One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 466 - Ahe Come to my room at night (34)

Chapter 466 – ?Ahe: Come to my room at night [3/4]

This content was first published on ‘Boom Boom Boom Boom’ that is the sound of countless shells bursting like rain.

‘Boom boom boom boom’ This is the roar of the shelled islands and sea.

The navy’s order to kill demons destroyed everything.

Even the fierce fighters of the new world, under the ravages of more than a dozen naval war-class warships, are completely powerless to fight back.

The roar of the shells mixed with the screams of the pirates.

Compose a miserable movement of blood and fire.

This tragic scene was that… the soldiers in Hwaseong Square looked a little shuddering, not to mention the little girls.

At this moment.

The grandstand of the Hwaseong headquarters building.

From a distance, I looked at the world-like scene of what happened near the sea.

Nami, Weiwei, Keya and other little girls couldn’t help but pale.

Especially Robin, who had experienced similar events in person, couldn’t stop shaking.

“Sister Robin”

Kerr squeezed Robin’s slender hand covered with cold sweat, trying to give it a bit of warmth and comfort.

“I… it’s okay.”

Robin shook his head, a grudging smile on the corner of his mouth.

“Really, that… General Aka Inu, what the hell is going on”

The girl Alice grumbled dissatisfiedly.

“Unauthorized sabotage of the conference held by Luo Lin, arbitrarily made Luo Lin a scapegoat, and now he even hits our door. It’s really deceiving.”

Nami also waved her small pink fist angrily.

“That is to say, I saw earlier that he actually fired on the two watching islands for reporters and audiences. It was too much! Isn’t he really crazy?”

Weiwei has an incredible expression on her face.

“Sister Crane, Sister Gion, do you have a way to cure him”

Nami looked expectantly at Gion and Tsuru.

“He is a general, let alone us, even Mr. Sengoku can’t help it.”

Gion was helpless.

“After all, he is indeed carrying out ‘justice’ now.”

Even Lieutenant General He shook his head helplessly.


“It’s so irritating.”

Nami and Vivi are both filled with righteous indignation.

“Everything else is fine, and my concubine is very worried. How is Lord Luo Lin now? I am hungry and thirsty. Is there any injury on my body? Will he be in a hard fight now?

The empress Hancock stood on the edge of the stand, looking at the sky with an anxious expression.

Everyone: “…”

“Ah, Lord Luo Lin is back.”

At this moment, Perona, who also looked up at the sky, seemed to see something, and suddenly shouted in surprise.


“Brother Luo Lin is back?”

“Where is Dad now”

Nami, Weiwei, Gion and others are all eager to drink.(Read more @

‘Wow’ next second.

The void of the high-level stands was rippling slightly.

Luo Lin’s figure appeared out of thin air.

“Brother Luoling”



“Master Luo Lin”



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; All the girls, big and small, came forward immediately.

The worries on Zhang Qiao’s face were gone, and the color of joy was beyond words.

“Brother Luo Lin, how are you?”

“Is there… where is the injury”

“I’ll help Luo Ling check my physical condition right away!”

All the little girls used their hands and feet together, and they had to give Luo Lin a detailed and comprehensive physical examination on the spot.

See it.

Xia Qi turned around and went out decisively and consciously.

Colonel Tina’s pretty face turned red, and she quickly raised her hand to cover her cheek.

However, the gap between her fingers that couldn’t hide her sight at all revealed her true inner thoughts.

“When the legendary hero is also cramped, you can’t miss this kind of exciting scene.”

Tina couldn’t help thinking.


Seeing the rare panic on Luo Lin’s face.

Gion couldn’t help laughing out loud.

The beautiful eyes shined, as if she wanted to go up to help.

The two coughs of’keke’ sounded, and the movements of the little girls in Ling couldn’t help but stop.

The only person who has such a majesty in the field is naturally only Ahe.

“What kind of system is in broad daylight.”

Ahe feintly reprimanded.


Nami, Weiwei and the other little girls all smiled.

A Helian moved lightly, walked straight to Luo Lin, and looked up and down.

“I’m really fine, it’s the two old guys who are in trouble.”

Luo Lin grinned confidently.


Ahe nodded.

“It is true that the wound is not visible on the surface, but if there is anything, I still need to check it in depth. Come to my room at night.”

Ahe has a serious way.

Rollin: “”

Nami, Vivi, Kerla and other little girls: “Oh”

“why is it like this”

Empress Hancock sat on the ground with a broken heart.

“Do you have any questions?”

Ahe raised her eyebrows slightly.

“No…no problem.”

Seeing this “harmonious” scene in the scene, Luo Lin couldn’t help but lift a smile.

If it were before, Ahe would definitely not tease the girls who were supposed to be ‘rivals’ in such a pleasant manner.

The teasing at this moment, repeatedly showing the majesty of the palace, it was Ahe who accepted the performance of Weiwei and the others.

The ending of Shura Field and Hatchet should probably not happen to him.

Thinking of this, Luo Lin couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief…

at the same time.

Hwaseong overseas battlefield.

The dense cannon rain that covered the sky and covered the sun finally stopped after it lasted for an entire hour.

The island in the first round of the ring-shaped venue and the second round of the Jedi venue sank.

The undulating sea returned to calm.

The dark clouds receded and the sun shone.

Peace and tranquility.

Quiet and beautiful.

It’s over… Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading


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