One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 463 - Kapugan five old stars Chaos 44 Seek full order

Chapter 463 – ?Kapugan five old stars! Chaos! 【4/4 Seek full order】

This content was first published on Iron Fist, like a meteor falling.

Powerful and domineering penetrated into the golden light in the sky.

Even though the body is scorched and stinging under the scorching energy.

The pair of iron fists still moved forward, without a trace of retreat.

“You guy who pretends to be a fool, fly for me.”

Kapuna’s angry roar resounded over Hwaseong Fortress.

The domineering iron fist covered with the most advanced armed color fell on the face of the golden light man.

The power of Wushuang Iron Fist exploded in an all-round way.

The atmosphere and even the space made an overwhelming click at this moment.

“Asshole Karp”

Another furious roar resounded in the dazzling golden light.

‘Boom’ was accompanied by a loud bang.

A figure that did not look like an ordinary person rushed out of the golden light.

That is one of the highest powers in the world that was beaten by Karp’s angry iron fist.

“Look, Mr. Karp punched that man out!”

The people in Hwaseong Square shouted excitedly.

Until then.

They were finally able to see the real body of the intruder.

But when I actually saw it.

The faces of people suddenly showed ghostly shocked expressions.

Six snow-white wings with a sacred light, took the lead in people’s eyes.

Then came the battle armor that exuded silver-white light.

A burly middle-aged man’s body was wrapped under the battle armor.

At this time, the golden five old stars looked very different from the vicissitudes of middle-aged men seen in the past.

Originally trimmed short dark blond hair.

It has been replaced by a…waist-length brilliant blond hair.

The roots of the hair are crystal clear and elegant, with a bright holy light.

This is the tremendous change brought about by the activation of the angel form ability of the animal type human fruit phantom beast species…

“Where is that sacred!!!”

“That…how is the posture possible! How can there be such…biological existence in this world!”(Read more @

“Mr. Zefa, do you know what the hell it is,”

The recruits and veterans in the square were all shocked and yelled.

“Is that an angel?”

“How could there be such a… creature like that of the angel! “Besides, even if it is an angel, why come down to target us specifically!”

The girls and girls in the stands also shouted in an uproar.

The girls who were in shock noticed Ahe, who had always been calm and calm. At this moment, the anger in his eyes was about to overflow…

Under people’s shocked and appalled gaze.

The six wings behind the golden five old star who was punched out by Karp’s “golden light of body protection” in the sky stirred up and stabilized his figure.



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bsp; The twisted face crackled under Karp’s iron fist, and it didn’t take a moment to recover.

Kaido’s Eudemons Dragon should have the resilience and defensive power, and the golden five old stars who are also Eudemons naturally have it.

The golden five old stars hovered in the air, motionless, like a god of angels overlooking the world, above all living beings.

His eyes were indifferent, revealing a strong murderous intent.

The sight from the tyrant bear on the ground to the air smiled, and finally fell on Karp.

“Kapu, do you know who the old man is”

The five golden old star scolded angrily.

“The old man cares who you are here today. The old man is the protector of this city. Anyone who comes with hostility is the old man’s enemy.”

Karp yelled without showing weakness, and waved a pair of iron fists again, causing the atmosphere to collapse.

He really doesn’t know, is it wrong.

Even if it was dull as Karp, at this moment, it would not really be impossible to guess the identity of the person in front of him.

It’s just that thirty-six years ago, because of his slowness, caused the subsequent series of big events to happen.

Karp regrets it too much.

Back then, his inner self-blame and regret were unmatched.


Now, thirty-six years later, he will not make the same mistake again.

Even more unwilling to endure the same remorse and pain.

Even if it is the world’s most powerful five elder star, no matter who it is today, it won’t work well, do it! Karp’s armed domineering on a pair of iron fists turned into a real armor, slamming the golden five elder star.

at the same time.

The heavy swordsman smiled at his waist and the sword came out of its sheath.

The teacher has something.

, The disciple served his work.

As a disciple, he certainly has an obligation and a responsibility to protect the city under his feet.

‘Boom Boom Boom’ over Huacheng.

The hero Kapu, the heavy swordsman smiled and the melee between the five golden old stars started.

Taikoo venue.

The white beard pirates group one or two… the team leader, the Phoenix Marco, the Firefist Ace and the five five people 5 and the black dragon form black beard’s revenge battle is still going on.

Qiwu Haimoria commanded the zombie army to revenge against the defeated beasts.

The broken Jedi venue.

The contestants who had recovered from the shock once again smashed the fruits and launched a series of fierce competitions.

The shelling sound of ‘bang bang bang bang bang’ burst into pieces, and there was a lot of war.

That is the Navy’s order to kill demons.

The rain of intensive shells obscured the sky and covered the sun, covering the islands of each venue.

Even the watching island where the reporter and the audience are located is within the area where the general Akagu ordered the attack.

The entire Hwaseong Sea area was plunged into an unprecedented chaos, full of war and gunpowder.

The most chaotic, fierce confrontation started.

The atmosphere is gradually moving towards the last high dynasty!!!…… Please download the un-underlined version


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