One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 468 - The grievances between the five old stars and the heroes (14 seeking s

Chapter 468 – ? The grievances between the five old stars and the heroes? [1/4 seeking subscription]

This content was first published on Huacheng Sea Area.

The bursts of artillery fire gradually subsided.

The undulating sea gradually returned to calm.

The assembly of the 17 warships of the Navy’s order to kill demons is over….It is about 11 kilometers away from Hwaseong Fortress.

A large castle ship pulled by a huge sea snail was quietly anchored above the sea.

Two huge ‘6’s are inscribed on the walls of the castle.

It means they are Germa 66.

Not long ago, under the bombardment of the navy’s turmoil-like slaying order.

Germa 66 can be safe and sound, relying on its identity as a member of the world government.

Even the general Aka Inu is not so crazy that they are indiscriminately obliterated as a franchise country.

“My father, the navy’s order to kill demons seems to be… over.”

Lei Jiu, in a short pink jumpsuit on the bow of Germa 66, tentatively opened her mouth.

“It’s too early to say the end.”

Vince Mokjaji, who has a special moustache, spoke calmly.

Lei Jiu pursed her pink lips, looked at the giant navy ships on the sea not far away, her eyelids suddenly jumped.

“Um… the general Aka Inu, won’t be so crazy that he wants to do something against that city of Hwaseong, that city of heroes.”

Lei Jiu murmured unconsciously.

“This is not impossible. I have heard rumors about the general Aka Inu, who is a real ruthless person, even more ruthless than a pirate.”

Jiazhi said solemnly.

“Even so, Father, shall we continue to watch? Taking advantage of this opportunity, if we can stand on the side of Hwaseong City and help stop the… general, we will definitely be able to add a lot of points to the hero’s heart.”

Lei Jiu suggested.

“Hahaha, what are you worried about, Lei Jiu.”

“If even this little thing can’t be settled, what qualifications do you have to cooperate with us Germa”

“Lei Jiu, you are so anxious, you don’t want to see that…hero! Hahaha!”

Iji, Nichi, and Forgive Green 3 all laughed presumptuously.

“Three 3 idiots.”

Lei Jiu’s complexion sinks slightly.

The red lips lightly opened, but in the end they just shook his head.(Read more @

After all, it is her father who is qualified to make a decision here.

She has said everything that should be said.

In fact, Kage agrees to…Reijiu’s proposal.

After all, this is also an opportunity to show favor to Hwaseong and make up for it.

Only after such a shocking change, Gage had to reassess his risk of allowing Germa to rely on the hero.

After all, not long ago.

After the defeat of the two emperors of the sea, the two people who appeared to attack the hero and Hwaseong are most likely to exist on the Holy Land!!! The highest in the world


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Power, five old stars.

Others may not know.

But Jiazhi, who has participated in the World Conference many times and has been in close contact with the Five Old Stars, is very clear.

Even though those two can hide their original appearance.

But that… the breathtaking breath can’t be wrong.

As the supreme power of the world government, the five old stars at the top actually walked down the holy land and came here.

And launched a surprise attack on that… the hero who has made great contributions to the world.

It’s really wrong to think about this kind of thing.

The relationship between the hero and the five old stars turned out to be hostile to the world government! There must be some hidden secret in this.

Perhaps it is related to the mystery of the hero’s disappearance 36 years ago.

At this moment, Jiazhi was in a state of confusion.

Now that the five old stars intervened, he had to reconsider the possible consequences of his next move.

If you really use Hwaseong and the heroes as backers, it probably means that you will be an enemy of the world government.

If the hero loses in the end.

Then let alone dominate the North Sea and restore Germa’s former glory.

What awaits them is to be completely obliterated by the government.

The representative is too big, so it needs to be more cautious.

“Um…oh, that…General Akainu, do you really want to do it?”

Lei Jiu, who was always paying attention to the movements of the warship, was shocked and screamed…

The calm sea of ​​‘Blalala’ suddenly gave rise to violent waves.

That was the seventeen war-class warships of the Navy breaking through the sea.

One after another, they stopped not far from the gateway island of Hwaseong.

The swarthy muzzle of the ‘tatata’ turned.

Locked on the pirate ships hiding in the gateway of Hwaseong Fortress.

Death Surgeon Trafalgarro’s Heart Pirates, Magic Hawkins Pirates, Fallen Rear Admiral Drake Pirates, Knight Pirates, Lei Qing Pirates, Cavendish Shujunmei Pirate Group, Eight Treasure Marine Corps, etc…

Not long ago.

When the navy’s order to kill demons was launched.

The big pirate groups that were defeated in the first round of the conference all got on the boat and ran away in the first time.

Taking advantage of the navy’s encirclement net has not yet closed, coupled with the cover of the top battlefield of the sea, fled in a hurry.

The last remaining ones are naturally the powerful contestants who advanced to the second round and their respective pirate groups.

It was just that when they wanted to retreat and escape, the navy’s encirclement of demons had already formed.

In that desperate situation, the actions of the Bucky Pirates showed them the last way to survive.

I don’t know if it is intentional or unintentional.

There is a huge gap in the navy’s encirclement net.

That is Hwaseong…

Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading


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