One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 467 - Capture the two emperor groups of Beasts and Aunts (44 request)

Chapter 467 – ?Capture the two emperor groups of Beasts and Aunts [4/4 request]

This content was first published on “It’s over!”


“it is finally over.”

The sea about thirty nautical miles south of Hwaseong Fortress.

Two large pirate ships with traces of war lined up side by side.

The left hand side is fancy, the hull is full of candy and cakes, and the mast is hung with heavy makeup and pirate flag.It is naturally the mothership of the four emperors, the mother of the king’s chant.

Because the four emperors Charlotte Lingling was seriously injured and fell into a coma, the singing ship that was originally infused with soul life is also silent at this moment.

Parallel to it… even the Pirate Flag on the right hand side is a large ship that was burned, and it is the Dragon King ship of the Beast Pirate Group.

Compared to the thief’s mothership, the condition of the Dragon King Ship is even more miserable at this moment.

Traces of gunfire can be seen everywhere on the sturdy hull.

There are several cooling volcanic rocks that are steaming hot and are embedded on the deck.

It was a meteoric volcanic magma rain from Daisho Akagi.

Almost pierced the dragon king ship of the beasts.

In order to escape from the chase and interception of the general Akadog, the two emperors also paid a huge price, and the loss of personnel was unknown.

If it counts this expedition completely.

The loss is incalculable.

The four emperors are okay.

At least their main general, the Four Emperors, Charlotte Lingling, is still alive, and they have been salvaged from the vast ocean.

Although he is still in a severely injured coma, he barely survived.

In contrast.

The beast and pirate group on the other side is much more miserable.

Their main commander, the invincible Captain of the Fourth Emperor, Bai Beast Kaido, was completely cold, and he could not even retrieve the body.

Don’t say it’s a corpse.

Not long after the beast Kaido died, his strongest biological ability was taken by an inexplicable person.

The man even threatened to become their new captain.

This feeling, don’t mention how frustrated it is.

Depression, dullness, deathly silence, etc…The negative atmosphere is shrouded in the two Queen Motherships.

It’s been a long while.

On the ship of the Dragon King of Beasts.

Plague Quinn sniffed and stood up.

“I said you, all of us who successfully escaped with such expressions, what we should do now is…celebrate, this is the pirate.”

Plague Quinn spoke.


“Stupid Quinn”

“Quin Stupid”

“Asshole, I really want to encourage you.”

Quinn was annoyed.

“Mr. Quinn, but now…life is dead! How do you make us happy?”

Peggy shook his head with a look of disappointment and panic.(Read more @

“Then how to be on this sea,

Anyone can die. When Kaido is dead, don’t we have to live? It is this time that we can’t be affected by other emotions.

“Now that we are really safe, it doesn’t have to be, that… it doesn’t matter when the navy’s lunatic Red Dog will catch up. We must always be prepared…”

Epidemic Quinn spoke righteously and spoke uprightly.

The impassioned speech made all the beasts and pirates who were in a depressed mood aroused.

“Twitter said so much, idiot Quinn, what do you want to do?”

Poison Tongue sister Wu Luti yelled.

“My idea is very simple


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Shan, now that Mr. Kaido is no longer, we can’t have a group of dragons without a leader. Someone must carry the banner of our beasts, so I propose that I temporarily serve as the temporary captain of the beasts and pirates.”

Epidemic Quinn raised his arms and shouted, finally revealing the true purpose of the previous long talk.

“Who agrees, who opposes”

Plague Quinn glanced across the ship.

A group of ordinary beast combatants and even real fighters were silent.

“It seems that it has been decided, so…”

Plague Quinn grinned and just wanted to announce.

“I object.”

Just before Quinn unilaterally announced the plague, Wu Luti took a sudden step and said loudly.

“I don’t agree.”

Black Maria, the sixth son of the giant, followed up.

“Although I unilaterally announced my withdrawal from Beasts, if I can be elected as the captain, I will unilaterally announce that I will join.”

Fosford grinned.

“me too.”

Murloc Sasaki followed up.

“In order, Yamato is the captain’s first heir. Yamato is absent, and Mr. Jhin is the first to be right.”

Peggy Wan murmured.

The atmosphere on the Hundred Beast Dragon King’s ship was suddenly tense.

In the absence of the absolute king of all beasts, Kaido, this is a mixture of fish and dragons, and the beastly emperor may fall apart at any time.


At this moment, there was a loud laughter, coming from the neighboring mother thief.

“The captain was busy fighting for power right after he died, so I didn’t see it.”

Perrospero sneered.

“It seems that your Hundred Beasts and Pirate Group will become history. Without Kaido, we will not have the need to form an alliance with you.”

Charlotte Irving spoke up.


Charlotte Dafu’s eyes rolled, as if thinking of something.

“Hey, fellow beasts, are you interested in joining us as a thief and becoming our affiliate? My mother will definitely treat you well.”

Dafu smiled treacherously.


“what did you say”

“Are you looking down on us?”

“Don’t even think about it”

The beasts and pirates on the Dragon King’s ship shouted.

“Don’t make any noise, just be quiet.”

Finally, Yan Calamity Jin, who had always remained silent, spoke.

But not because of quarrels, but because of…the sea.

The sea surface where the two huge pirate ships were trembling violently without warning.

“What happened”

“What’s wrong again”

“Under the sea… There seems to be something on the surface of the sea!”

“Huge things, are they sea kings?”

Feeling the sudden tremor of the sea, all the emperor cadres screamed in amazement, no longer the triumph of the previous quarrel.


“Not a sea king class!”

“This is… Kojima!”

‘Boom’ amidst the screams of the beasts and the great emperor pirates.

The huge island broke out of the sea, taking two broken pirate ships, and the emperor officials on the ship soared into the sky.

“Jiehahahaha, beasts and little ghosts, welcome to ‘heaven!!!”

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