One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 465 - the end Bucky or the biggest winner 24

Chapter 465 – ?the end! Bucky or the biggest winner? 【2/4】

This content was first published on “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)

The cry of anger and pain resounded through the sea.

Derived from the blond angel old star.

Blood spattered from behind him.

Blood stained the sky.

The angel behind him changed from six wings to four wings.

Two wings suddenly appeared between Luo Lin’s hands.

In the previous moment.

Luo Lin grabbed his angel wings with both hands and tore them apart.

“Old guy, my things are not so easy to handle.”

Luo Lin casually threw the angel’s wings into the sea, speaking in a cold voice.


The blond angel old star yelled, and the four wings behind him suddenly stirred up.

It caused the boiling of the four elements of Earth, Fire and Fengshui, and changed the color of the world.

“Bastard boy, do you want to die”

The blond angel old star shouted angrily.

The words are full of power.

However, his actions are extremely inconsistent with his words.

The posture with his back facing Luo Lin and not turning his head back was not at all ready to fight.

On the contrary, it’s more like…escaping.

The power of the wings of the phantom beast angel is pervasive, driving the violent wind, and carrying the body of the angel old star away in an instant.

In terms of speed, it is indeed extraordinary.

It’s just… after all, it is faster than Luo Lin’s space replacement ability.

‘Shu’ glance at a thousand miles.

The wind whizzed past Golden Old Star’s ears.

At the same time, there was a faint voice.

“It’s rare to come here, don’t leave in such a hurry.”

“Asshole you…ahhhhh”

Don’t wait: the blond angel old star reacts.

The severe pain struck again.

The blood stained the sky again.

The remaining angel wings behind him were torn off again, leaving only the last two wings.

“It’s so deceiving.”

Faced with such a shame and shame, the old blonde star is going crazy, his head full of golden hair is standing upside down, dancing in the squally wind.

“Don’t be so excited, it’s just grilling your wings.”

Luo Lin was in disillusionment.

Setsuna appeared in front of the blond angel Old Star, and clasped his left wrist with his right hand.


Old star, the blond angel, was furious.

Just wanted to go crazy.

However, in the next second, the anger on his face turned into horror.

His left wrist, which was held by Luo Lin’s palm, suddenly lit up with a dazzling white light.(Read more @

‘Puff’, blood spattered.

Immediately afterwards.

The sharp white light spread along the arm and moved upward.

Getting denser.

How could the golden old star, who had almost died under this kind of power, not know what the tragic experience of thirty-six years merged with today’s experience, and finally turned into fear, devouring his body and mind.


The golden five old star swallowed by fear shouted and struggled.

He wanted to escape, but he couldn’t get rid of Luo Lin’s restraint.

Under Luo Lin’s unmatched crushing power, even the defensive power and recovery power of his phantom beast angel’s body can’t play the slightest blocking effect.

I can only watch the shattering power bit by bit engulfing his arm and spreading to his whole body.

“Keng” just passed the golden old man


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When Xing’s shoulders were about to spread to his heart.

The void suddenly twisted.

A strange blade suddenly penetrated the space.

Cut it down with one knife.

It’s not to cut to Luo Lin.

The blade of the first generation of the supreme knife fell on the shoulder of the blond old star, and cut his entire left arm shoulder-to-shoulder.


The Samurai Fifth Old Star Burst shouted, and the speed fruit ability was fully utilized, and the five-old star who was despondent with blond hair fleeed away in an instant.


Luo Lin chuckled lightly.

The steps move repeatedly.

In the end, he didn’t continue pursuing. Although he also wanted to take this opportunity to solve the two first, but that… the speed fruit ability of the five samurai stars is indeed unparalleled in the world.

Even if Luo Lin has mastered the spatial ability, it will take a lot of work to pursue it.

In the end, it may not be able to really catch up.

In addition, Luo Lin was also a little worried about Hwaseong.

If this is the government’s plan to adjust the tiger away from the mountain.

When he was pursuing, the hidden power of the world government once again launched a surprise attack on Hwaseong.

Even if there are Karp, Zefa, Yixiao and others sitting down, Luo Lin can’t help but feel a little worried.

“Today’s greeting will come to an end!”

Hwaseong sea area.

The showdown between the world’s top combat forces came to an end.

The battle for the crushed fruit in the broken Jedi venue also came to an end because of the disappearance of the treasure chest.

However, the chaos did not stop.

Because the naval demon killing order headed by the general Akinu is still going on.

Countless dense artillery fire enveloped the islands of the venue.

“Meteor Volcano”

For the first time, Admiral Akinu’s big move bursts.

The magma rain was overwhelmed and fell ten times more terrifying than a cannonball.

Just like annihilation…

“Captain Bucky, get on the boat!”

It’s rare to be brave, Bucky braved the fight: artillery fire came to rescue.

“You guys, it’s so nice, I almost thought I was going to die.”

Bucky was carrying a big bag of golden treasures, and tears filled his eyes.

Everyone in Bucky on the boat was also very excited.

But it was not because of Bucky, but because of the big bag of gold treasures behind him.

“Captain Bucky, the treasure on your back seems to be mixed into one…”

The animal trainer Moqi noticed a certain crystal box mixed in the open treasure bag with sharp eyes.

Before he could finish speaking, a 1 shell fell from the sky and exploded beside their ship.

The people on the boat were so frightened that they screamed again and again.

“Stop talking, hurry up and run the boat.”

Bucky shouted.


Everyone should drink.

“But Captain Bucky, where are we going?”

With their small broken ship, how can it be compared with the navy’s war-class warship.

Thinking of this, everyone in Bucky couldn’t help but feel desperate.

“Go to that city.”

Bucky caught a life-saving straw, and there was a bright light in his eyes.

“Which city is that?”

“Of course it’s that Huacheng, fools, I have people there, hurry up and get moving.”


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