One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 455 - Kaido resurrected No, thats26 Seeking Subscription

Chapter 455 – ?Kaido resurrected? No, that’s…【2/6 Seeking Subscription】

This content was first published on “Five old stars…”

When thinking of this possibility, the squinted eyes of General Akainu suddenly widened.

The angular, determined face was instantly moved.

“That old man, is that the one with the knife…”

The general Akainu murmured.

“Even the five old stars were sent out to take the opportunity to obliterate them, this hero really has a big problem, no matter…

How bright and majestic your appearance is, but I will never be fooled by you easily.”

Sakarski thought firmly.

This thought can no longer be erased once it is born.

Instead, as he thought deeply, it became more and more ingrained.

They are different from the blue pheasants and Huang Yuan who changed their destiny because of Luo Lin’s chaos and entered the navy more than ten years earlier.

When the general Akadog was a child, he did not have good luck to meet Luo Lin, thus changing his destiny.

His life trajectory remains the same as it was at the beginning.

After a difficult childhood, he joined the Navy in his youth.

He also emerged in the first naval academy and became a naval supernova alongside Polusalino and Kuzan.

Climb to the position of admiral step by step.

Having been in the Navy for so many years, the general Akainu naturally heard of a forbidden hero who disappeared more than once from the mouths of previous officers.

It’s just that in his view of justice, a person who disappears and becomes a taboo can be regarded as a hero as a hero of the navy, but it turns out to be taboo by the government and the navy.

I can’t even mention it.

Among these things must have happened.

The general Akinu didn’t know what was going on.

But when he thought about it, it must be some great event that was contrary to justice.

Maybe it was a defect or something else! No matter what it was, it was not compatible with his justice.

So no matter…

How the former chiefs secretly promoted the hero’s great deeds, Sarkarski always insisted on his own ideas.

Even if he heard the news of the hero’s reappearance in the world today, he still remained unmoved.

There will be no excitement like other sea soldiers, because in his opinion, at the moment of being removed, the so-called hero is no longer there.

“The hero Luo Lin, if you let me know what you have done that is contrary to justice, even if you are the hero in the eyes of everyone, I will never show mercy.”

Admiral Akinu muttered firmly to himself.

“General Sakaski, General Sakaski”

Looking at the general Aka Inu, who was in deep thought and did not respond, the sea soldiers who came to ask for instructions were almost crying.

“what’s the matter”(Read more @

Just when the marines were about to boldly get closer, the general Akainu finally spoke.

“General Sakaski, now because of the hero’s battle with that god, the killing order is almost impossible to carry out, do we want to withdraw from this sea first?”

The marine hurriedly spoke.

“what did you say!!!”

The general Akainu glared sharply, and his whole body revealed a terrifying aura, shocking the marines to retreat again and again.

“Don’t forget the purpose of our trip, they beat him


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Ours, we do ours, and today we are bound to catch all the pirates.”

General Akinu said coldly…

The broken Jedi venue.

“Brother Perros, now what do we do to crush the fruit or not to grab it?”

The young minister asked the thief.

“What time is it now, and grab the fruit of a fart!”

Perrospero yelled.

“Our top priority now is… to rescue mother.”

“Little Red Dog” Charlotte Owen said.

“Even if that…hero breaks the defense and falls into the sea, but that is our mother after all. How could it be possible to die so easily? Mother must still be alive.”

The long-legged stroke made Star Smoggy open his mouth with certainty.

“All the incompetents will go to the sea to find my mother. Others contact the chef and them. We are going to retreat. This is no longer a place for us to stay.”

the other side.

“Jin, now is the best opportunity. Taking advantage of the monster hero’s being dragged by others, if we don’t leave, we really won’t be able to leave.”

“If you don’t leave yet, don’t blame Lao Tzu for running away alone.”

Plague Quinn gritted his teeth.

“Idiot Quinn is right this time, don’t worry about the fruit, run.”

The poison tongue sister Wu Luti rarely agrees with her.

“Kaido is dead, I don’t have the need to stay with your beasts anymore, I withdrew.”

Fosforth, who was originally the captain of the pirate who had been incorporated by force by Kaido, immediately announced his separation from the beasts.

“me too.”

Sasaki, the murloc who was also the former Pirate Captain, grinned.

“What you want to do has nothing to do with me. If you don’t want to die, it’s better to act in a group now.”

Yan Calamity Jin said indifferently.

next moment.

‘Wow’ Flame Cinder transformed into a toothless pterosaur form.

He rushed straight to the Taikoo venue not far away.

There was their army of beasts left behind, as well as the body of the captain of the beast Kaido.

He wants to personally use his own eyes to confirm the life and death of the beast Kaido.

“Thief hahahahaha”

Just as the Flame Ember was about to land on the island of the Taikoo venue.

Suddenly, there was a proud laugh from the tattered and sinking island.

A dazzling lightning flashed between the sky and the earth.

Next second.

On the dilapidated Taikoo venue, a huge creature was rising against the storm.

It didn’t take a moment for it to grow to more than 100 meters.

That’s a dragon! Shenlong! “Kaido”

Looking at the divine dragon, the pterosaur Flame Cinder subconsciously screamed in shock and excitement.

However, it was only the next second.

The excitement on Yan Calamity Jin’s face solidified and disappeared.

Although they are both dragons, he knows that it is not his captain Kaido! The true identity of the 100-meter black dragon is……. Please download the version without underline.


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