One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 464 - Tear the five old stars 14 Seek Full Order

Chapter 464 – ?Tear the five old stars! ! ! 【1/4 Seek Full Order】

This content was first published on, ‘Shoo’, swords, lights, and shadows interlaced.

The blood splashed and stained the blue sky.

The real body of the five old stars of the samurai with a sword is revealed.

Under the continuous confrontation, the mask on his face was cracked.

His physical strength was consumed greatly, and he was gasping for breath.

On his body, his clothes are in tatters, and thin bloodstains are clearly visible.

On the other hand, Luo Lin, except for…a few damages on his clothes, he could not see the slightest wounds all over his body.

In fact, even if there is a wound, Luo Lin’s current physique will heal completely on his own within a moment.

Comparing the two, it is naturally more vivid.


The sword-wielding warrior old star had dark eyes, and his face was gloomy as if dripping water.

The current situation is completely different from what they discussed and imagined in the Holy Land.

In their original plan.

Whether it is a twisted dark horse, the old man, the swing dancer, or the two big four emperors Charlotte Lingling and the beast Kaido are their chess pieces.

They consumed Luo Lin’s stamina drastically in front.

Wait until all of them are defeated.

At that time, it was their turn to play.

Things are going smoothly up to this point.

At the moment when the Four Emperors Luo Te Lingling was defeated, the five old stars of the sword-wielding warriors appeared and took over the battlefield.

Relying on his own extreme speed ability to hold Luo Lin.

He even left wounds on his body more than once.

On the other side, the five old golden stars are responsible for the frontal attack.

Destroyed the city he had built in front of Luo Lin’s eyes, and dealt a major blow to it.

Kill Luo Lin right here, no.

This kind of thing, the world’s highest power five elder stars have not even thought about it.

The purpose of their trip is to…suppress Luo Lin’s spirit and spirit.

By the way, get the crushed fruit in your hand.

That is their greatest victory.

However, there was a little stubbornness in the plan until this point.

A Karp was killed in mid-air.

Knowing the identity of the Golden Five Old Star, he still waved his iron fist without hesitation.

Coupled with the smile of the heavy swordsman and the other strong men who looked at him.

The situation facing the Golden Five Old Star is not much better than that of him.

In this case, let alone destroying Hwaseong Fortress, it would be difficult even to get out.

“Um… Karp, he wanted to reverse the samurai five old star cursing in a low voice.

“The brother of my family, you are not good at it, sometimes you are relatively slow. If you don’t report your family, how does he know who you are?”(Read more @

Luo Lin laughed sarcastically.

“If that’s the case, then put all of you on the list of obliteration.”

Samurai Wu Lao Xing said coldly.

In his hands, the evil spirit that belongs to the first generation of the supreme big knife is fully released.

There seemed to be a scene of gloomy yellow springs and hell in the sky.

Countless ghosts are moving.

At the same time, it was accompanied by the creepy sound of ghost crying.

Like eighteen layers


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The scene of hell appears.

“Die to me.”

The five old samurai star gave a sigh.

The first ghost of the Supreme Sharp Sword slashed out.

The mysterious purple-black blade light carried a terrifying hell scene to suppress Luo Lin.

‘Huh’ Luo Lin breathed out a dragon-shaped air column between his nose and mouth.

A brilliant light shined on the blade of the black sword Qiushui.

Everything is a sword!!! Luo Lin took this blow for the third time today.

With the first sword, he defeated the world’s largest swordsman Hawkeye Mihawk.

With the second sword, he broke open the steel balloon-like body of the four emperors Charlotte Lingling, broke the myth, and almost killed it.

Now this is the third sword.

The atmosphere, space, and even the world split under Qiushui’s blade.

Not to mention the blow of the samurai old star’s demon sword, and it collapsed when touched.

The weird phantom image of the eighteenth-layer forest hell was strangled by the incomparable sword light in an instant: into nothingness.

The dull flesh and blood cracking sounded.

A bright blood flower splashed in the sky.

“You will remember it for me.”

The five old stars of the sword-wielding warrior finally left a ruthless word and left.

at the same time.

The sky near Hwaseong Fortress.

Karp, smiled and the three-person melee with the blonde angel old star 3 also stopped abruptly.

Karp and Yixiao both fought with all their strength.

Rao has the blessing of the illusion beast ability with amazing resilience, the blond angel old star is also completely stunned, and his heart is extremely angry.

“Please remember to the old man that you will definitely settle accounts with you in the future.”

Like the old star of the samurai with the sword, the old blond angel made a cruel word at last.

The angel’s six wings behind him violently stirred up, leading to a raging gust of wind, and went away in an instant.

It took only a moment before and after.

The blond old star came to the sky above the broken Jedi venue.

On the island, the chaotic battle for the crushed fruit is still going on.

Under the chase and interception of the powerful from all sides, the crystal box containing the fruit was naturally out of Usopp’s hands.

Alternately in the hands of the major powers.

The stalemate broke down instantly with the appearance of the old blonde star.

The six wings behind the blonde old star incited.

Suddenly, the mountain shook, the tornado wind raged, and the weather changed.

In front of the sea’s top powerhouses, even the sea powerhouses who have advanced to the second round of the conference are not enough to see.


The blond angel old star raised his hand and grabbed the treasure chest that was swept into the sky by the wind, with a smug smile on his face.

“Roar, that’s really congratulations.”

A voice with a faint sarcasm sounded behind the blond angel Old Star without warning.

Hearing the familiar and hateful voice, the old star, the blond angel, couldn’t help but his face suddenly changed.

There was a dazzling light from the angel’s six-winged moment behind him.

However, before he could act, a pair of big hands fell on his angel wings.

‘Sneezes’, blood stains the sky…

Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading


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