetrate Luo Lin’s body, because it was blocked by the blade of the black sword Qiushui.

“After all these years, you still know how to do this, old man.”

Luo Lin slammed his right foot towards the sky.

‘Ka Ka Ka’ sounded like a broken mirror.

There are chaotic cracks in the sky and the sea.

Eventually, it burst apart.


The whole world was liberated from that gray still color.

“mom!”(Read more @

“Damn bastard hero, our mother…”

“I can’t spare you!!!”

The ministers and cadres of the thief were still immersed in the anger of Charlotte Lingling’s previous defeat in the sea, and they put out ridiculous cruel words.

For… the horrible incident that happened in the previous instant was not aware of it.

“Wait…, look at the sky.”

The long-legged paddling star Smoggy seemed to have discovered something, and couldn’t help but lose his voice.

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“Who is that guy wearing a mask?”

“When did he show up?”

“It looks bad! It’s dangerous!”

The contestants in the Shattered Jedi venue also discovered clues one after another.

I saw the masked old man who appeared in the sky at some point, facing Luo Lin more than a hundred meters away.

“That person… is dangerous.”

Feeling the weird aura that naturally emanates from the masked old man, Marco, who is at the rank of the emperor’s deputy, can’t help but his expression is extremely solemn.

“Another incredible guy has appeared!”

“How much did you jump out today…unknown top powerhouse!”

The cadres of the Red-haired Pirate Group, Jesus Bu and Laqilu, also yelled together.

“Dad, he, he, he…what kind of person is that?”

Long-nosed Usopp asked uneasily.

“do not know.”

Jesus shook his head silently.

“No matter who it is, the instructor will never lose.”

Sabo spoke, with a firm look on his face.

Just as people everywhere talked about it.

In the sky, the figures of Luo Lin and the masked old man who were more than a hundred meters away disappeared from people’s vision.

The distance of a mere hundred meters is no different from ordinary people’s at their speed.

Everyone in the room only felt a flower in front of them.

Then came the shock wave of the extreme speed collision, and the sound of the sonic boom.

Time seemed to be here: their speed suppressed the passage of time.

It seems that a long time has passed in the feeling of bystanders.

However, it was actually only a short moment.

Only in that moment.

There have been collisions between Luo Lin and the mysterious masked old man, Black Sword Qiushui and the first generation of ghosts. I don’t know how many times.

The fierce sword energy escaping from the blade’s edge caused the sea to turn up thousands of waves.

Under the terrifying shock wave, even the Navy’s largest heavyweight warship swayed, as if it would capsize at any time.

“General Sakaski, this, this……what should we do next?”

A sea soldier yelled in horror and asked the general Akainu for instructions.

Regarding… the Marines’ request, General Sakaski didn’t realize it.

His binocular eyes were always firmly locked on the two disillusioned figures in the sky, and his eyes gradually became deeper.

“That person, is it…”

After a while, the general Akainu seemed to have thought of something, and for the first time a touch of movement appeared on his calm and indifferent face.

“Five old stars…?”

Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading


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