One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 456 - Shenlong Tiqi The new strongest creature 36 Seeking Subscription

Chapter 456 – ? Shenlong Tiqi! The new strongest creature! 【3/6 Seeking Subscription】

This content was first published on, and the time went back to five minutes ago.

High in the sky, Luo Lin and the four emperors Charlotte Lingling’s peak duel just happened to be going on.

Luo Lin’s shining heaven and earth’s ‘all things one sword’ and the four emperors Charlotte Lingling’s flames slashed the ‘Emperor’s sword breaks five, breaks five, and the blade touches and collides, causing the sky and the sea to crack.

This scene is like annihilating the world, attracting almost everyone’s attention.

at the same time.

In the Taikoo venue that was gradually sinking under the power of smashing, a group of people came to the body of the dead four emperors and beasts Kaido.

They are the blackbeards.

“What a powerful monster that is!”

Sniper Otoe Fan Oka looked at Yuankong’s horrible picture that looked like the sky collapsed, and the whole person was shocked to the point of indescribable.

“Don’t worry about it for now, let’s take this opportunity now, let’s act quickly, or we will be in trouble when the beasts arrive.”

Fighting champion Chi Shas Bashas looked at Blackbeard.

“Captain Titch, how are we going to sneak away this Kaido’s corpse next?”

Bashas asked.

“Thief hahahaha, don’t have to be so troublesome, just look at it.”

Blackbeard smiled triumphantly.

The sickly Reaper Poison threw a black cloth out of his hands, covering the huge body of the Four Emperors and Beasts Kaido.

“Thief hahahaha, this should have been the best performance in the world, but unfortunately no one can enjoy it now.”

Blackbeard shook his head and sighed to himself.

It didn’t take long for the black beard’s voice to ‘tatata’.

Suddenly, there were footsteps in the collapsing woods on the other side.

“Who are you guys to stay away from that… corpse? That’s my thing, it’s the thing that person promised me.”

A sharp squawk sounded.

After a while.

What appeared in the sight of the blackbeard group was a group of zombies! “Is that a zombie?”

Looking at the monster with incomplete limbs and no human sound, the fighting champion Chishas Bashaston was shocked and his eyes rounded.

“Thief hahahaha, isn’t this Moonlight Moria from the Seven Martial Seas of the King, what a coincidence, you guy is really lucky.”

Blackbeard Marshall Di’s gaze swept across the zombies, and finally locked on the head of the tall fat man who looked like a demon.

“Qiwuhai, Moonlight Moria, I have heard of his rumors, but I didn’t expect to be able to control zombies.”

Otoyoshi Fan Oka said in a deep voice.

Qianlu snapped his sniper rifle, ready to shoot at any time.

“Lucky is really inexplicable. I don’t care who you are. Anyway, keep me away from that… corpse. The corpse of the bastard Kaido is my thing. I want him to be my dog.”

Moria screamed.

“Well, don’t be so anxious, Moria, there is no conflict between your goals and me. I am not interested in Kaido’s corpse or anything, to be honest.”

Blackbeard said.(Read more @

“Then what do you bastard want to do?”

Moria’s face was gloomy.

“You will know what I want to do, and the next step is… to witness the miracle.”

Blackbeard grinned, lifted the black cloth, and dived into it.

“What does that guy want to do?”

The suspicion on Moriah’s face was even worse.

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But he didn’t worry too much.

In the time they talked, the zombie army he formed on this battlefield has spread and surrounded the Blackbeard gang.

‘Dong dong dong dong dong’ is at this moment.

The earth trembled suddenly and violently.

It’s not because of the Blackbeards.

But… Moria suddenly raised her head and looked to the southeast.

There is a powerful army coming here.

“Where’s the ghost, get out of me.”

Accompanied by a fierce shout.

The encircling net of zombies laid by Moriah was torn apart by tyrannical forces.

An army of beasts and pirates headed by thornback: Long Pei Jiwan arrived.

“Mr. Kaido”

“Master Kaido”

“Captain Kaido, you are there”

The pirates of the beasts yelled one after another, with hopes on their faces.

There is one last hope in their hearts.

Without seeing Kaido’s body on the spot, they didn’t want to believe that their strongest creature captain would die.

“Who are you guys”

Peggy Wan, who was regaining his human form, swept his gaze from the room, and fell on the black beard group of three people in the center.

“Mr. Kaido, where is Mr. Kaido”

“The three bastards over there, you won’t hide Captain Kaido!”

“Master Kaido won’t be under that black cloth!”

The elite cadres of the beasts all glared at the three of Fan Oka3.

Feeling the fierce aura from the cadres of the Four Emperors-level Pirate Group, the three of Chishas Bashas involuntarily broke out in a cold sweat.

One to one.

They are confident that they can still make a big one.

However, right now, they are facing an army of more than two thousand beasts.

How to type “Captain Titch! The big thing is not good! You are… hurry up.”

Chishas Bashas fought in two battles and urged with horror on his face.

There was still no movement under the black cloth.

“Assholes, I think you guys are… looking for death!”

A cold light flashed in the eyes of Peggy Wan and other beast cadres.

One by one released a powerful ferocious aura, and no longer talk nonsense, they must bite and kill the three of the black beards.

However, the next second.

“Thief hahahahaha”

A triumphant laugh came from under the black cloth.

The black cloth was blown by the strong wind.

The corpses of the four emperors and beasts Kaido and the black beard who succeeded in laughing were exposed.

A dazzling lightning flashed between heaven and earth and fell on Blackbeard’s body.

next moment.

Blackbeard’s body like a black pig began to undergo drastic changes.

His hands and feet gradually turned into dragon claws.

His black pig head gradually transformed into a hideous dragon head.

Dark dragon scales gradually appeared throughout his body.

Under the eyes of people shocked and shocked.

A…A black dragon more than a hundred meters long appeared and stirred the situation.

That is the new Eudemons and Dragon Fruit Ability! That is the new strongest creature! That is the Dragon Titch!!!…… Feilu reminds you: Three things to read.


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